Cheekychinchilla's food and stuff

Quick food update: Sunday Green Day + 15

Lunch at Egg: Leek and potato soup, a slice of cheese wholemeal toast, and 3 little square of Mum's wholemeal pancakes & syrup. (Donating 10 syns + both HexA's and HexB1)

Didn't have anything but coffee at Costa :innocent0002:

Tea: A Quorn steak, mash, M&S veg bag (broccoli, carrot, and sugar snap peas), sprouts, 3tsp of gravy granules, and a bit less than 1 tbsp of horseradish (3.5)

End of week treats: 2 Ikea biscuits (7), a mini Malteser Bunny (3), a Cream Egg (9)

Drinks: Coffee. Diet Coke. Diet orangeade. Squash.

Syns used: 32.5
Syns left: A whole 1!

Exercise: Walking 'round town.
Monday: At work 9:30 - 5:30. Green Day + 15

Breakfast: Porridge, banana, maple syrup, hazelnut milk (Part HexA1, HexB1, + 0.5)

Morning break: Red grapes and chopped kiwi with an Activia.

Epic lunch inspired by Saturday: Honey mustard pasta salad: Wholemeal moose pasta, spring onion, sweetcorn, peppers, and cherry tomatoes with a teeny bit of dressing (not enough to syn)
Potato salad: Potatoes, spring onions, and extra light mayo (0.5)
Quorn ham slices rolled up with gherkins and cheese inside (half HexA1) and a sliced boiled egg. :D
Mixed salad, watercress, cress, and free dressing.


Afternoon break: Small apple.

Tea: Sausage casserole: Quorn sausages, Red onion, garlic, mushrooms, mixed peppers, sweetcorn, spinach, carrots, green beans, mixed beans, and chopped tomatoes. Herbs, salt, pepper, paprika, and skeleton hot sauce.
Roasted new potatoes and a bit of Smash. Soooooo good! Just what I needed :)
The whole thing is 4 syns, but I made 3 portions worth. I'll call today's 2 syns and the spare ones 1 each.

Snack: 2 Alpen Lights (HexB2) Mini Malteser Bunny (3)

Drinks: Coffee. Pomegranate green tea. Diet Coke. Options (made with rest of HexA1 hazelnut milk + 2) Peppermint & spearmint tea.

Syns used: 8
Syns saved: 7

Exercise: Work.
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Oops I feel way behind now! Just caught up though ;)

That picnic style lunch sounds fab- did you go out in the sun with it? Was so warm here yest- amazing!
I loveee tri-colour pasta, especially trottole but Tesco had it in stock once and never seem to anymore! The texture and colours :D

Quorn pesto mozerella escalope sounds AMAZING. Was it good?! Was it syn free apart from HexA? I havent tried quorn in years since my mum tried to get us eating it for health reasons in like '05 or something. It's sooo expensive though.

That thai place sounds divine- I'm a fiend for vegetable tempura! Probably huge on syns though as it's deep fried? I could eat that dippedninto sweet chili allll day. Once I ordered two lots of it from a take away and the bags were big and I felt so sick but couldnt stop :|

Hope you enjoy your sister's bday though, it's great that you're enjoying SW again with more syns- your food this werk has sounded really varied and interesting! Fingers crossed from the scales- go easy on that tempura though! ;)

Sorry to hear how laggy you feel, hope you perk up soon when new meds stabilise. You sound so chipper in yournposts that it's undetectible until you mention it!
Anywyay, enjoy your sunday :D
Big love x

Haha sorry, I went a bit crazy on here yesterday! I used to belong to a fantastic forum where I talked about everything, but it got very cliquey and I felt like I was pushed out. So this is my only safe outlet lol!

