Confessions of a Foodaholic


So... after avidly readingeverone elses diaries I've decided to start one of my own. I realised that the reason I was scared to do this is because I didn't have the faith in myself to stick to CD again and didn't want to let everyone down... I've now realised that I HAVE to have faith in myself as I'm the only one wo can lose this weight.

The rules are:
1. Be 100% honest here, every blip and negative thought will be documented.
2. Actually I can't think of any more rules... I'm too rebelious for rules anyway! hahaha!!!

So this weekend is going to be a challenge, I've got a gig tomorrow night, and engagement party on Saturday night and... a first date on Sunday night. I'm dreading this date as I would have liked to have lost a bit of weight before it but hey I figured if he likes me with my fat then we're off to a good start... having said that, I might not like him yet! ha

Day 2 is almost over, an early night will bring day 3 quicker!

Good luck to everyone for tomorrow :D
best of luck coogee gosh you have alot to contend with over the weekend stay strong;)
i am always trying to go to bed earlier aswell too funny makes the day end quicker lol
Yay my first reply... thanks S4L!!!

Day 3
Really struggled to get to sleep last night, I'm usually a really good sleeper but I felt so restless like my mind just didn't want to switch off.

Couldn't resist a quick jump on the scales this morning to reassure myself that the diet actually works... 3.5lbs down already, woop thats only after 2 days!

Got a funeral today and the gig tonight so need to try and plan m packs around that, just water so far, I like to save my first pack until mid morning if i can. Tried to make a mousse last night but think i put in too much water and ended up with a gloopy mess... might help if i follow the recipe next time haha!

Hope today is a breeze for everyone!
hi!! you are doing really well coogee. keep going, this week will be hard but come on here and we'll all help you through it.
Well the funeral was emotional as expected, nice send off though.

Managed to resist the hot pot with beetroot and buffet afterwards. I say and drank a pint of water and stayed strong. I promised myself that as long as I didn't eat any of that I'd stop at M&S on the way home and get some nice prawns or chicken as that woudn't do as much damage. Well I'm home now and didn't stop at M&S, just sat and had my 2nd pack and a drink of water :) I'm better at this than i thought!!!

I'll be setting off to Leeds for the weekend in a couple of hours so once I get there it should be easy, no food temptations at the gig and I'm not really that fussed for a drink anyway... day 3 almost done!
Well done, keep it up!

Lou x
What a weekend!!!

The gig was easy, drank a pint of water had a dance and came home, had a great night! Yesterday didn't go quite as smoothly ending in my car being towed away and having to pay £280 to have it released. Diet wise I really, really wanted to console myself with a burger or something but managed to keep myself under control mostly... I did have a few picks yesterday and in my vow of honesty the list is as follows:
1. Piece of chicked from my friends sandwich
2. A Haribo Cola bottle, fried egg and teddy bear.
3. A small bowl of chicken, cabbage and beansprout stirfry.
4. 2 chips from teh bag my friend bought a 1am whilst trying to contact the miserable sods who towed my car.

Hmmmm.... I thought I'd done pretty well until I wrote it all down :(
Hiya! Well done on this week so far and well done on resisting a burger. That list doesn't look too bad, think about what it could of been if you weren't on CD.
Good luck for your date tonight, hope it goes well for you x
Day 6
So far so good today, the feeling of hunger has gone which is great. I spent a bit of time looking on the the other VLCD forums last nigbht and saw that people are having all kinds of other products... wafer biscuits and hot meals i.e. Spag Bol all are included as their 'packs' and they're having great losses, made me a bit jealous to be honest. But then I woke up this morning feeling a bit more philosphical about it and realsied that CD works!!! If I want something to eat then i can have a green salad and some chicken or similar and at least it's fresh produce not proccessed... hmmm just me pondering I suppose.

I've also decided that I'm not going to be hard on myself if I do eat now and then (no carbs obviously) surely it's got to be better to do that and essentailly stay on the plan than feel completely deprived and go and binge on fast food??? I'm not saying that I'm going to eat everyday but even if i do then I have to accept that's the way it is and also accept that this may have an impact on my weight loss. Perhaps I need to learn by my mistakes, if I can see a negative effect on weight loss then it might make me feel differently.

Crikey, what a load of rubbish I've just typed there... thinking out loud I think that was... sorry if you read all the way through that drivvel!!! hahaha
Day 8

Weighed in this morning after 7 days on CD... 9lbs!!! Please with that... bit jealous of everyones 13 & 14lb losses but I have to realise that everyone's journey is different AND I haven't been 100% the 1st 2 days particularly I was just playingh around with it to see if I could ease myself back into it! So... All in all I'm actually pretty pleased with my 9lbs.

I took photos last week and again this morning and I can already see a difference, hurrah. I'll continue to take them every week but I'm not expecting to see a difference each time but hopefully over time I'll start to see me shrinking.

How's everybody else doing? I've been reading diaries and I nice to know that everyone has ups and downs and great that we can all support each other on our journeys to skinny
hiya! well done on the losse so far. i too like reading about peoples ups and downs. it makes me feel less alone. you seem to be doing fab girl.