Cheekychinchilla's food and stuff

Aww, go Ellie! That's such good news, I remember how stressed you were when she first got ill. And brilliant news about all the Christmas fayre donations! The vegans are being good to you, it seems :) In my experience, local businesses are always more willing to donate things and get involved with community events, they tend to have a stronger standing within the community and they probably need the exposure more than bigger companies. Really happy to hear that it's going well. I'd probably have fallen into the 3 Linda McCartney sausage trap as well, but I only had one box so I've been rationing them! Having the last two for tea tonight, really hope I find some again soon! xx

Yeah I'm glad she's responded to the treatment so well. We lose so many doggies when they start it. The illness is either progressed too far or the treatment kills 'em. We're so lucky! Esp as she was being treated for a different illness for 3 years! Very happy that she's pretty healthy and happy now :)

The vegans are indeed being good to me :D Yeah the smaller businesses are being so much nicer and more helpful. Think I've done pretty well :D I'm impressed anyway lol.

And what did you think of the sausages? I didn't like them at all at first and now I love them. Hope your Mum can get you some more.xx
I really liked the sausages, they're much nicer than normal Linda McCartney ones. I'm very used to the taste and texture of the original ones because for a long time they were pretty much the only vegan freezer option! I'm so confused as to how they're free though, I find them quite greasy. Ah well, who am I to question the SW gods? Such good news about Ellie, it must be a massive relief to see her full of beans again! xx
I decided to go with Mum and not sit at home sulking. We went to Costa and I had the most underwhelming hot chocolate ever - the honeycomb Christmas one. Could barely taste the chocolate never mind the honeycomb flavour. It's probably a bit short, but I refuse to allow it more than 3 syns coz it was so disappointing.... :p But I didn't have cake or anything, so not bad lol.
Then we had a wander round Tesco. They had Johnnie Walker Gold Label for £32!!! It usually sells at £60+ I may have to get one if they're still that price when I next get paid *strokes chin* Doesn't matter that I have some JW Red Label left, and unopened bottle of JW Black Label, and 3/4 of a bottle each of The Black Grouse and a 12yr old Auchentoshan ..... i really don't drink very much :rolleyes:

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, whisky! Very jealous of your stash! xx
I really liked the sausages, they're much nicer than normal Linda McCartney ones. I'm very used to the taste and texture of the original ones because for a long time they were pretty much the only vegan freezer option! I'm so confused as to how they're free though, I find them quite greasy. Ah well, who am I to question the SW gods? Such good news about Ellie, it must be a massive relief to see her full of beans again! xx

I cook the sausages under the grill and the amount of 'crap' they leave in there and the amount they 'spit' is ridiculous. I'm pretty sure they're rolled in fat lol! No idea how they can be free but ignorance is bliss....

Yeah Ellie's doing brill! Can't believe she's put on 2kg as well! Although that means I've not lost an Ellie now :eek:
Friday: My lovely friend Erica was in Liverpool for work today so I went to meet her and we went for coffee and cake and a good cath-up :) She only had a couple of hours before getting her train, but it was so nice to see her. She'll be back in Dec for work too :D
I feel so ill today. I'm really snotty and my sinuses are v painful and burning, the left side of my head/face/neck/arm and left eye are SO sore. I always get this (neuralgia?) when I'm run down. So fed up of feeling ill!! Still got a bit of a sore throat and a tickly cough too :cry:
I had a slice of chocolate crunch at the veggie place. It's vegan and just biscuit and dark chocolate. I'll use my saved syns for it, which should be fine (13.5 syns) And I'll start re-saving syns from today :) Had a very low syn day so tis good.

I forgot I was going to have a hot chocolate and Mum's made me a coffee and I really can't fit anything else in lol. Will just have to have half a HexA today.

Lunch: 2 Linda M sausages, spaghetti hoops, cheesy mushroom scrambled eggs (half HexA for cheese and 0.5 syns for 1tsp of Philadelphia light), wholemeal bread, and sauce.
At Egg: Chocolate Crunch slice.
Tea: chickpea daal with onion, mushrooms, Quorn pieces, 3 diff coloured peppers, spinach, and spices in. With a pack of Chinese rice and cottage cheese. All free!!
Drinks: Coffee. Diet Coke.

An EE day I think.
HexA: Cheese/
HexB: Bread
Syns used: 1.5 for food & the 13.5 saved ones for the chocolate crunch.
Syns saved: 8.5
Exercise: Walking to and from bus stops and around town. About an hour or so.
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Saturday: Doing my first ever early weekend shift this weekend! Up at 6am :cry:and working 8-6:30. Will be weird doing the early shift!! And I'll be in the back working kennels and theater instead of consults/dispensary/reception. Eeeek!
Got some nice food to get me by.

