Chunky Dunking, taking the plunge and losing the flab!

Mmm I love it when you get all hot ans sweaty on top of me pahahaha Boy will be jealous when you start blushing just looking at it xx

"I'm so sorry Hun, but the cross trainer's been chatting me up for weeks now!".

I have forgotten to add my food plan for today!
Breakfast: Orange and an apple (There was a plum in there too but it was overripe and exploded!)
Lunch: Tuna, mayo and sweetcorn sarnie
Dinner: Ceaser salad (FINALLY!)

That's only 655 calories, so I might add some Chorizo into dinner, or something, not like I need to stay low cal, not expecting a better loss tomorrow, will try harder next week!
Oh dear you don't need your plums exploding on you ;) I still think you'll see progress on the scales tomorrow and if you don't then I'll stamp my feet in frustration with you. I'm glad I an have stodge today. As yummy as a caesar salad can be I need carbs to make me feel better. Doctors orders. Well ok maybe it's not but at least it isn't a multipack of crisps and dominos eh? small victories and all that xx
Oh dear you don't need your plums exploding on you ;) I still think you'll see progress on the scales tomorrow and if you don't then I'll stamp my feet in frustration with you. I'm glad I an have stodge today. As yummy as a caesar salad can be I need carbs to make me feel better. Doctors orders. Well ok maybe it's not but at least it isn't a multipack of crisps and dominos eh? small victories and all that xx

It's still 4lbs down from Friday, so I can't be too annoyed, but nothing in 5 days is hacking me off, I was expecting even another 1!
I'm sure I'll change my mind by this evening and want something stodgy! Had hunters chicken and creamy leek mash last night, was lovely!
Ooh the chicken and mash sound so good. I love leeks in mash and soups. I think you'll get that other 1lb i really do but 4lb isn't a bad loss to start off with and next week this week might catch up with you and it will be another good loss xx
Oh no, come unstuck with dinner again.

Do I stick to plan, have a salad and possibly feel unfulfilled and snack, or do I have cauliflower pasta, or shepherds pie? Suppose I could always chop up a potato and do chips with the salad?

You could have chips but cottage pie sounds nice too xx
You could have chips but cottage pie sounds nice too xx

I'm so rubbish with dinner at the mo, all I want is stodgy, warm yummies, if it were lunch I'd be excited for salad! :p
Go for the cottage pie then best of both worlds. It's got the potato for stodge, meat for protein and it's a really comforting food plus you can have it with veg and get your goodness in. Top meal :) xx
Go for the cottage pie then best of both worlds. It's got the potato for stodge, meat for protein and it's a really comforting food plus you can have it with veg and get your goodness in. Top meal :) xx

Think that might be a winner, less carbs that pasta too so hopefully wont be all bloaty for WI tomorrow, which I am dreading!
Okay, I'm a horrible, weak person.

I peaked, apparently today I've put on 2lbs, I know in my head this is food weight, but I'm so f*cking upset and angry, I am so so tempted to order in and get under my duvet and just eat.
Nooooo don't do it! You've weighed at the wrong time of day that's all. Listen to sensible emma not naughty emma xx
Sensible Emma and naughty Emma fought it out and decided on a half and half deal. Sensible healthy dinner followed by cookies. I'm not even sad about it. I'll take my 4lb loss (I really need to not be disappointed with 4lbs, that's good!) and suck it up, try harder next week. I'm still 4lbs down from last week, that's brilliant, I'll set a target for next week, but think I'm going to go back to just SW instead of CC, as I must be adding wrong or something.
You can't be adding wrong if you've lost 4lb you crazy lady! Better to strike a deal than go on a mad binge so well done on that victory I'm proud of you xx
12:6 this morning, I'll take my 4lb loss with a smile, I was a bit silly to expect massive losses like last time without the hard work I also put in last time! On another positive, my body no longer aches every time I move, so I shall be back on sensible exercise from tonight. I've purchased some after-work out protein shakes from a body-builder friend so I'm hoping that will help me repair quicker (and they're only 94 cals a shake so if I'm sensible it'll be fine).

I've had a look back over my diary for the last week and though I've been better than before, I've been having "little" treats almost every night and going "But it's only a little bit over", but little bits add up, so this needs to stop!

Tonight is semi-cheat night, meaning a night of something I fancy, but not a take-out or blow out, according to all my calculations, I need between 2000 and 2300 cals to maintain my current weight, so cheat nights (for a month at least as I've said no takeout) will be mostly SW recipes or within a 2000 calorie limit for the day, hoping that will not make me gain but wont expect a loss on a Saturday either!

Breakfast: Orange and a Nectarine
Lunch: Ceaser salad
Snack: Banana
Dinner: Undecided, I quite fancy a pitta pizza and a cheesy mugshot, but we'll see. Might do a nice Shepherds pie but add in some gravy and caramelized onions to make it a bit naughty!

Total for the day before dinner: 430, so have a lot of wiggle room for tonight :)

Jillian tonight hopefully and 10 mins cross trainer, 20 mins on underdesk bike already done as my server crashed this morning and I got bored!

4lb is fab and you would've saved a lot of stress by not peeking young lady! The shakes are a good idea, anything that stops you hurting and you heal quicker is a no brainer. Keep forgetting to tell you that Jillian has brought out a beginners 30 day shred. Gonna get that bad boy xx

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4lb is fab and you would've saved a lot of stress by not peeking young lady! The shakes are a good idea, anything that stops you hurting and you heal quicker is a no brainer. Keep forgetting to tell you that Jillian has brought out a beginners 30 day shred. Gonna get that bad boy xx

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I thought L1 was for beginners? Have you tried it yet?

They come in some lovely flavours, I've got the raspberry and vanilla one to try :)
Me too but she's released another version just for us really unfit people lol haven't tried it yet gonna look on YouTube and see if the new one is on there. Haven't seen my sister to have the original one yet I'm seeing her later xx

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Boy's an a**. just got an email to "inform" me he'll be working late tonight as someone asked for cover, without running it by me. So he wont be home till 9pm. I have to go pick up dogs at 6pm, it's supposed to be my treat niiiiggghhht! The one night I don't have to cook anything. Now I'm going to have to cook something healthy. Balls. Not a happy bunny.
If only boys had brains :( swap treat night and do it tomorrow instead if poss? Cook something quick so you don't spend your night in the kitchen xx

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If only boys had brains :( swap treat night and do it tomorrow instead if poss? Cook something quick so you don't spend your night in the kitchen xx

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I'll only allow it on Fridays, otherwise it seems too close to WI! Nevermind, I'll have a nice one next week, I'm not really that annoyed about food, just he does this all the time - comes home on a Friday and announces someone's asked him to cover the on-call for bank holiday weekend and he said yes as thought the money would come in handy! It does, but not enough for me to sacrifice my bank hol or be woken up at 3am ta! Just wish he'd run stuff by me! Tried to talk to him this morning too about going out for dinner tonight, so he clearly wasn't listening!