Cheekychinchilla's food and stuff

Ha ha ha ha ha if you ever do the wheelchair/dribbled on look I want to see a picture :D
Hope you belly is behaving itself today x x
I've had a couple of ciders and my head's killing me even more. Totally worth it for Swedish cider :D Went round to my ex's/fake brothers brother lol for tea, to watch the IT Crowd finale and to play Cards Against Humanity :D Was a really good night actually and he made us pizza and SW wedges ;)
I had 3 slices of pizza and a handful of wedges. And my two Rekorderlig (silly Swedish word!) ciders. I've set one of them aside because it's there new Winter Cider and can be drunk hot :D

Anyway, I saw my GP today and I've copied this from an email to my boss so I don't have to re-type it in my slightly drunk state ;)
Not much of an update really, but I am a little hopeful. Have just gotten back from my gp.
He checked my blood results from last week and it's really unusual, it's completely confused him and me, my thyroid stimulating hormone has actually dropped to the lowest it has ever been. It's gone from 10.0 in July to 3.9 as of last week :s Still above the normal range though. They also tested my prolactin and it's dropped by 300, taking me to just above the normal range, whereas I was really quite high - over 1000! He agrees that this is very bizarre, considering the severity of my symptoms over the last few weeks. And how changeable they are. Some weeks a particular group of symptoms are worse than others. They're all still there and never stop, but some take a bit of a back seat at times.
Hope I'm explaining that well?
Also, I had an idea of some symptomatic treatment that might help me - for the most severe, debilitating symptoms. I've ordered a set of those drug free travel sickness/nausea bands. And my Doctor has now prescribed me a trial of migraine medication. He agrees that even though I'm not suffering from migraines, that some of my symptoms are so close to those of migraine sufferers that there's a chance they could have an effect.
I know this is a big 'if', but IF they do help and it means I can cope with the day to day a bit better it would mean I could continue symptomatic treatment whilst continuing to be investigated. Which could mean IF they work I could look at returning to work as I might be able to treat symptomatically and get some relief from the worst of it.
He's only give me a week's supply but he said if they work (or don't) to go back and see him and we'll either continue the meds or look elsewhere.
I know it's not much, but could be a good start :)
He has given me a sick note that takes me until the end of November - when I see the endocrine specialist - and you should get this on Monday morning. It can be changed if things happen though.

I had a think about what was said at the meeting regarding contacting my referral Dr and I think it's a really good idea and might actually get them moving if they're getting pestered by someone official and not just me.
I don't have a direct number for them, they won't give me one! But I call the hospital switchboard and ask to be put through to Doctor Ganguli's receptionist. I give you and head office full permission for this and actually think it may help.

I'm gonna drink some coffee and eat a Twix :D See y'all tomorrow.xx
Hey- awesome that the doc has started giving you symptomatic treatment! Can imagine that would be such a relief if it works, the headaches sound so awful like the ones G had wih Glandular fever (we went to A&E because they were so.bad he his head might explode or something- can imagine how horrible it must be to get them chronically!)
Sounds like you had a great night :D
How many syns are in Rekorderlig? I love it (and Kopparberg!!) but havent dare to touch it as it's so sugary.
Good luck with the new meds, really nice to hear you hopeful about things! X
As if I know how many syns are in the cider :p :8855:

The headache's are horrible. I just can't believe that I've genuinely had a headache since February, normal pain meds didn't work, and all the times I've told someone and not one person has offered me any sort of treatment. It's a bit like "You don't ask, you don't get!" Although sometimes I think Dr's (and vets!) end up looking at the actual cause and diagnosis rather than symptoms. Which I can understand, but I've been suffering for quite a while without any intervention.
It would be so amazing if these worked. Even just to give me some sort of relief on the bad days - like today! I honestly feel like the front of my face and head are going to explode off. Had to wear my sunglasses a lot today because the light sensitivity was mental!

