Countdown till may tummy tuck


Silver Member
Hi guys !regulars will have seen me a lot on here over the past 5 years, 5 years ago I began the Cambridge diet at 19 stone, I got around 12 and half to 13 stone and felt amazing in just 7 months. I did not cheat once! Since coming off the diet I have had some Side effects to the diet including vomiting after meals, taking laxatives and so on and so forth. The biggest factor being the excess skin that come from the weight loss. Personal trainers told me I couldnt get rid of it through exercise and the doctors told me they couldn't pay for it. At 21, neither could I. So then July 10 I was round about 13 to 14 stone up and down after battling with the help of doctors my "eating disorder" although I never called it this! Itwas then I met my gorgeous boyfriend who at first if anything I started to lose weight because I was always doing something not sitting at home hammering the fridge! Although aft a while as you can imagine I got comfortable?the boy is 6 foot 4 and can eat like a machine...looking in the mirror now u wud have think it was a competition between me and him but just me who gained the weigh ha!sooo the true reason I am back on here....daddy dear inherited a substantial amount of money and has given me the money finally for a tummy tuck! So I am back with a Vengeance to tackle this diet with the hope the tummy tuck will be the right incentive to help me, looking at getting the tummy tuck in about may so have plenty of time if I do it right!as much support from u guys would be so good as it was minimins that got me through last time! Sorry for the big speech but hopefully they will be happening daily! Keep everything crossed!thanks guys xxx
What a inspirational story! It's such a shame you have these side affects after such a amazing journey!

I have a fear of loose skin but won't let that stand in my way of losing the weight.

Bet you can't wait for the new you!
Wow. That's such a great story (other than the nasty side effects). Although I'm only on day 13 of SS have to say I'm a bit worried about eating habits at the end, not least as my Mum was anorexic when she was younger and I fear there may be something in the genes as I can see how u can get addicted to the euphoria that comes with ketosis and to the control of not eating. Am sure she'll be watching out for the signs more than anyone though!

Pleased you seem to be sorted now and so determined to lose a little bit more before the tuck in May! Well done you x
Hi fat to fabulous
I was also on here 5 years ago, starting weight was 21 and a half stone i got down to 15 then gave in and decided to do the healthy eating diet. i maintained for about 2 years but in the last 2 years i have gained back 3stones.
I started back on the cambridge last thursday and doing o.k.
we both been here before and we both know as long as we stay strong we`ll get to our goals :D
Mini`s was a life saver for me and i know it will be again.
You go for it girl, you can do it
all the best
Hi guys thanks for ur post! Keighley I would like to have kids in about 5 years but next year I want to go travelling and I will be so much happier with a stomach I don't have to hide! Xxx