Cruise PV Couteaux - Dukan, take two!

Wow - 5.5 lbs is amazing, C - well done!! :D

Oh, and don't worry about the chicken .... it's like Chicken Gobblers Anonymous around here!! ;)

P x
Well done great loss on attack, take two will be the last time once its off this time it will stop off X have a great Dukan weekend x:)
fab loss hun :D xx
Thanks so much for the posts :) very pleased! Will try and wait a week for my next weigh...

Food today was pretty low, hunger pangs non existent and we've been super busy with friends visiting the little ones again. A huge amount of yummy treats avoided, strawberries were the only temptation really.

B - none. Naughty!!

L - chicken and cottage cheese

D - steak (divine & tender!) with 2 eggs.

Felt like a huge treat :)

Not enough dairy and no oatbran (bad!)

Day 6 of the shred and ouch again! Crikey, who knew 20 minutes of exercise could be such hard work. Glad to be doing it though :)

Planning a nice Father's Day roast tomorrow with lots of roast veggies, BNS, red onion, courgette, pepper etc and either chicken (shock horror!!) or beef. Will see what's on offer :)

Hope you are all having fabulous Dukan weekends.
It is difficult to keep eating when theres no appitite to prompt you, Im guilty to of that this week......come on me and you big effort to up protien this week......hahaha we could always set the alarm to every two hours to eat lol ;)
Hi Sidd :)

Good thinking! ;) I need to prep more at home too, during the week I was fine, working from home and able to grab stuff when needed. My OH has been working all weekend so no chance to do a proper shop yet and we're running low on the essentials. I'll grab a few bits today but it always easier when there's food on hand to pick at.

Going to try hard to eat better! Hope you have a good week with plenty of eating too :)
It has been a bit bonkers busy here, work, 3 little ones and all the stuff that goes with that, but all ok on the dukan front!!

Have been feeling a bit blue and wishing I was at home more with my 3. My youngest is 19 months and I just ache to be a full time mum! Not really loving my work, just want to be here, enjoying my kids while they are young. Anyhoo, I am not turning to food or a sad glass of wine, so just wallowing a bit an having to feel sad rather than shove my emotions down with food! Something that happened last time I was on Dukan too - I had to 'feel' more if that makes sense?

Haven't weighed for a few days, will do on Thurs am I think after my pp day today.

Ate loads of veggies at dinner but had a busy working day so not much else until dinner time.

Must try harder today but see the same thing happening... Should get some food rather then posting this lol!

Oh well, lottery win this week 'eh? ;) xx
I know exactly what you mean about having to 'feel' more - posted something very similar on my diary yesterday.

I went part-time after having my third - is that an option for you? Initially I didn't think we could afford it but with childcare costs what they are...
I couldn't bear to go back full-time again now. x
Hi!! well done for taking control and dukanning again! I can defo relate to feeling' and dealing with our emotions whereas we would have just comforted it all with food before. One day at a time ;-)
I know exactly what you mean about having to 'feel' more - posted something very similar on my diary yesterday.

I went part-time after having my third - is that an option for you? Initially I didn't think we could afford it but with childcare costs what they are...
I couldn't bear to go back full-time again now. x

BANGING HEAD ON TABLE!! I keep going to post and hitting 'reply' at the top instead of the bottom and losing my post. *sob* I've just repllied to you both and lost it. :cry:

I have gone back part time too actually (after number 3 here too) :) . I am now working a 4 day week over 3 days but tend to do extra in the evenings too which is just a bit too much, but so so happy to have those extra days with the little ones though. I never had that before and I can't imagine giving it up either, I just love having those extra days and keep having to remember how lucky I am to have that this time.

I weighed in at 12.11 this morning - hoorah! Eating a bit better, not feeling so stressy today, it is Thursday so off tomorrow - yay!!

Hope you are having a great Dukan week. :D
Well done on your 12:11!! You'll be making your way down to 11's in no time :)

It must be really hard juggling being a mum and work. Hubby and I really want to start a family but I'm so worried about how we'll manage financially as I am the main income earner. But everyone says you're never financially ready for kids so I guess we'll just crack on :D
Hi Margarino,

Thanks so much :)

Re money and kiddies - you are never financially ready, it is 100% true! I am the main bread winner too (hence having to keep working boo!) and we never thought we could afford 1 child, let alone 3. But you do! Other things are stopped (socialising, dinners out, lots of treats, clothes etc) but they are all things we don't really need. I laugh with friends that I don't know what we did with our money before our children, then remember our old ways and all the 'stuff', more expensive food, drinks out with friends at the weekend. I know what I prefer though :) not to say we don't do those things at all now, they are just a rare treat rather than a weekly thing.

Good luck with trying!!! Xox
Sorry - wrote that on my phone and looks a bit muddled ;)

I am having a really hungry day today!! Not helped by wanting to bake with little ones today
Thanks Sara :) I agree re the need to be there more, I fully intend to stay on part time when my youngest starts school as my older 2 will be needing more support with their school then too. I feel much more a part of things now I am there for school runs twice a week!

Dukan wise... I don't know what is happening, I am back at 13 (12.11 prev!!) I've been on it totally. Only issue would be not eating enough, seem to have fallen into a trap of eating chicken thighs as my main meat source.

Feeling a bit 'meh'! And craving stuff, something other than meat. Not great on a pp day ;) oh well!
Thanks Chris. Had a bit of a wobble. Experiencing cravings I never had first time around. Feeling very bored and uninspired and ended up eating bread and some chocolate :( silly, silly! Going to carry on with a pv tomorrow as I think I just need a bit more at the moment and I don't want to blow it completely. Annoyed with myself but just need to keep going. The scales can have such a negative impact on me!