Daily chat and general fun food time

Just noticed you are getting married a week before me - my wedding is 12th September 2015!!!!
Been good so far today!

Breakfast was Dorset cereal (hex), yogurt, strawberries and banana

Snack: nectarine, water and 6 syns of alpen light bars

Lunch: tuna and turkey breast salad.. No dressing..

Dinner: planning a big bowl of spaghetti bologna....

Did 40 minutes at the gym so if I am feeling peckish, gonna have some tea (hex a) and 6 syn biscuits!!
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Had a bit of an up and down day today

Breakfast : eggs on hex B bread

Lunch : picnic so it was a mix ( all hm).. Chicken drumsticks, salad, potato salad (2 syns), pasta mix, fresh fruit...

Then I ate a chocolate doughnut, an ice cream and a white bap with cheese!!!

Why do I keep doing this to myself!! I need to get my head in the game!
After my huff with myself yesterday, today has been all on plan. Going to have a SW friendly BBQ later ( I'm making the food so it will be!)

Breakfast : banana

Lunch : tuna melt sandwich ( both hexs) and 3 syns for light mayo

Snack : water, carrot sticks and strawberry yogurt

Had a BBQ, so made SW friendly potato salad, pasta salad, had whole meal bun with my beef burger and had chicken drumsticks etc... Would say I defo used up 12 syns plus 7 syns for crisps..

Plus side is I didn't go too overboard and I can easily make up the 7 syns over the week.. Had a long stroll around the shops and all this morning so I've put that on my fitness pal as well.. Over on my calories but not by too much
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Well, did moderately well last night at the BBQ.. Lol found myself some outdoor furniture so I might treat myself to that!

Breakfast : Dorset cereal, yoghurt and banana ( 2 syns.. Went over my hex allowance)

Snack : banana and tea

Lunch : homemade veggie pasta and salad

Dinner : 2 quorn sausages, chicken drumstick, beans and airfryed chips

Snack : 6 syn crackers and hex A cheese...

Unsure of to decide if it was a green day or not!!
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Food for today :

Breakfast : egg and hex B bread

Lunch : side salad and tuna tin
Tea with 3 syns biscuits

Dinner : chilli pasta and salad

Tea and 3 syn chocolate

Starbucks skinny mocha... It says 110 calories so I guess if I could it as my hex A.. And I will have had 7 syns today..

Littlemiss, I haven't spoken to him in 5 years so it's really difficult. It's kinda the source of my over eating and probably abandonment issues as well.. It's difficult to get over and forgive..
Good morning!! Up bright and early today and feeling better! Gym tonight after work..

Breakfast : cheese on toast ( hexs ) and banana

Lunch: Probably another tuna salad

Dinner : beef stir fry (looking forward to this!).... Turns out we had Thai green curry instead! It was in a Thai restaurant and I can't find the syns online so I am going by my fitness pal and saying 10 syns.

Snacks : probably tea and some biccies at work today.. 6 syns
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Glad you're feeling better, have a good day :)
Thanks Danni, I think some time gives you perspective! Been bold this morning and not had my usual healthy breakfast but I didn't have anything else in the house! Lol

Breakfast : honey Cheerios (need to look up syns) and milk.

Lunch: Lebanese restaurant : 3 pieces of bread :(, hummus, tabbolah, salad, mixed grill... Was a work do out but the girl who owns the restaurant said its all freshly made so hoping it wasn't too bad.

Snacks : cup tea, bag crisps, 2 biscuits, crackers and cheese, maltesers and fro yo!!!

Dinner : risotto in tomato and cheese sauce with chicken..

Completely off plan yesterday but I looked at my ticker and reminded myself how far I have to go til my wedding.. 12st 3.6 on the scales this week
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Hey all!! Having a much much better day than yesterday! Lets face it, that couldn't be hard!

Breakfast : Melon Fruit salad with Starbucks light frappacino (Hex A) = turns out to be free!! :D

Lunch : Have 2 Quorn sausages already made, thinking them plus hex B bread with tomatoes, beans and eggs

Snack : Diet coke

Dinner is BBQ so gonna have to be careful as people are drinking as well. We bought steaks.. Planning on having it with salad and some homemade (low syn) potato salad and maybe one or two of my homemade skewers..
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So back to work today.. Feeling a bit meh with SW ATM... I've no notion why! I have to get in shape for my wedding and really don't want a quick fix..

Breakfast : hex b Dorset cereal, activia 0% yogurt and banana

Snacks : Ferrero Roche (4 syns), banana and tea ( hex a milk)

Lunch : pasta and veg in a vinegerette sauce (yuck) and some pistachio nuts 30g (8 syns)!!!?!?!

Dinner : making chicken homemade stir fry... Having another cuppa though before I go!

Feeling like I had an off plan day. I haven't ate enough superfree and tbh, I don't care. I felt so fat today in work.. I have no confidence ATM..
Hope you're just having an off day with feeling rubbish :-( you are definitely not fat and will look fabulous on Thursday :-D