I told him about the bizarre symptoms I've been getting this week - the added muscle cramps and the crazy sweating. He agreed it was odd and doesn't fit too. Well at least that's something!
He also agreed that getting work to contact the Dr's at the hospital might give them a kick up the a*se too! Which is why I've given them permission for that. lets face it, I've got nothing to hide and definitely nothing to lose.
Just can't believe those blood test results. Absolute madness!
I probably shouldn't get too hopeful. But this is like the only, tiniest light I've seen in months. And it's worth a try eh?! :) I'm actually willing to do anything at the moment!

Off to bed coz I'm knackered and super ouchy!xx
Fingers crossed!
Symptoms sound just... Ugh, how do you manage to even get out of bed feeling that bad? :(
Will you try he meds today then? Good luck! X
I'm spending about 12hrs in bed every day - if I don't have to get up for something. I'm still not sleeping well, so I'm not sleeping for that amount, but just resting.

I've got the prescription for the meds I just need to get them. My local chemist didn't have them in stock yesterday so going to try and find somewhere today. My Sea Band's arrived today too :)

Just had my lunch so waiting for that to kick in so I can go the loo before I leave the house :rolleyes:
I'm glad to hear the doctor has given you some medication, fingers crossed it helps.
I hope your work contacting them gets their butts into action, they're really taking the mick now. I'm sure realises you're trying to get yourself sorted and you wanted to return as quickly as possible.
I hope you've had a good day x x
Hey guys!
Have had quite a nice day. I did a run to the local privately run pet shop then met Mum for a bit. Went to Pets at Home for a few things the small pet shop doesn't sell and spotted some sacks of James Wellbeloved food had been reduced. It was a 7.5kg Senior bag and the date was short (I don't care :p) and it was reduced from £40 to £12!!! So that's Ellie's food sorted for a couple of weeks. Can just mix it in with her normal food. Total bargain! Normally I wouldn't recommend doing this sort of thing, but Ellie has a cast-iron stomach and can eat ANYTHING! Plus I am mixing it in to her existing food ;)
Will definitely look out for more of them when I go in :)
The bunnies food was still on offer too. Get in! And they've started stocking the Selective brand of small animal foods, so got the chinchilla's a big bag of that to mix with their regular food. They love the Selective stuff - weirdo's ;)
Oh and I bought Mr Frog some bloodworm. No one was left out today lol!

After shopping I met my friend Michelle at her new place and helped her move her stuff upstairs (our old boss brought all her stuff in his van :D) and played with the cats. The cats are Georgie and Mr Bingley :D
I was supposed to be showing her how to cook something, but she got distracted and ended up doing stuff while I was cooking lol. We had Quorn ratatouille with pasta and half a garlic bread each :eek: I also bought her some cupcakes as a kinda present and I had half a chocolate one and half a gingerbread one :eek:
I've also had a Costa drink and some Peanut Butter cups today :rolleyes:
My plan for food tomorrow is as low syn as possible because there's no way I'll be on plan next week! I am on holiday after all ;)

Picked up the migraine meds today. The pharmacist didn't think they had any, but checked and they had some but they weren't sugar free. i was just like "I don't care if they're sugar free, just give me them!!!" If they work then I'll move over to the sugar free ones, but right now I don't give a sh*t :p

On the end of my email to my boss I put "As always, I'm desperate to get back to work and I really am fighting for it all the time."
I'm really trying not to get my hopes up, but you never know.

Should really go to bed seen as we're going to run to Sainsbury's tomorrow, buy some stuff for a road trip picnic, and fill up the car. Last time I was there I got a double points voucher for petrol, so hoping I will this week too ;) Why not eh?! lol. And my car really likes Sainsbury's petrol, it last forever! Sainsbury's and Morrison's are by far the best petrol for my car. Whereas Tesco's petrol just vanishes! It's odd isn't it?! My Sister used Tesco for her petrol when she had her Punto and she uses it for the diesel in her boyfriend's (now hers lol) Ford. And it's great. So weird!

