Crrrrrrazy Weight Fluctuations - anyone else?


Full Member
Hey everyone! Happy Friday, hope everyone has been having a good week :)

I've returned to SW and am doing it from home this time - just had my second weigh-in. First week I lost 3.5lbs so very pleased with that. Have also been really good this week and thought I should easily lose maybe 2lbs (if not more) but I went from 15.7.5 to 15.12.5 in the space of a day and have stayed there over the last three days. :( I've been a bit constipated and bloated but unfortunately SW doesn't allow for that so while my husband says he can visibly see I am shrinking :lilkiss: the scales says I'm putting on weight and THAT is the figure I have to log at my weekly weigh-in with SW. :sigh: This in turn (and this has happened every time I diet) completely discourages me and then I go and sabotage it for myself when I a. work so hard and am 100% on plan but b. don't see immediate results/I witness totally unjustified gains. It's like I tell myself I can't do it. Does this happen anyone else? What do you do to not allow it to make you feel utterly miserable and demotivated? Any advice or words of wisdom would really help right now, it's making me miserable tbh. xx
The same has happened to me this week, I gained 6 lbs even though there's no reason for it. I'm just going to carry on as normal this week and if it is water retention/ bloated/ constipation it should all come off next week. If it doesn't then I will try something new to shake things up a bit. Our bodies don't always play ball especially women, the way I see it is as long as it comes off in the long run I'm good. I know it's hard to think like that and I was totally pee'd off when I first saw the gain but you have to hang in there and push forward.
Good luck this week x
Thanks so much for the response Tace! Does your weight fluctuate a lot? You see if you can lose 4 stone (so impressive by the way, very well done :)) but still see weekly fluctuations then I'd be encouraged. It's very unfair when you've been really good and yet see an increase.....makes me want to reach for the chocolate!!
Are you weighing yourself at the same time every week? If so, just put it down to water retention/ bloated/ constipation like Tace said.

Try drinking green tea - I've found it helps with bowel movments :)
Yes, weighing myself in the morning in the nuddy before getting ready for work. And I went from 15.7.5 all the way up by 5lbs overnight (after eating 100% on plan the day inbetween....grrrr!) Thanks Emma, will try the green tea for sure!
Was that a once a week weigh in, or are you weighing every morning? (You said you have stayed that weight for 3 days)

Weighing yourself every day can be damaging. Weight can fluctuate hourly, nevermind daily, so it was likely not an accurate reading. You should try and stick to weighing yourself just once a week, on the same day and time.
Hi Stevie! I promised myself I'd weigh-in once a week but have been weighing myself every morning....probably a bad idea then? :eek: Although on the other hand, if I didn't I wouldn't have seen the 15.7.5. result at all and would probably be doubly upset.....very hard to know what to do!
It all depends on how it affects you. It's really only a choice that you can make for yourself.

I do weigh myself every day, but I find it keeps me on track. For example, if I see a loss it encourages me to keep on plan. If I see a gain (like you have) it kicks me up the backside and encourages me to give it everything I've got to get rid of it again.

At the end of the day, as long as you are sticking to the plan there is nothing else you can do. The only weight which really matters is the one you see on weigh day, so don't worry too much about what it says throughout the week.
I would say to just stick to the weekly weigh ins (I know its tempting!). That works best for me anyway. I don't go to classes, but I find if I weigh myself more than weekly I either get complacent and tend to slip up a bit or get downhearted and slip up a bit haha. If you *know* your weekly weigh in doesn't reflect your loss, just remind yourself that its likely to come off next week or just be a little blip along the way :) x
Thanks so much for the response Tace! Does your weight fluctuate a lot? You see if you can lose 4 stone (so impressive by the way, very well done :)) but still see weekly fluctuations then I'd be encouraged. It's very unfair when you've been really good and yet see an increase.....makes me want to reach for the chocolate!!
Thank you :D
It does go up and down but that's partly to do with me working nights so some weeks I go and get weighed straight from work and others I'm off so I've not long got up (I go to a morning group). I think everyone's different, some people lose a little every week and very rarely put on others like me fluctuate but still lose in the long run. The way to look at it is if it's going in a downward trend with the odd hiccup I don't worry about it too much I'm after a long term solution not a quick fix. Of course it still gets to me sometimes like this week as it's a big gain but I'm going to plod on.
Like the other replies said you're probably better not weighing too often as you'll drive yourself mad lol. Stay focused and it will work itself out in the end x
Thanks, unfortunately I just let it really upset me and ended up binging like a man woman at the weekend. Back on the horse now. I need to keep plodding on and not let temporary gains let me think that it's not working/it will never happen for me. Onwards and upwards. Lots of fruit and a big bowl of vegetable soup for lunch....I CAN DO THIS
You can do it!! :)
I know it's really hard not to eat rubbish when you're down but draw a line under it and move on. When you have a bad week remember what it felt like when you had a good week and this will make you want it again x
Aww thanks so much Tace. I have WI tomorrow and I've had an exceptionally good week (100% on plan every day) so I'm hoping the damage limitation will pay off. Thank you for the encouragement, great to have people who understand xx