Claire's Atkins yummy diary


Gold Member
Well my diary has started early as wasn't going to start this until Saturday once I'd shopped (and finished off a few vlcd sachets!)

Oh but today was like a dawning moment, I've been reading the book over the last week and downloading recipes etc and have been really eager to when at 12 my poor tummy starting growling, the idea of my 28g sachet made me feel icky :eek:

So I took myself off Sainsburys and wow it was a real change to how I've shopped in years, after WW, SW etc for so many years I've always brought low fat etc so to pick up full fat today was excitingly strange. I brought some yummy pork, salmon, chicken and prawns :) ,cream and cheese too wohoo.

Dinner was 3 sainsburys best sausages for 2.4g carbs for all 3 and a side salad of lettuce, cucumber, spring onion, olives, crumbled feta and a squeeze of Hellmans - was delicious. My total carbs today if I hadn't had my vlcd porridge would have been 17g so seems to be right on track - that figure includes mint tea (was shocked to see that contains carbs!) and also my splenda tabs.

I loved eating today, not expecting big results after losing 12 in last 10 days so a steady loss of 1-2lb a week will be fantastic - not sure how my weight will be the few days during the change to Atkins but not going to worry.

I hope to get lots of support and advise as this is so so very different to anything I've done before :D

MFP today look ok I hope, better tomorrow as first full Atkins day :)


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Morning lovely wooo glad to see u here!!

It is soooo strange buying full fat things lol them sausage sound yum I havnt had sausages yet I need to get some!!

Have a lovely Atkins day xxx

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There's a good list of very low carb sausages on the shopping list sticky - you need to watch out for the rusk in some of them.

I hate sausages! Bleh!
Morning Claire and welcome (from another sausage lover :))

Sounds like you are off to a great start! And with realistic losses expected too - which you will definitely achieve by sticking to plan :)
I found some sausages in Costco tonight that are 3 chipolatas for under 1g carb :)
Tired tonight, lunch out today with work. Wise Atkins friendly choices and tons if mineral water.

After work went went and ordered our new sofa, here's the pics but we've chosen "claret" :)

Got to wait til January but will be worth it. Shopped at Coatco for meat and cheese tonight and at 8:30 it was a visit to McDonald for don to grab some dinner - had a chicken salad but didn't have the carrots as I know there high carbs :)
Carbs including Splenda, mint teas etc is 20g and protein is 33% fat 62% so good day considering it was a very busy one.

Food all sorted for tomorrow too, time for bed xxx


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I suspect a burger without the bun may be a better option than chicken salad at McDonald's - I think they marinade their chicken in sugar as the total carb count is 7g and that's not going to just be carrot. Mind you, who knows exactly what they do to the burgers :eek: Still a good disciplined choice though, good stuff! And comfy soda!
moonlights said:
I suspect a burger without the bun may be a better option than chicken salad at McDonald's - I think they marinade their chicken in sugar as the total carb count is 7g and that's not going to just be carrot. Mind you, who knows exactly what they do to the burgers :eek: Still a good disciplined choice though, good stuff! And comfy soda!

More than likely, I was surprised when I added it to wasn't that nice and won't be trying again. It's quite a revaluation to discover the content of carbs in food, all new to me :)
Oh no horrible. Halls do some sugar free throat sweets and marks do some sugar free bonbon type things which are quite soothing - I would never usually advise using sugar frees but they're better than the full sugar option.
moonlights said:
Oh no horrible. Halls do some sugar free throat sweets and marks do some sugar free bonbon type things which are quite soothing - I would never usually advise using sugar frees but they're better than the full sugar option.

Managed to find an antiseptic throat spray, work sent me home at 11 as I was coughing all the time and they don't want anyone else to catch it!! Hate bring off work. Duvet day for me x
Oh you poor love there are some nasty bugs around :( Wrap up well and drink lots of fluids.

And lovely sofa - will be worth the wait :)
Wow wow sofa is gorgeous!!!

And what's the sausages called? I must invest in those! I get my cheese as meat from Costco too :D

Hope it feeling better hun xxx

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stef2009 said:
Wow wow sofa is gorgeous!!!

And what's the sausages called? I must invest in those! I get my cheese as meat from Costco too :D

Hope it feeling better hun xxx

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I threw the wrapper away after bagging the up! It was a large pack of chipolatas in Costco - sorry :( xx
Awww no hope u start feeling better over the weekend!!

Oh yes I know which ones u mean I think!! Xxx

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hope u feel better soon, i used to go to costco and loved it, can't say it would be worth it now with the cost of the tunnel ugh xx
Booooo still not well and had to relent to cough medicine yest to break down mucus. Not happy as 2 tsp are 15.6g carbs x 3-4 times a day!!!
Hubbie rightly so had a good talk with me and told me my health is more important.
Still sticking to 20g carbs for meals etc so hopefully as soon as I'm better I can start to lose - going to veer away from scales til better as they had been dropping, something I was do chuffed with having switched straight from vlcd.

Hubbie and I did box up all our unused vlcd sachets and put then on EBay as def not going back there again :)
Oh no hun hope ur feeling better asap!!

Wow that meal sounds amazingggg!!! You must send me the recipe! Xxx

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