
well i've 'learned' 2 more zumba routines tonight. 1 i will do tomorrow. the other will need more work than just watching and writing up. it's the greek zorba and the footwork is fancy and i need to hear the music cues more. the other i've done a few times with another instructor and it's only in 3 parts and i just know the music and it's changes so no problems!
well the scales are not moving. but once again no loo visit since sunday. 4th day without going. looks like i'll be popping pills from tomorrow and bleeding.
well i've 'learned' 2 more zumba routines tonight. 1 i will do tomorrow. the other will need more work than just watching and writing up. it's the greek zorba and the footwork is fancy and i need to hear the music cues more. the other i've done a few times with another instructor and it's only in 3 parts and i just know the music and it's changes so no problems!

This sounds like a lot of fun!

well the scales are not moving. but once again no loo visit since sunday. 4th day without going. looks like i'll be popping pills from tomorrow and bleeding.

Stop scale hopping! And, maybe you need to do 810/1000 and add in some fibre. This can't be healthy.
i'm on the 810 mel. you know me. i scale hop twice a day and record my weights. i've done this practically every day for over a year now. stupid body is giving me a right period. honestly. not nice. it's more than normal too! tummy is bloated.
i'm on the 810 mel. you know me. i scale hop twice a day and record my weights. i've done this practically every day for over a year now. stupid body is giving me a right period. honestly. not nice. it's more than normal too! tummy is bloated.

You'll probably show a decent drop when your "Auntie Red" departs. How was your day off?
tomorrow is my day off as usual. last week it was wednesday but i usually work tues, wed, thurs. off to the chiropractors for my back although it seems to have settled down since i've been taking it easy.

it's just crazy having a period. crazy! i'm obviously bloated as i can feel my tummy loads and again i've not been to the loo since i was sunday. so tonight i'm taking some tablets!
Been so busy today. Dude got a bad tummy when ems was doing gym bobs. Had to take them home.

We got a mailing from interflora. Showed hubby and mentioned flowers. Basically said no! Not in so many words Now in a big mood. Fcuked off!
Awww Nikki,

I hope the tablets work. I hate spending the big bucks (or pounds) on Interflora -- why not just pick up some posies at Tescos?

it's not bout interflora. said you'd get better flowers at the local florist and got this reply.
it's not bout interflora. said you'd get better flowers at the local florist and got this reply.

He sort of blew you off then? I get this. My DH can be like that. Kind of "You already married me, so why should I try."
yep but this after what happened at my birthday is not good! bl**dy men! pi$$ing me right off! why on earth did i marry him!
interesting article.

Shape your beach body by running clever

The Running Bug 3 Feb 2012 11:53 AM 1

If you're looking to burn calories and tone up your body then you need to mix up your training and get off the weight loss plateau. Fiona Buglar shows us how to mix up your training and start getting your body ready for the beach this summer; it's never too early to start!


Running burns a lot of calories, around 100 per mile. Add in some metabolic circuit training where you mix fast, calorie-burning running with resistance work to shift pounds and tone up.

Fast, Calorie-burning running explained here: Speed, Interval and Fartlek Training

Resistance training exercises for runners: Cross-Training Techniques

To boost the fat-burning potential choose a minimum of four dynamic and compound (use more than one muscle group) exercises. Keep rest to a minimum, try one minute after completing six to 10 reps of your four exercises then run fast!

Choose running-specific and energetic moves that develop posture, make your legs springy and powerful and improve your balance. Try plyometric drills, designed to improve flexibility and explosive power like bunny hops, bounding strides, skipping, and squat jumps.

Work the core with exercises such as the plank and leg raises and also improve alignment and balance with trunk twists with a medicine ball, or lunging whilst holding dumbbells overhead - compound exercises which are time-savers, fat-burners and replicate the key running movements.


When you are stressed, your adrenal gland generates the cortisol stress hormone, which increases your appetite and triggers release of the insulin fat-storing hormone, causing your body to hold onto fat, even if you are eating less. So make sure you avoid making your run a stressful experience. It's far better to run at an easy and relaxed pace and get some miles in than go into over-drive and press the push button so hard that you induce stress rather than relieve it.