Anyway, I've proper rambled on here haven't I?! Gonna head to bed and read for a bit. Night all.xx
So cute how excited your post was about buying nice treats for the fluffies (and squirmy... Mr Frog) :D love pet enthusiasm hehe!
Cute that the cat was in your bag!! My sister's cat did that once...Lil' Juan LOVES bags but not so much handbags (I guess he wouldnt really fit in mine) but always goes.into grocery bags and ikea bags :p

Lolz at "Just gimmie the sugary ones!"- can imagine that in a really dramatic and funny way LOL

Funny what you said about Tesco fuel... We always get it from there as it is our local supermarket one, havent noticed a difference between brands but havent been lookig out for it and have only.filled up like 5 times since we got it in December... We dont get out much :rolleyes: LOL
Hey guys!
Have had quite a nice day. I did a run to the local privately run pet shop then met Mum for a bit. Went to Pets at Home for a few things the small pet shop doesn't sell and spotted some sacks of James Wellbeloved food had been reduced. It was a 7.5kg Senior bag and the date was short (I don't care :p) and it was reduced from £40 to £12!!! So that's Ellie's food sorted for a couple of weeks. Can just mix it in with her normal food. Total bargain! Normally I wouldn't recommend doing this sort of thing, but Ellie has a cast-iron stomach and can eat ANYTHING! Plus I am mixing it in to her existing food ;)
Will definitely look out for more of them when I go in :)
The bunnies food was still on offer too. Get in! And they've started stocking the Selective brand of small animal foods, so got the chinchilla's a big bag of that to mix with their regular food. They love the Selective stuff - weirdo's ;)
Oh and I bought Mr Frog some bloodworm. No one was left out today lol!

After shopping I met my friend Michelle at her new place and helped her move her stuff upstairs (our old boss brought all her stuff in his van :D) and played with the cats. The cats are Georgie and Mr Bingley :D
I was supposed to be showing her how to cook something, but she got distracted and ended up doing stuff while I was cooking lol. We had Quorn ratatouille with pasta and half a garlic bread each :eek: I also bought her some cupcakes as a kinda present and I had half a chocolate one and half a gingerbread one :eek:
I've also had a Costa drink and some Peanut Butter cups today :rolleyes:
My plan for food tomorrow is as low syn as possible because there's no way I'll be on plan next week! I am on holiday after all ;)

Picked up the migraine meds today. The pharmacist didn't think they had any, but checked and they had some but they weren't sugar free. i was just like "I don't care if they're sugar free, just give me them!!!" If they work then I'll move over to the sugar free ones, but right now I don't give a sh*t :p

On the end of my email to my boss I put "As always, I'm desperate to get back to work and I really am fighting for it all the time."
I'm really trying not to get my hopes up, but you never know.

Should really go to bed seen as we're going to run to Sainsbury's tomorrow, buy some stuff for a road trip picnic, and fill up the car. Last time I was there I got a double points voucher for petrol, so hoping I will this week too ;) Why not eh?! lol. And my car really likes Sainsbury's petrol, it last forever! Sainsbury's and Morrison's are by far the best petrol for my car. Whereas Tesco's petrol just vanishes! It's odd isn't it?! My Sister used Tesco for her petrol when she had her Punto and she uses it for the diesel in her boyfriend's (now hers lol) Ford. And it's great. So weird!

Anyway, I've proper rambled on here haven't I?! Gonna head to bed and read for a bit. Night all.xx

Glad you had a nice day, I'm like you once i start shopping for the furry/feathered family I end up getting all sorts lol. I start buying Sam food, then I'll get him a chew toy and some treat, then Bert & Ernie's food, then treats and then toys, they like destroying them :rolleyes: Budgie toys are so cute :) I want a bigger cage for them, haven't told Ian yet though ha ha ha.

