Coming off?

Justice UK

Full Member
I want to come off exante after this run of shakes as I think they are vile and are generally making me miserable. I only intended to do a month so was wondering what people thought was the best way of refeeding?
Didn't want to read & run :)

I've only just got the pack & need to re-read the blurb (since last time - been using up old shakes) :sigh: - but I did CDSS, and they suggested green & white meals (low carb, ie chicken & spinnach etc) and gradually introduce real foods (especially carbs) as they're the ones that make you feel rubbish.
Best of luck. Sure someone will be along with much better advice soon.
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Unfortunately VLCDs arent really designed to be done for a month due to the fact refeeding has to be done over a period. You might find you end up with a gain if you dont have time to do it properly
I have been looking at other VLCD boards and they all seem to differ with the re-feeding. The Exante website suggests going through the different programmes - WS, SS then stabiliser over a few weeks.

Lighterlife have 12 weeks of re-feeding -

I plan on going somewhere in the middle. If you look on the maintenance section of VLCD boards on here you will find loads of helpful info. I think a lot comes down to common sense. Everyones body is different and you have to monitor your weight more strictly to avoid re-gaining what you have lost.

It's a shame the diet does not suit you, as the results are fab! Stick at some kind of programme though, you have done well so far. Good luck x
The lighter life maintenance is a really good programme, I did it and it worked for a couple of years for me.

Unfortunately I'm in a position of needing to lose again and I'm doing Atkins.

I think it would be a good way of getting back into food, it starts of like LL maintenance and you reintroduce gradually and observing your reactions.

I've gone for the Atkins 72 version by the way. ?
It's not like I plan to go back an eat terribly again. Exante was only meant for me to drop some weight fast and kick start a healthier life style. On the website it says only do it for a month at a time before eating again, so I do think its suitable for one months use. Ive hit my target for loss on exante and now can't wait to get off!!
I'm not coming straight off, that's why I'm trying to get advice about refeeding. I promised myself if I got through this month I could have a drink on my friends birthday. Which means stopping this week so I've eat and am ready to drink at the weekend. I've still got some shakes to slowly introduce food.
Here is what I am hoping to do when I come off the shakes:

Find out on a web calculator how many calories in theory someone at your weight and exercise habits needs to maintain.

Decrease by 10% in case that was too generous.

Subtract 600 from this to give you your extra calories over & above Exante.

Ramp up your eating by 200-300 calories per week, eating low carb, moderate good fat, and moderate lean protein. Maybe use some shakes in the first few weeks and reintroduce one meal at a time. Use this time to establish new eating patterns.

Weigh yourself weekly to check that you are not gaining again.

Use a free website like fitday to track your calories etc.
Personally, I think you can do it for a month. Even less if you want.
I have done it with Cambridge before. A couple of weeks on the plan to lose the initial blubber and then, because my BMI was at 25, I followed the re feed program, working up the different stages.
Its not really about how long you do it for, its about how you introduce food. Even if you follow TS for months and months, you will gain weight if you don't re introduce gradually, so I don't believe time is an issue.

Anyway, in answer to your question(!), take a look at the exante website, there are allsorts of recipes and ideas on there about introducing food gradually. Some nice looking ones too!!!

Good luck!
It's a shame, as your losses have been great!

I hate the shakes too (and the bars, and the soups......) but have found it easier if I only have a half a shake at a time (so six per day), but drink them through a straw right at the back of my mouth - to avoid as many taste buds as possible! Glass of water on standby and voila!

Not sure about re-feeding, but thought that may be worth chipping in. I find it hard to identify with people that love the taste of the products, as I find them very "minerally" - same with the CD. Pretty good means to and end tho..... :rolleyes:
I have started doing the Cambridge refeeding plan, it worked for me before so I'm starting with that but using Exante products. I found a link to the steps that someone shared on a different forum online. I'll pm you the address if it would help.
