ClaireCat: trials and tribulations

Hi, loooove the tattoo, always wanted one but could never decide on something I would be happy to see everyday for the rest of my life!

Have you ever considered Persona? I've been using it for the last ten years and it only let me down the once (but have a beautiful daughter) when we were in Thailand. I didn't know you couldn't trust it when travelling over time zones!

Having talked to my cousin who's a gynecologist I think your body is def pi***d off with the change in hormones so is holding onto every ounce of fat it can! It also explains your sweet cravings. Bloody hell, a whole month of bleeding! What's that done to your iron levels woman?!
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ooh whats Persona?
A cute little computer that takes the hard work out of contraception. You pee on a stick 8 times a month, put the stick into your persona and it shows a green light -bonk away or red light- stay away! Here's a link:
Persona - UK
You can- on a green day!
And plus, I was really freaked out by the fact that I felt like I could pull the cord on it and yank it out. *

I had that with a girlfriend years ago, somehow the cord got tangled round my whatsit, or the coil wasn't inserted properly, and out it came, really freaked me out.

I had a Vasectomy shortly after Eleanor was born and I think it was the best thing I've ever done, we had way too many scary moments before that.
I had that with a girlfriend years ago, somehow the cord got tangled round my whatsit, or the coil wasn't inserted properly, and out it came, really freaked me out.

Oh my god :eek: wish I hadn't read that.
Sorry, TMI :D
LMFAO Lisa that is sooo funny.

Jim i know of someone that happened to and they got preggers.
(not the bloke obviously)

I dont have to have anything now :) obviously cos im waiting till i get married LMAO x
"There is a fine line between horny as hell and unconscious" that is all I have to say on the matter!!!
Jim!!! Thats exactly what my fear was!!!!

Thats its settled. Not getting another one of those. End of.

The persona thing sounds good tho. I mentioned it to my BF and he never said a word. His bulging eyes, on the other hand, imply he wasnt keen on the 94% accuracy thing! lol!
Ah, Persona is def out the window. I have pcos, so no idea what my cycles are, or if I even have any. :(

Maybe I should just go with the "no sex before marriage" option and that solve all problems! lol
Ooh i dont know - TMI for me - shudder!
ah well, Morning Claire ;)
Morning Jim! How are you today? I thought it was Thursday today - twice - so you can see how my day is going! lol!
Is it not Thursday then. LOL