Green Day + 15 syns

Breakfast: Porridge, raisins, Splenda, and Hazelnut milk.

First break: Red grapes, strawberries, raspberries, and an Activia.

Lunch: Sweet jacket spud, 1 syn chilli, cheese, salad, beetroot, and dressing.

Second break: Leftover berries.

Tea: 2 Quorn southern fried burgers, mac & cheese, cheese, gherkins, red cabbage (it's Oddsock's fault!), geen beans, peas, sweetcorn, and carrots. A touch of dressing.

Snack: Shape 0 and a Fibre Plus.

Drinks: Diet Coke. Coffee. Squash.

HexA: cheese + hazelnut milk/normal milk
HexB: Porridge + Fibre Plus
Syns used: 11
Syns saved: 12.5
Exercise: Walking and work.
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Sunday plan: EE Day + 15

Breakfast: Porridge, raisins, Splenda, and Hazelnut milk.

First break: Strawberries, raspberries, and an Activia.

Lunch: Chinese rice, leftovers of the chickpea daal I did on Fri, and cottage cheese

Afternoon: Clementines.

Tea: Mum made a lovely roast coz we were both craving a carvery :p

End of week treat: I've brought home a cupcake and a little scone from work (we have some lovely clients!)and I may have some chocolate or alcohol. Not decided yet. Bit of an off plan evening. See post below ;)

Drinks: Coffee. Squash. Coke Zero.

HexA: Hazelnut milk/
HexB: Porridge
Syns used:
Syns leftover this week:
Exercise: Walking and work.
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How was work yesterday?

Work was busy yesterday but we managed to stay on top of things. Today was horrific! I was first in for my team and took over the emergency line from our overnight lady. i was greeted with "welcome to hell" by more than one member of staff (we have a private vet care team who are on our building overnight seeing our clients and looking after our inpatients) The place was a tip, the amount of inpatients we had had tripled, we had way more ops than we could deal with, and we were all just run ragged. Every now and then I'd bump in to a nurse and we'd just stand and look at each other and sigh before rushing off.
I mean our place is beyond busy. It doesn't compare with a private practice. So for us to be caught out and not be able to cope kinda gives you the idea of how bad it was! We work bloody hard in that place.

So yeah, I'm shattered, my stress levels are maxed out, and I am having a night off SW. I hardly ever cave in to a 'bad day' but considering the amount of bad days I've had recently I don't think I've done too badly. Just feel so rubbish :(

ps. Bet you're glad you asked now?! :p
Monday. Soooo, after a night filled with cake and chocolate (which I actually feel really guilty about) I have decided that I HAVE to be 100% until I have the pizza night at my house on the 30th. I can totally do that, right? The scales weren't being good to me either at the weekend. Still on 71-72kg :rolleyes: so hopefully with almost 2 weeks being 100% I will see a bit of a loss. Or at least some more inches. Just wanted to lose a little more before my heart check-up :sigh:

Anyway, today will be an EE day to kick the week off good style ;) I'm also having a day of doing bugger all to recover from the hideous weekend.

Lunch: Jacket spud, half a tin of spaghetti, 2 Linda M Sausages, salad, and 1/2tbsp of sauce. (0.5 syns)

Snack: clementine

Tea: Ratatouille (the tub from the freezer I made for me and the boy.....idiot!) with Quorn meatballs, wholemeal spaghetti, cheese, salad, beetroot, dressing & extra light mayo. (0.5 syns)

Snack: Gingerbread porridge, raisins, banana, honey, and hazelnut milk. (3 syns)

Drinks: Coffee. Coke Zero. Squash.

HexA: cheese/'milk'
HexB: Porridge
Syns used: 4
Syns saved: 6
Exercise: I cleaned out the bunnies. That was about it!
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Tuesday: An absolute miracle has occurred! I got up before midday on a day off without setting my alarm :eek: So, with my extra time I am wandering around the internet and watching This Morning ;) I WILL be doing work later, I'm determined to get an assignment done this week. But, after lunch. Mum's working till very late today so I'll have a lot of quiet time this afternoon.
Also, I don't suppose anyone has a Kindle Fire HD? I'm stuck between one of them or a Nexus. Mum wants to get me on for my 30th and I want a device that does everything! Books, video/film, music, apps/games, etc.... The only thing that was putting me off the Fire was that it seemed you needed a subscription to Love Film to get the video content. But a Netflix app (which I subscribe to) has been released. Huzzah!!
So yeah, if anyone has any opinions on either tablet, feel free to share.
Tuesday food: Have decided to turn today in to another EE Day seen as I'm not hungry enough for anymore Hex's. + 10 syns

