Claire's battle of the bulge. Constipation...again.


Well, this will be about my 5th diary on minimins, so I've decided to sweep my passed failures under the carpet and start afresh. New login, new start.

So, short version. Heaviest weight ever was about 20st. Serial atkinser since, I dont remember when. Briefly tried Scottish Slimmers, for about a week before I lost the will with the checks. Back to atkins.
My weight loss always seemed to stall after I'd lost about a stone, stone and a half, regardless of what i did.
So, I tried The Cheat to Lose Diet. Which I really quite liked, and now I come to think about it, I'm not sure why I didnt stick at that....?

Anyway, I decided in December 2011 I was going to try Cambridge and started on the 2nd of January 2012. I lost over a stone in my first week, changed to Slim & Save because I didnt really like my consultant, lost another stone, and then by March I was struggling and threw in the towel.

I ate absolutely everything I could for a month and went back to atkins, which lasted a couple of weeks and I went back to trying to devour the entire contents of my kitchen.

So, here I am. I found a new consultant, and she's lovely, and I got back on the wagon this morning at 16st 3 1/4lbs with a bmi of 33. *gulp*

I'm feeling quite confident about it this time. I know what to expect, what products I like, and which ones I hate - porridge *bleh*

I do have a 2 planned breaks on my journey. One being my birthday which is on the 12th of July - there might be cake involved. The other being a weeks holiday to Tunisia in August. Both occasions being a strictly "off and straight back on again" afair. Then it should be a straight run for me until Christmas.

Thats the plan, Batman.
Well I've made it to day 3. Not as bad as I remember it being the last time. Had a sore head for a couple of days, but I cant say if thats because of the diet or because I've not put a study book down all weekend.

Got my tetras in my bag and off to do my exam this morning. Really panicing incase I dont pass.
Day 3.

Had a soy latte with 2 sweeteners from starbucks this morning while I did some last minute exam prep. Passed my exam (thankfully!) and now all I can think about is celebrating with food.

I'm not talking about lavish dining, I was thinking sensible and contemplating chicken tikka. But dear god Claire, its the 3rd day. Cant you make it passed the first week? Honest to god....
Welcome back hunni. I have just restated too following a two week holiday which resulted in 5 weeks off!!!! Day2 to me and all seems ok at the moment. I need to get past day 4 then I know things will be so much easier!!!

I think about food all the time so I know exactly where you are coming from!!!! My main craving is cake buti shall not cave this time!!! Xxx
Cheers Lily.

Today is day 4 and my first day at work since starting. I got sent to Greggs this morning, and sat in a room full of women eating their way through a tin of liquorice alllsorts, mccoys crisps, sandwiches, biscuits and god only knows what else.

Bread is a downfall of mine, and crisps - especially mccoys. And cakes. So today has been a test! Everything in greggs looked and smelled lovely. And the mccoys crisps smelled much more delicious than usual.

Currently living off of chocolate tetras this week, but debating perhaps getting some soups to make crisps next week. My main issue at the moment is I want to feel like I'm eating something.I could go and eat a bit of quorn or an egg or something, but, that would defeat my ss. I like to know I have that option tho, and that I choose not to do it. I keep thinking "are you actually hungry, or do you just feel like you should eat?"

I'm treating it as an addiction and I need to go cold turkey. God, another food reference! lol!
Kisaki said:
Cheers Lily.

Today is day 4 and my first day at work since starting. I got sent to Greggs this morning, and sat in a room full of women eating their way through a tin of liquorice alllsorts, mccoys crisps, sandwiches, biscuits and god only knows what else.

Bread is a downfall of mine, and crisps - especially mccoys. And cakes. So today has been a test! Everything in greggs looked and smelled lovely. And the mccoys crisps smelled much more delicious than usual.

Currently living off of chocolate tetras this week, but debating perhaps getting some soups to make crisps next week. My main issue at the moment is I want to feel like I'm eating something.I could go and eat a bit of quorn or an egg or something, but, that would defeat my ss. I like to know I have that option tho, and that I choose not to do it. I keep thinking "are you actually hungry, or do you just feel like you should eat?"

I'm treating it as an addiction and I need to go cold turkey. God, another food reference! lol!

Keep going it will be worth it - you must be just about in ketosis either tomorrow or day after so if you can stick to it gets so much easier.

You did really well to survive the visit to greggs! If you can do that you can survive anything!!!

I tell myself that I could eat something (protein) but am choosing not to - I know it's a slippery slope and so find it easier to stick to sole source and get this part of the journey over as quickly as possible!!!

Good luck with your journey xx
Yeah, thats kinda my logic at the moment. I know I have pickled eggs in the fridge - which I love. And I also have some quorn in the freezer, which i also really like. But I know I cant just have one, i'd need to eat a bundle of them.

I have real binge issues with food. I cant just go "im full" and stop. I'm an all or nothing kinda person. And I dont think I realize when I am full. I think if I dont feel like I'll explode, then I've not eaten enough.

I woke up this morning with a really bad feeling of cramp in my calves. Legs have been killing me all day, and they still are. Asked the OH to give them a massage, but he's just dingy'd me! LOL!

My consultant said its just a side effect of the loss of fluid and it should pass. Hopefully by the morning, because its bloody sore!
Day 5: Period. Ketosis always does this to me. It seems to be a permanent thing while I'm in ketosis. Drives me mad. Feel bloated and my stomach is making really weird sounds. Legs are still really sore and crampy. And I'm hungry.

Its at times like this where I wonder why I do these things to myself.
Maybe a nice warm bath will ease your muscles a bit.

Keep positive, your doing really well :)
Yeah, a bath sounds really good. It'll have to wait until tomorrow tho because I'm waiting on a mate coming up. I really just want to go to sleep tho! lol!

My consultant told me to go and have a small protein meal if I'm feeling horrible, but I dont think I really want to eat anything just yet. I mean, surely I can last one week on SS!
That's kind of how I feel to, I'm worried if I do actually ave a meal will I be able to stop...

As I only started at lunch time. I'm just going to stick to my 3 shakes today and see how I feel in the morning.

Have a good evening, hopefully your friend will take our mind off your aches :)
I got a few different shakes, 1 porridge and 2 ready made shakes. I can't bring myself to do the soups yet lol
Hahahaha toooo funny!!!!! I tried one on exante a year or so ago, it seemed to repeat on me for days lol ugh no more soups for me lol
Day 6: Worked a bit later than usual trying to finish off some crap I couldnt face doing in the morning. Been doing ok shake wise. Had my first one at 12pm, then another at 3ish. I've had a pickled egg since I came home and I'm just off to have my last shake of the night.

Starting to feel like a sniffer dog tho, but with food. I swear I can smell a take away from a mile away! lol!

Still really wishing I could eat real food tho.
Your doing really well, keep going :)
Try and keep yourself busy so you don't dwell on it sweet :)

WI: 9lb loss


I wanted real food to celebrate and I was so close to ordering chicken and lamb tikka with salad when I decided that I would make myself some quorn instead.

Much more ss+ friendly. I had 2 quorn sausages and 2 quorn chicken fillets with (I know) one spoonful of mayo dip and a low carb pita wrap. Totalling 410 calories and about 10 carbs. Not the best, but a much better option that my other scenario.

Brings my total today to 839cal. Step 2 kind of day.

I feel quite proud of my celebratory choice! :)

9lbs tho..... I've never lost 9lbs in a week before - not even when I've been ill! AND i'm on totm!!!
