
It wouldn't knock you out of ketosis as it's just protein but you would be advised against it.
willywebster said:
An I cook chicken and add it to a soup?

At this stage try not to. If you're doing TS it's meant to be just packs. Don't start tweaking the plan this early on it honestly makes it harder x
I've thought about doing this too, as I like the idea of having 1 low carb meal per week instead of doing a whole week of AAM.

At this stage try not to. If you're doing TS it's meant to be just packs. Don't start tweaking the plan this early on it honestly makes it harder x

I've just finished Day 7 of 100%, would that be ok? Or would that count as tweaking and be too early? Don't want to mess things up after being sooo good lol But I'm starting to crave real food and am worried if I don't have a little something every now and then I'm going to fall off the wagon and land in a pile of chocolate x
Its totally your call :) Making a sensible choice and having a WS day is probably no bad thing if youre struggling, my comment to willie was more just that hes only on day one and looking at food, having food at this stage could mean never really getting on the TS wagon :)

Personally I have one WS day a week :)

Oh I didn't realise they were only on day one, sorry williywoo lol Am I right in thinking the only difference having a WS day would make is a slight rise in calories for that day? As long as it's strictly low-carb?
Thankyooooooou! :) x
Cheers starlight, thanks for the advice in the end I did blend the chicken with the mushroom soup ........ Wouldn't do it again! Vile but I do learn from my mistakes!
I have chicken nearly every day I couldn't stick to the plan with no food at all :( I did that when I did lipotrim and I was sooo miserable but everyones different :) it doesn't seen to make a difference to my losses :)

Although you have a set of guidelines, you are in control of your diet. You are an adult, the choice of whether to stick to it as directed (or not) is, and always will be entirely yours. No-one here can give you permission, or forbid you from doing whatever you like. You are in charge of your weight loss project, the diet product is simply a tool.

However all decisions and actions have consequences. (If paid more attention to that maxim in the past, perhaps I wouldn’t be here now . Anyhoo…). If you or anyone else chooses to tweak a diet, you must accept the risk of it not working quite as well for you as it otherwise might. Again, your call. I would also suggest you read up on Low Carb diets (especially VLCDs), ketosis and how everything works before you consider going a bit ‘off-plan’. Treat Exante like a hobby, and do a bit of research. VLCDs are (IIRC) the singular most clinically researched diet out there, and there’s plenty of material on the net.

And given that you are in the early stages you might also want to consider that you have spent a lot of money on this product and you haven’t yet given it a proper chance to see what it can do for you. I might suggest getting into the swing of it, developing a habit, and getting a bit of weight off (for each decent week helps you face the next week). Then, if you want to consider a bit of experimentation, you will then already know what your ‘baseline’ is.

Finally, this diet is not easy for a lot of reasons and the first week or two will involve a lot of craving and gritting of teeth, but it gets easier. But that’s the trade-off for the results.

Hang in there, and good luck.
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