ClaireCat: trials and tribulations

Mine hurt occasionally when im run down. I did get an abcess on one and that was taken out wish they had taken all mine out at once. the pain is unbearable. Luckily i have very strong painkillers. Even if you ring the dentist and ask them they will do a prescription for co proxamol x
I'll brave it til Monday! Going away for a few days for my birthday, so leaving Monday afternoon. Will endevour to get all the good drugs on Monday morning! :)
Back on track from tomorrow *does her rocky dance while singing the tune in her head*

Wisdom tooth of death shall not stop me!!!!!
Rocky? What's that's you say???

Ages since I did Rocky Horror <brings crusty knee high suspenders out of hidden cupboard>

I feel the Goons coming on...
I was thinking the same tattoos are tiny & really hurts, but it was 20 years ago! Brave girl Claire :)
1lb down this week, so I'm happy with that :D
Morning Claire, how's the tooth love?
Tooth hurts like a b****! lol! On 400mg ibuprophen every few hours - not supposed to take more than 3 of them, but 4 seems to be the magic number!

Been strict on my diet today. But I'm away to the in-laws on Monday, and its my birthday on Tuesday. So I might need to wait to Thursday to get stuck back into it properly.

But im gonna try and stay as low carb as I can, minus the cake! :p
Not that I want to jinx it *touch wood* I've not been bleeding for 5 days now!!! Maybe my hormones will be sorting themselves out for a change!

And on a side note, the bank told me I've no money. Damn card payment clubbed together and all came off today - thought everytime I bought something on my debit card, the money automatically came off my balance, even if it took a few days to show on my statement?!

Its going to be horribly overdrawn by tomorrow... i feel a bank change looming. B*****ds!

Applied to increase my already hefty overdraft, so hopefully it goes on at close of business today. Again, b*****ds.
good luck x
I'm not stressing. Money goes into my account on Monday. Will just be a bit p****d if I get a bank charge lol!

Dont remember the last time I've seen my balance at zero! Granted its ££££ into the minus, but an overdraft doesnt count! :p
Ok, so...between my mates 50th, my 27th and a week away in Oban, I have sucessfully overdosed on carbs and put on...wait for it....10lbs!!!

Not fussed, was bound to happen. I've stopped bleeding, so thats bound to help with the losses from now on. Just have to wait and see. :)
Welcome back to clean and green:)
Yeah, Oban was lovely!

And if I'd have known that pringles and cake were mostly water, I'd count them as one of my 8 glasses a day! lol! :p
Oh are you another Pringle addict? Pringles and Snickers- my idea of heaven!!!!
Oooh, I had a chocolate milkshake, with blended snickers in it, during the week. I swear I got a sugar rush from just looking at it! Best thing I think I drank all week!!!

Also, it reminded me of a programme about obease people and 'feeders' where they liquidized food to funnel into their partners!

It was still awsome tho! lol!