I love cats, they will try and sit in anything they can, they adore boxes. I wish Sam was cat friendly I'd get a fluffy kitten :) Someone offered me one the other day and I had to say no :(

I don't think where I buy diesel would make any difference to our car, we buy it, the car takes it goes yum and it's gone :confused:

I ope today has been equally as nice x x x
The cat was lots of fun. I took Michelle's new duvet out of the zip up bag it came in. Georgie got straight in it and was trying to attack Bingley through it lol! The bag of mine she got in was a big canvas shopping bag. Stupid creatures ;)
I needed to do a BIG pet shop because of me going away. My Sister's looking after all the fluffies so I needed to make sure she had everything she needs. Bought fruit and veg today too.
But I do like a good bargain ;) And it really helps at the moment. My pay's gone down to SSP level now, so I'm getting not much of anything. Thanks God I'm still entitled to tax credits! Coz after my bills and animal food and stuff I really rely on the tax credits each work as my every day money. I dunno what I'd do without that!
But you never know, maybe I wont have to put up with being a bit poorer for much longer. You never know eh?!

I haven't tried the new meds yet coz I only got 6 and didn't wanna waste them. Will no doubt feel bad enough to try them out while I was away. Was kicking myself before because I went to sainsbury's and forgot to take the Sea Band's with me. I get really really sick under supermarket type lights! Would have been a good chance to try them out!

Have pretty much packed now, just the likes of my straighteners to go in in the morning. We got picnic food as well and Mum's bought tons of biscuits and chocolate to last us probably much longer than the 4 nights we're away ;)

I have only had one syn so far today, so my low syn day is going well. I will definitely stick to it for today. I might even try and make some healthy choices while we're away. Maybe.... ;)

Just sorting out an email so I've got the addresses I need for the Sat Nav. Hopefully I wont likely crash and kill us all (a Firefly quote, don't worry!!) :p

Oh I discovered today that sainsbury's petrol pumps have an automatic cut off thing so you can't over-fill your tank :whistle: I've never had more than half a tank in my car (money saving expert said not to fill if you don't have to as you're carting round extra weight!) so I guessed that it took about £60. And there was about a fiver left in the tank. NOPE!! It stopped me at £47.99! LOL! Good job it does that. We decided on £50 so I wouldn't risk over flowing it LOL! It'll be interesting to see how far that gets us anyway. My car is really economical on longer drives. Think it cost about £6 for a round trip to Chester zoo from my house. And it's about £9 to Manchester airport and back :)

Starting to get really nervous about all the driving and being away and stuff *wibble* I'm sure it'll be fine but I've never, ever driven this far and I'm not exactly at 100% at the moment lol. I'm sure it'll be fine....

Have been a bit busy today. We went to Sainsbury's for food and petrol. Mum hoovered the car (Ellie destroyed it when I took her to work and forgot the seat cover!) and I emptied the boot and cleaned the windows ;) Did a big clean on the bunnies too and de-poo'd the garden. I'm bloody knackered! Really hope I sleep better tonight. xx
I'm absolutely exhausted Tace. But really nervous too!
I really do think it'll be fine and I'm really looking forward to staying at the B&B :D If it goes to plan we're going to Salisbury and Stonehenge tomorrow before we check in. And I've just booked our 2 day passes for Longleat for Tues and Wed :)

Think I might watch an episode of something and then head to bed. Trying to relax. Had to kinda tell John off again for something and I'm really stressing out :( Seems ok, but I really hate any sort of confrontation!!x
Hope you are having a good trip! :D I filmed in Salsbury once and know a hilarious video about stonehenge, will have to link you it when I'm on laptop and you're back! X
I'll have a look at the vid when Mum's not watching something on tv lol!

I did have a good week thank you. I'll just get the moaning out of the way first...

