Daily chat...

My GP doesn't like my not eating starches either... I have low blood pressure too... but did she at least notice your weight loss?
Morning all, had a busy morning... will check in diaries while chewing... PV day and made some coleslaw so good CRUNCHING going on here!
Hi guys, Hey wanted to ask........
Went to the drs today and my BP is low, Never been before and she said I need to eat more carbs, Do you think this diet can cause that problem??? Cause Im not eating any and not planning on doing it till I hit **my** weight :) Just wanted to see everyones thoughts on it..... and I have been fine until thursday when I got the dam hayfever/virus thingo.

Ok Im off to bed now to play on the Ipad (love that thing!!) Have a great day all xxxxxxxx

Hi Vikki,

well my BP has always been low, the diet did not change that for me. At times I can get dizzy just getting up from my office chair. My GP has never said anything... but not seen her for ages either.
I just recently learnt a trick from my yoga teacher which does help to lessen the dizziness a bit (getting up from any position): look up, just your head (ie tilt it back) first and then come up - it does help!

IPAD: meee wwaaaant one now :jelous: shame I can't justify owning one and it's not something I can put on my Christmas list either.;)..
Morning guys,
LOL Jo, Nah I dont think she did, Like Anja I hardly go dr's :)
Thanks for the tip Anja, Will have to try that!
Oh the Ipad is great, I wasnt going to get one we have way too many comps and laptops in the house but my husband bought it for our wedding anniversary....(Sure beats the weed eater and manly things I get usually!!) and they are better than what I thought too.

Hope everyone has a great day/night, Im off to the surgeon with my husband today to try and get his gallbladder out ASAP before we head to NZ.
I had mine out last December and it is ok - mine was keyhole which I think is a better recovery time - I only had a week off work.
Hi Mousy, Hes booked for the 15th Dec after we get back from NZ, So its finally getting done bad news as we are private we will be about $3000 out of pocket, Dam it!! I had mine out when keana was 6mths old (shes 10 now) and it was great, They stuck me in the maternity ward as I was still feeding her and she got sooooo spoilt as they were used to newborns..LOL Thank god you and I and soon hubby will NEVER have to go through that pain again!

Hope everyones having a good sleep :) xxxxxxxxxx
Hi Mousy, Hes booked for the 15th Dec after we get back from NZ, So its finally getting done bad news as we are private we will be about $3000 out of pocket, Dam it!! I had mine out when keana was 6mths old (shes 10 now) and it was great, They stuck me in the maternity ward as I was still feeding her and she got sooooo spoilt as they were used to newborns..LOL Thank god you and I and soon hubby will NEVER have to go through that pain again!

Hope everyones having a good sleep :) xxxxxxxxxx

Unfortunately that is the pain I still get! They thought it was my gallbladder (I did have some whopping stones) so they took it out but I am still getting the pains and they don't know why:confused:
OMG Mousy, You must be in pain, What idiots it wasnt the gallbladder :eek: and they have no idea what it is???
I would never wish that pain on my worst enemy and poor mousy still has it :( Hope they find out soon what it is, Poor thing!!
Thinking of you xxxxxxxxxx

They really don't know what it is. I did have gallstones, so I suppose it is a case of better out than in:D I kept ending up in A&E and being given morphine for the pain and it was getting a bit ridiculous, but at least now they have given me my own supply of powerful painkillers so I can deal with it myself. I just have to remember to carry them with me at all times and to be careful with them as it's not ideal to be carrying around controlled drugs in your handbag:D
Wow Vickki, that's a lot of ops for your family:(. Hope all goes well and that it's the end of the pain for your hubby.

Another mixed-weather day here. It was raining at 6.30, now it's brightened up. Not too cold either, so maybe a walk will be possible later. Done the boring housework and now need to attack the (even more boring) paperwork.

Christmas shopping (ingredients, the odd pressie/Christmas treat) this afternoon with husband. Mixed feelings about that (he's an impulse buyer, I'm not).

Hope everyone's OK today.:)
Drizzly here this morning but <drum roll> I walked irrespective! Have to do something to get these new kilos off again! haaa! Shame about the smooth blow dry though...

Gosh yes Mouse... it does seem ridiculous that they can't figure out what's causing this pain. Is there a plan in place for them to do some investigations, or are they going to leave things as they are?

Robin - I'll be interested to hear how your shopping trip goes; my other half sounds like yours where impulse purchases are concerned!
Drizzly here this morning but <drum roll> I walked irrespective! Have to do something to get these new kilos off again! haaa! Shame about the smooth blow dry though...

Gosh yes Mouse... it does seem ridiculous that they can't figure out what's causing this pain. Is there a plan in place for them to do some investigations, or are they going to leave things as they are?