Lunch: 2 LindaM sausages, half a tin of beans, cheesy scrambled egg with field mushrooms (check me out ;)) and yellow pepper, crispy potatoes, wholemeal toast, and sauce. (1 syn + HexB + half HexA)

Tea: Didn't have a clue what to have, so ended up with... Onion, mushroom, yellow & orange peppers, cherry tomatoes, 2tbsp of tinned tomatoes, steamed broccoli, with Quorn mince and a load of seasoning. Had it with tomato Pasta N Sauce, cheese, salad, red cabbage, beetroot, a bit of dressing and extra light mayo. (0.5 syns + half HexA)

Snack: 1 Hotel Chocolat choc and a Shape 0 (3.5 syns)

Drinks: Coffee. Diet Coke. Squash.

HexA: Cheese
HexB: Bread
Syns used: 5
Syns saved: 11
Exercise: A brain workout ;)
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I'm looking forward to trying that chocolate crunch thing when I'm officially a Merseysider :) I'll probably also invite myself along to whisky tastings, haha. Those sausages really are so greasy, it's weird after getting used to life without excess oil! At least it makes them feel like a treat I suppose. High-five for the mushrooms, by the way! xx
I'm looking forward to trying that chocolate crunch thing when I'm officially a Merseysider :) I'll probably also invite myself along to whisky tastings, haha. Those sausages really are so greasy, it's weird after getting used to life without excess oil! At least it makes them feel like a treat I suppose. High-five for the mushrooms, by the way! xx

Can't wait for you to live closer :D
It is weird the sausages being so greasy. Luckily they don't really taste greasy, do they? Everything must leak out when we cook them lol! I haven't cooked them in a pan, only on the grill, so dunno what they're like that way.
I'm doing well with the mushrooms. I found some nice looking French field mushrooms in Tesco the other day on offer :)
cheekychinchilla said:
Tuesday: An absolute miracle has occurred! I got up before midday on a day off without setting my alarm :eek: So, with my extra time I am wandering around the internet and watching This Morning ;) I WILL be doing work later, I'm determined to get an assignment done this week. But, after lunch. Mum's working till very late today so I'll have a lot of quiet time this afternoon.
Also, I don't suppose anyone has a Kindle Fire HD? I'm stuck between one of them or a Nexus. Mum wants to get me on for my 30th and I want a device that does everything! Books, video/film, music, apps/games, etc.... The only thing that was putting me off the Fire was that it seemed you needed a subscription to Love Film to get the video content. But a Netflix app (which I subscribe to) has been released. Huzzah!!
So yeah, if anyone has any opinions on either tablet, feel free to share.

My dad got a kindle hd. Was initially disappointed it didn't come with camera / microphone. Also movies etc have to be cloud based so have t be in wifi. Apart from that he loves it! Good pix And easy to navigate.
I'm hoping with the Netflix app it'll be a bit better. Or being able to store film and tv content. I did expect that it would need wifi. I want it for going on holiday and to replace my iPod Touch - which is why I want it to do everything! I'm gonna get an iPod Nano prob for most of my music. So want whatever I get to do apps/games and viceo and stuff.
Someone's recommended me the Nexus and said that the Kindle Fire HD is basically a crappy version of that. I don't know :cry:lol

Thanks for letting me know Ophelia :D x
Wednesday. Off out to the pics later to see Silver Linings Playbook :) We'll be going for tea at the veggie place, so planned my lunch to help out with Hex's and syns.

Green Day + 10 syns

Lunch: 2 Quorn fillets with a bit of Las Iguanas' spicy sauce, Low Fat Supernoodles, salad, beetroot, dressing and mayo (1 syn)

Tea at Egg: Decided to be kinda good and get the plain cheese on toast, rather than the one with garlic butter :) Cheese on wholemeal toast, pasta, cous cous, salad, chickpeas, beetroot, red cabbage, tomatoes, onions, cucumber, and 1tbsp of light salad cream (All Hex's+ and five syns. 2 for the salad cream and a few extra just in case :))

Snacks: An Activia fat free & 2 Mikado (1)

Drinks: Coffee. Pepsi Max.

HexA: Cheese x 2
HexB: Bread x 2
Syns used: 7
Syns saved: 14
Exercise: Walking to and from bus stops and around town.
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