The driving was insane! The motorway wasn't too bad going and even though I was an idiot and we got half an hour away before I realised I forgot my proper coat and had to go back. Was like a test run! So we were already running an hour late by then...
We stopped st Stafford and had a picnic outside with the ducks :D The rest was fine, but we decided there was no way we'd have time to actually go in to Salisbury :( But we were definitely going to Stonehenge! So that's where we went and all was fine until we left the motorway and started on the A roads. OMG the hills!!! I spent a lot of time with my head down mentally willing people to overtake me while I took a hill on a national speed limit road at 25! My car's only got a little engine :p And even though it's really hilly where I live, it's nothing compared to proper rural hills! How I didn't blow up the car, I dunno.... I did eventually get a bit better at gear changes on hills, but I never got up to the speed limits lol.
Stonehenge was fantastic. Such a serene, beautiful place! We were there just over an hour I think. We went round twice and just wandered round and took our time. i'm SO glad I've finally been and I would definitely go again :) We would have been there for sunset, if the clouds hadn't of been so thick and heavy!
Then we had to get to the guest house :sigh: It had started getting dark and by the time we got anywhere near the village we needed it was pitch black. Now, I only got my licence just under 12 months ago and I have never, ever driven in rural conditions. I was not expecting national speed limits, with no road lighting at all, completely pitch black, and the crazy twisty turns. Oh and NO bloody road signs or road markings!!! The SatNav I borrow is my Sister's boyfriends and he bought it for the road trip in America. So it's not too great with postcodes. And, the road we needed, none of the properties had number and it's a bloody big road! We were on the very edge of the village boundaries and on the boundary for Wiltshire/Somerset. We must have driven past it 3 times and ended up in various places.
I was so stressed by the time Mum thought she spotted it I thought I was going to be sick. We did find it and it was farm buildings, by itself, on the edge of this pitch black national speed limit road. No lighting for the signs or anything! The next day we saw at the edge of the road there was a big black metal dog with googly eyes - but no light!! So if you hadn't been there before, like us, it's really hard to find!!
Anyway, when we got there the guy had forgotten I'd added on the extra day. He was on holiday when I emailed and he'd forgotten to put us in the book! He brought us in and made us coffee while they set up there room. Then he helped us with our bags. So not too bad really ;)
On the reviews I'd read a few saying they'd walked to local pubs. This must have been in the summer, with light nights because there's no way you could walk round there in the dark and not get killed on the road. So I had to drive us to the local village for tea. I could barely eat and only had about half of my tea :( I was just so stressed and my head was so painful and the nausea was insane!
The drive to Longleat the next day wasn't too bad and the difference it made driving in the day time was unbelievable! I did eventually sort of get used to the roads and we did start spotting 'landmarks' so we knew we were coming up to the guest house and I could slow down and signal. It didn't stop being scary tho :p
When we got back to Liverpool I was thinking "I laugh in the face of your wide, well lit, 30mph roads" Lol!

Anyway, fun stuff.... Longleat was fantastic! We bought the 2 day passes and it was so worth it. No way you could do it all in one day! The first day we did the safari first and were in time to hand feed the giraffes :D The safari was really good and there was plenty of space to overtake, so you didn't feel rushed if you wanted to sit and watch the animals. We avoided the monkey enclosure, coz I don't need more stuff falling off my car! I did have an idea to bribe them with banana's and see if they could get me a set of Peugeot wheel trims for the second day - I've only got two wheel trims left and they're not even proper Peugeot:p
It was actually pretty fun driving through the park. I thought I'd miss things being the driver, but it was really good! The rest of that day was spent walking round the zoo part and we saw a brilliant bird of prey display - best one of them I've ever seen! We even got on the kids train ;)
That night I was so exhausted and still a bit stressed that we found a Morrison's and bought stuff for a hotel room picnic. I got a Pot Noodle, a wholemeal roll, light Philly, and a little bottle of red wine. Super classy me ;)
The second day at Longleat we went to the house first. We didn't know it didn't open till 12 and got there for 11 :rolleyes: But we were just in time for a private tour of the closed off parts of the house!! The family were home and the woman had to keep radio'ing them to tell them where we were and how many of us and stuff. I would have loved to have bumped in to Lord Bath!! Have been a fan of his since I was a kid from watching Animal Park ;) We got to see his own artwork and murals and quite a few of the family rooms. It was amazing! Then we got to see the rest of the house when it opened.
We did the bits of the zoo we'd missed the day before and then went back to the safari. It was so much quieter in the afternoon, but the animals were so lively! There's parts of it where you can have your window open and we pulled up between these two HUGE camels. Mum was looking at the one by my window not realising her one had stuck his head thru the window trying to get her coffee. She just felt his breath on her ear, turned round, and proper sh*t herself. I couldn't breathe!! It was so funny :8855:
Then we watched 4 rhino's chase the car in front of me (n*bhead BMW driver ;)) and the keeper had to come and chase them away with a tractor!!! Then we saw the Ostriches racing round the paddock. I've never seen them run in real life and it's incredible to watch!
The tigers, lions, and wolves were right by the roads this time and for a while I couldn't move the car because there were two lions that kept crossing right in front of the car and wouldn't let me pass lol. I had a wolf cross in front of me and go round the car - got a really cool pic of him in my side mirror :D
I'd not seen wolves in real life either and I was SO glad they were out and about. We'd only managed to catch a glimpse on the first day.
I really did love Longleat and I'm so glad I've been!! The lake boat ride's really cool and you can throw fish to the sealions :D And we saw the hippo's! They've got such a good collection of animals and it's quite 'hands on' too. Quite a few feeding opportunities, there's a good few 'walk through' enclosures, there's a petting/handling bit, and a new stingray pool where you can 'tickle' them. They have quite a different approach to other zoo's and it's very well laid out too. Could have happily gone back for a 3rd day!