Dark nights got you down? 6 ways to Beat the Winter Blues.


Recruit the glutes and hamstrings to improve definition by running on the hills. You will also boost your overall stamina and improve your running economy. The hills are like an outdoor glute and leg machine! And if you run off road you'll also work your core and improve the look of your midsection as your stability is challenged on rocks and bumpy terrain.

Hill Training Explained


Add variety and unpredictability to your workout to shift the last few pounds. Getting stuck in a rut will mean your weight will plateau - to fine tune and sculpt you'll need to keep your body guessing!

You can do this by varying the type of training you do. If you're always running hard and fast, add in some low intensity mileage, if it's the other way around try some tempo or speed work to burn the calories.

For a quick and effective fat-buster try some HIIT training, which is also an effective way to fat-burn quickly!

Finally, you can activate all the muscles off road - try an adventure race, or a challenge race, for example, the Spartan Series or Tough Guy races instead of a weekly long run.
Hi Nikki --

I've been married 25 years and still ask myself that question at least once a week. I think my best answer is... because I KNOW he loves me (even if he does not remember he does sometimes and, if he does, can't be arsed to act like it).

I don't run, but I am going to start doing Zumba again... I need to get in some cardio stuff. Three aquafits missed this week (one I couldn't get to because of piano transport, two were cancelled... so I only made it to one and it was rubbish.)

I hope you and yours enjoy the
Mel. Read your diary! :( don't want you vanish from this board! I'm the same as you. One slight emotional problem and I eat, I'm tired I eat for energy. I'm bored I eat. I'm struggling. 17lbs left! Not going well. Going to have to start doing more exercise. Might have to change diets etc. my thought on my life are....

1. Exercise to counteract food.
2. Keep busy.
3. If my Zumba numbers stay under 10 by the end of the year I'm going to stop teaching it.
4. Eat protein when tired.
5. Be healthy to avoid becoming my mum.
Mel. Read your diary! :( don't want you vanish from this board! I'm the same as you. One slight emotional problem and I eat, I'm tired I eat for energy. I'm bored I eat. I'm struggling. 17lbs left! Not going well. Going to have to start doing more exercise. Might have to change diets etc. my thought on my life are....

1. Exercise to counteract food.
2. Keep busy.
3. If my Zumba numbers stay under 10 by the end of the year I'm going to stop teaching it.
4. Eat protein when tired.
5. Be healthy to avoid becoming my mum.
Nikki change diets my lovely... honestly 17 lbs is a small amount to lose now, u 'CAN' lose this well before your family holiday.. with exercising aswell you can possible lose more aswell.

Please think about??

Im finishing off my packets of CD and exante and thats it this cycle is no good for me mentally.

You sound so down these days don't you?? xx
just a bit depressed of late. leads to food and wine.
Evening Nikki,

I'm not leaving Minis just not going to post in the CD diary anylonger. I have a Gold diary (link is my signature) and I will post there (and continue to stalk you!).

How are lil' dude and Ems? What do they think of the snow?

I think your plan is good -- the Zumba classes are probably too much with a family and part-time teaching job. I found for hour is school, I spent at least an hour outside of school (correcting papers, sourcing materials, preparing lessons, training, contacting parents, etc.)

Shanny is right... we need to lose this last little bit the "hard way". For you it is just over a stone, for me about two stones, and for Shanny (I am sure it is not that much).


I want to get back to goal, and the process, learn how to make this work by changing my behaviour so the weight stays off fro good. I want to do as Beck recommends -- once I am maintaining I will be vigilant and should I gain three or more pounds... I will IMMEDIATELY take it off again. NO MORE LYING TO MYSELF.

I feel better already having already faced this reality and started on this path. I am on four and hanging in there. I will weigh on Tuesday (day 6) at home for the BL. But, I will adjust my tickers, etc. based on my Wednesday weigh in with clothing (jeans).

I know what you both are saying. I get very jealous of people eating these days! At Zumba toning last week people were eating sarnies and crisps etc and I had a shake.