Chickadee's moderate/ low carb diary


Silver Member
Hi all,

Been cutting back/ low carbing over the past few weeks and feeling much better for it. Not sticking to any specific plan as such just trying to eat as naturally as possible, have 3 mainly protein based meals a day, trying to avoid snacking between meals and if I do want a snack I'm trying to stick to fruit or nuts and sometimes the odd yogurt. I also like to keep an eye on calories although i do find putting everything into mfp quite tedious so i really do try to just eat when hungry and apply common sense. Really trying to cut down on sugar as this was/is a big vice of mine! Now I'm not perfect and realise there is more to life so I hope to enjoy social occasions without guilt but I won't allow myself to become a glutton :)

I'm almost at my target weight so low carbing is a way for me to drop the last few pounds and then maintain. It's an experiment and journey for me and my diary will be a way to record what works and what doesn't. when I'm at my target my goal is 1. To maintain. 2. Reduce my body fat percentage through exercise( I use kettlebells)

I want to be at my target but more importantly I want to feel great and look toned and healthy. I don't want to spend my days fretting about what I'm eating and counting things, I just don't have the self discipline for that! I want to enjoy social occasions without guilt and enjoy food yet I don't want to be a slave to it if that makes sense!!

Anyways I'm rambling now..... Food today has been.....

Brekkie- 2 eggs fried in olive oil.

Lunch- feta cheese , cherry tomato, avocado and olive salad with some balsamic dressing.

Dinner- not the best- ended up having a 1/4 of pepperoni pizza.

Snacks- 4 gherkins, 25g cashew nuts.
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Hi Gettingfit,

Just needed a break from minis, felt like was spending half my life on here talking about diet and exercise rather than doing it!!!

Yeah still do kettlebells, been doing other things aswell to mix it up but still think they give the best results! love walking the dog too but he's injured now so not done much of that lately.

Oh walking along the seashore sounds fab :) lucky you. I love being by the sea, always feels so relaxing.

Nice to 'see' you again gettingfit :)