Consequences of exercising?


Determined to succeed!
Hi everyone...

I am wanting to start upping my exercise soon as I am going on holiday in March and want to a) get toned and B) be prepared for coming off Exante. I may do a bit of WS when I get back depending on the damage of 2 wks in the USA, but hoping to maintain with diet and exercise.

My plan is to stay TS until the week before I go away, then do WS with re-feed until we go. I have about 30 more days of TS and would like to lose another stone, ideally.

Exercise wise, I don't want to over do it and risk not losing the weight cos I am not adequately "fueled". How should I introduce more exercise? What do u lot do? Do u continue to lose??

My main issue areas are my tummy and my butt/thighs. I want to tone up and tighten the wobble... but above all I want to up my fitness in preparation for returning to food.

What exercises should I start including would u say...?


Spots xx
I would suggest getting the 30 day shred DVD, by Jillian Michaels.
It is very good, and is an all over work out.
It is only 30mins long, and if you can do it every day for 30 days, you will definatley notice a difference.
Its the best fiver I have ever spent.
:)... I just need to get back into it now :eek:
I use my wii fit everyday...I also go walking, I live near a beach and mountain. So I take my pick as to where I fancy a walk! :)
Wow - lucky you lauriel, what a great choice :)

I've started using kettlebells, which does include a bit of cardio with core and resistance exercises. It's fun and I'm enjoying it.

I think that while your on a vlcd you have to be careful not to overdo the cardio workouts - but other than that, just find something you enjoy.
Hi Spots,

I've just recently purchased Jillian Michaels 30 day shred DVD, and I can honestly say that it's a great way to fit an intense workout into everyday. I have only had it two days but I know I'll be doing everyday .

There are three separate workouts, increasing in difficulty. The first is level one which I am currently doing it starts off with a two minute warmup, then 3 mins of strength training, 2 mins of cardio and 1 min of abs, this is then repeated (albeit with different moves), 3 times, it then finishes off with a couple of mins cool down.

The idea then is to do level 1 for 10 days, or until it becomes to easy, then you move to level 2, and so on.

It's also only a fiver so it's not too much spent if you're not keen.

Hope you find this helpful.

Good luck with your weight loss.

Thanks all... I already have the 30 day shred, bought it beginning of last year.

Thought it might be a bit heavy for while on a VLCD, but worth a go!

Was thinking about going to the gym before work tomorrow, but would prefer to do something like that instead. 30 mins before work, then swim or whatnot afterwards if I have any energy left.

Good plan?

Spotty D xxx
I've really noticed a difference in my arms now I do weights with the hubby at the gym, they have definition now, before they were just flabby! I also do lunges and squats on the powerplate, which seems to have really lessened my cellulite on my thighs! and walking lots of walking up steep hills!
Once I actually learn to swim (I'm getting there!) I'm going to go swimming a few times a week because apparently it's good for toning up the whole body.
I'm also gonna have a go at aqua aerobics again :D