Robin - I'll be interested to hear how your shopping trip goes; my other half sounds like yours where impulse purchases are concerned!

They're going to review in March. I think the thing is when you are overweight they don't worry about you too much if you are seen to be coping. If I was 8 stone and losing weight they would worry!

I think the consultant will be in for a shock when he sees me in April though, not having seen me for 6 months.
Afternoon All :)

Manda I need your controlled drugs/painkillers...banging head this morning/last night :(........ "think" it could be carb hangover? :( x
I know some of you are French speakers, and might have received this email from our guru, but here it is...

Basically, he's letting us know how Weightwatcher's, pioneers and worldwide leaders in the dieting industry, as a result of Dukan's success first in France now in G.B. and about to cross the Atlantic into the U.S., are about to breakaway from their traditional "calorie counting" (I thought it was point counting myself!) method, and that he's delighted to hear it as he knows calorie counting doesn't work long term, which is proved by the increase in number of obese people each year (hmm does it? how do we know they were dieting and counting calories?!)). Personally I see just as many pounds lost and regained on low carb forums, but there you go! Anyway, as the Daily Mail has already told us (article previously posted), Weightwatchers are about to revamp their system with an emphasis on protein and healthy eating, rather than spending all your points on cr*p as is possible currently.

Cette semaine, un évènement majeur a marqué la trajectoire du phénomène Dukan

WeightWatchers, le géant américain et leader mondial de l'amaigrissement, découvre sur son chemin une nouvelle révolution dans l'axe du maigrir. Débordé depuis 18 mois en France dans le classement des méthodes par le Régime Dukan, confronté à sa percée en Grande Bretagne, son premier fief européen et anticipant son arrivée dans quelques mois sur son propre territoire national américain, WeightWatchers s'apprête à se dégager "du comptage des calories" contre lequel je me bats depuis 35 ans.

Je salue le pragmatisme américain et je souhaite longue vie et prospérité à cet acteur majeur de l'amaigrissement. WW a été un pionnier dans ce domaine en créant les réunions qui furent en leur temps une révolution. Hélas, cette pépite a toujours été desservi par son régime des Basses Calories, trop lent et totalement inadapté au profil de l'obèse et de la personne en surpoids. Aujourd'hui, il le comprend et s'adapte.

Malheureusement, ce n'est pas le cas du système français qui persiste à protéger ce vieux dogme du passé. Aucun scientifique digne de ce nom n'accepterait de cautionner une méthode qui fait chaque année un peu plus la preuve de son inefficacité. Quand 20 millions de français sont en surpoids médical et que 50 000 personnes meurent chaque année "directement" de leur surpoids, persister à maintenir une méthode inefficace s'apparente à de la "non assistance à personnes en danger".

J'ai été, je suis et je resterai médecin dans l'âme et c'est à ce titre que j'accepte le risque de la médiatisation pour élargir encore la diffusion de ma méthode auprès de personnes en surpoids, en souffrance qui ne la connaissent pas et qui, j'en ai la conviction, pourraient en bénéficier.

Pierre Dukan, Nutritionnis
Morning guys :)
Oh Mousy your diary is so funny :) Put a smile on my face so early in the morning.....LOL Hope your good today,
Hi laura, Jo, Jaqys and all up today :) What have you all done today? Did the shopping get done Laura??? Im like your husband a impulse buyer , Bad habit!
Im off to the girls school today Karlia is doing a thing at assembly, Singing We all live in a yellow submarine......ummmmmm and Ive been told I have to take the camera :) So cute I ALWAYS get out of these things but thought I better go and do the mummy thing before school ends :)
Have a great day/night all.
Oh and I went to check out the facebook (australian??) Dukan group, Some nice recipes there with pretty pics!! Yum you might want a look if you have facebook?
Drizzly here this morning but <drum roll> I walked irrespective! Have to do something to get these new kilos off again! haaa! Shame about the smooth blow dry though...

Gosh yes Mouse... it does seem ridiculous that they can't figure out what's causing this pain. Is there a plan in place for them to do some investigations, or are they going to leave things as they are?

Robin - I'll be interested to hear how your shopping trip goes; my other half sounds like yours where impulse purchases are concerned!

Well, the 'stocking' stuff is done for all 3 (apart from a "Simpsons" mug for eldest - got mugs for the others), the guitar bought for youngest along with dressing-up McQueen (Kiabi - on offer:D) so he's all sorted, trying to find a new craft set (one she hasn't got or hasn't yet done) for daughter which is proving difficult but didn't have time to do all the shops (and I was getting a bit fed up anyway:eek:).

Impulse buys - brans (we needed them though), Cars advent calendar (I'd already bought one each for them - non-character though), more stocking stuff than planned.

Not too bad!