We didn't go outside for lunch. Still a bit chilly oop north for that ;)

The Quorn escalopes are not free lol! The pest and mozzarella ones are 7 each. It's the breadcrumbs! But it was so nice to have syns to use on nice food and not worry about it. Very nice!! Quorn can be expensive, but it's usually on offer somewhere. I only buy the stuff like the grills, escalopes, and other expensive bits as a treat or if they're on offer :) Cheaper than meat ;)

Lol I will stuff myself with as much tempura veg as I can. So there :p

Oh I've had years and years of practice at hiding my mental state. I'm bloody good at it now ;) I can't just post doom and gloom though or I'm sure everyone would get bored of me pretty quickly!
Had a nice day today with Mum in town. Was lovely to do something just normal and relaxed. Finally booked my Lush spa treatment too. I got lots of vouchers off people for birthday and Christmas so thought it was about time I cashed 'em in. I meant to book it for when I got back from Sweden but didn't get round to it. I knew I'd be in there today so took all the vouchers with me. Got a Good Hour booked for a week on Thurs :D

Had a nice tea and just started to watch Away We Go :) Night all.x
It's great that this is your 'safe outlet' - nothing wrong with lots of posts! I know what you mean about hiding your mental state, I do it constantly in person but online half of the time cba and just whinge and mope!
Escalopes sound way worth the 7 syns. Is it really cheaper than meat? Thought quorn portions were much smaller than meat ones, no? We only ever buy meat in 3 for £10 offer which works out to be about 1350g or something.
Lush spa sounds fun!! X
It's great that this is your 'safe outlet' - nothing wrong with lots of posts! I know what you mean about hiding your mental state, I do it constantly in person but online half of the time cba and just whinge and mope!
Escalopes sound way worth the 7 syns. Is it really cheaper than meat? Thought quorn portions were much smaller than meat ones, no? We only ever buy meat in 3 for £10 offer which works out to be about 1350g or something.
Lush spa sounds fun!! X

Haha, I did go a bit post happy. Hope no one minded.
Most packs of Quorn are between £2-£3. And usually when it's on a bulk offer it's 3 packs for £5 :) I dunno about portions tho coz I don't buy it ;) Mum mostly buys Quorn now as she can't afford meat most of the time.
That Japanese place sounds AMAZING! Very jealous :) Diary looks good, sounds like being a bit more relaxed about food is definitely helping you to enjoy being on-plan! Xx

Thanks mate. Yeah I dunno what the outcome of going back to 15 syns will be. But I'll find out at the weekend. Hopefully a meal out on Friday won't make too much diff. I'd take a sts for this week tho considering I'm probably still working of Easter stuff and I will have had a big meal the night before. But we'll see.

Someone in work today asked if I had lost weight coz I looked really skinny :eek::eek:
Well today didn't start well. I got to work only to realise I'd left some very important paperwork at home and couldn't do my review with the boss. SH*T doesn't cover it! Was so annoyed with myself and she was pretty p*ssed as well. But, even though it wasn't planned, it did kinda highlight what I needed to talk to her about.
So we sat down and I told her just how bad I am right now. She had a bit of a breakdown due to stress last year and she's always been sympathetic anyway, but she was even more so today and seemed genuinely shocked. Good at hiding it I am...
Anyway, I'm terrified now! Because it's coming in to question whether I am fit for my job :( She's got to contact HR who will probably want o come see me and they may send me to occupational health. It's probably a positive step, but the being "fit for my job" but has scared me to death. I can't lose this job! It's been an absolute life saver and I can't lose it and go back to benefits. I just can't! It's too big an opportunity and I have way too many financial commitments that benefits would not cover.
I'm pretty sure it wont come to this, but you can't help thinking it can you?!
I'll probably get help and a longer time to do my course work and the marking may be more lenient/they wont push me for distinctions. I've said that basically I will do the best I can, but I would be more than happy to just get passes so it's done and gone.

She did get me thinking though and asked was there one thing that could have maybe kickstarted this and I couldn't think of anything other than the idiot boy I dated, but as stressful as that was it wasn't that significant. Or I wont allow it to be! But the more I thought, the more I realised that Mum's accident when she was on holiday was in October. So I think we have a winner!! And then all the other crap just snowballed in. :(

Oh well, will have to see what happens I guess. Just :(
It's sounds like you had the most amazing time on holiday!
I'm jealous... Not of how cold it was though, I'm so bad when it gets cold.