The next day we decided to go to Bath, coz the weather was awful!! Instead of driving we decided to drive to a local train station and get the train in. Was so nice to not have to drive for ages and worry about parking and stuff. Bath's really nice too! We didn't see much of it because we ended up in the Roman Baths for well over 3hrs! That's such a cool place and very interesting :) We did get to the abbey and we had a wander round the shops. I'd love to go back there too and would definitely love to try the spa ;)
We had tea in Giraffe that night, but I was still really struggling with eating so couldn't finish my meal and definitely no dessert!! I did have some chocolate a few hours later, but I was so disappointed. I love Giraffe!

And then it was our last morning! We decided to go to Bradford-on-Avon on the way home because it looked really pretty. Only took about 20mins to get to :)
And it is a very pretty village! We were there nearly 4hrs in the end and had coffee and then lunch a bit later. We found the Saxon church and the Mason's Lodge and walked by the river for a bit. Did a bit of shopping too and we found a shop selling local artists work and I found a hare!!! He's so bloody cute :D I think he's made from clay and he's just so cute. Definitely worth the £15! I also bought a couple of pictures of hares from another shop - they're actually greetings cards, but would look nice in a frame. And we found a proper wine shop and the guy was really helpful and helped me buy some local beers :D One for me is by Bath ales and there emblem is a hare ;)

The drive back was ridiculous! Without stopping it should have taken us just under 3 and a half hours. It took us nearly 7hrs to get home!!! The traffic was so bad. We had one half an hour stop when we first got to the motorway - that took us 2hrs in itself! And then the satnav asked if we wanted to change the route to avoid traffic and it took us back to the A roads. I was driving for over 3hrs without a stop coz there just wasn't one! We eventually got to a services just outside of Chester, only 30mins from home, but I couldn't keep going.
I was so tired by the time we got back! My sister had made us dinner and I cracked open one of the beers I'd bought. I definitely deserved that ;)

My food's been a bit all over the place. Not being able to finish meals, but then getting hungry later in the evening and snacking on biscuits and chocolate. We did walk a lot and I'm sure all that stress will have burned calories lol!

I didn't do anything on Saturday. And on Sunday my Sister took us to the cinema :) Haven't done very much today either! But we have plans for the rest of the week.
Think we're just going to do coffee and the cinema tomorrow.
Wednesday we're going to Chester for the day with my friend Caz.
And Thursday we're off to Anglesey. We've booked a hotel for the night as well :) We have a few ideas of places to visit and we're going to go to Bangor on the way home on the Friday :) I'm so bloody tired :p

Hope everyone's doing ok and super well done if you read all that ;) xx