Sorry to hear about the depression/anxiety :( as a fellow sufferer I know how horrible it can make you feel... It's amazing how much it affects our bodies! It makes me very sleepy and achy, not fun.

Thanks Lisa. It's awful and I had forgotten how bad it could be coz I've been fairly stable for the last couple of years. But this has really hit me hard :(

Ah you didn't even feel the cold with all the gear on. Only when it got to crazy low temperatures or if you were out with the animals/standing still on sleds. Totally understand it's not for everyone though. I don't cope very well in heat, so I probably wouldn't go to the other extreme of an adventure holiday in a dessert! I can never go on holiday in the summer coz it's just too hot everywhere. So I do get it :) xx
Tuesday food: Green Day + 15. Trying to drink a bit less coffee and Coke by drinking more tea and squash :)

Lunch: 3 Linda M sausages, half a tin of spaghetti hoops, onion & red pepper cheesy scrambled eggs, wholemeal toast, sauce (half HexA1, HexB1, + 1)

Tea: Planning on mushy pea curry.
Onion, mushrooms, red & yellow peppers, peas, spinach, butternut squash, sweet potato, Quorn pieces, mush peas, chopped tomatoes, and a load of spices and some tikka curry powder.
Chinese rice, bit of salad, and cottage cheese.

Dessert/snack: A crumbled Cherry Bakewell and Lemon Alpens, a few chopped red grapes, 1tsp maple syrup, and a passionfruit Danio (HexB2 + 2)

Drinks: Squash. Coffee. Peppermint and spearmint tea.

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Had a nice, kinda productive day today. Got up a bit later than planned, by 1hr30mins. But could have been worse!
I prettied up my assignment and emailed it to my mentor. Made lunch. Then read 3 lectures for my course. Took me about an hour and by the end of it my head was killing me and my eyes felt like they were going to explode. Had to re-read lots of parts as I just wasn't taking it in. I hate this :( But at least I did some.
I cleaned and fed the bunnies, de-poo'd the garden, made the chinchilla's a nice bag of all the hays mixed up, fed them, and then made myself a nice big pan of mushy pea curry while singing along to Biffy. Got at least 2 more portions to keep :)

Been looking at some holiday places with Mum and I'm watching Thor now. Really hoping it influences my dreams. Could seriously do with some Nordic God related dreams.... ;)

Looking forward to tomorrow. Bit of a day away from reality! First thing I'll be doing is getting a much needed shower :p Will make a nice, filling lunch. And then me and Mum are doing a double bill at Cineworld :) I've picked Trance and Mum has the choice between Jack the Giant Slayer (not heard great things) or The Croods (which I really wanna see!) I'm going to take some SW friendly munchies. Got a kiwi and some grapes left so will chop them up and take an Activia. Probably a HexB too or some chocolate :)
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Been looking at some holiday places with Mum and I'm watching Thor now. Really hoping it influences my dreams. Could seriously do with some Nordic God related dreams.... ;)

I would be happy with some Chris Hemsworth inspired dreams lol!!! I really enjoyed Thor when I saw it. Where are you and mum thinking of going on your hols??

I have just started an a-level equivalent course through work on Monday there and the work load for it has scared the life out of me!! So I am feeling your pain about the course work. Hey at least you managed to do some though. If you feel u aren't taking it in you should get up and make some tea by the time u have made the tea it will rest ur mind and maybe help you re-focus.

Enjoy ur wee day today, I am taking my wee one to see the croods at the weekends.

P.s I love Mr Frog
Sounds like you're keeping on alright lovey - that japanese food actually sounds lush. I want to see this hair btw! :)

FWIW, I totally get you on keeping your mental state hidden from people, I have a notepad that I write stuff down in pencil, so I can scrub it out and nobody else sees it. Only I press down too hard sometimes, hah, but you can't just internalise stuff it's not healthy x

Good luck for the rest of this week :)