Daily chat...

Thanks for the warm welcome alottolose!
Yes, we're definitely celebrating the Royal Wedding Scrumper. I'm American, so this is a bit of a novelty for me. We have plans with 4 other families for the whole day (all of them British - we're even getting dressed up in wedding gear... fascinators and all! And that's in Scotland. Should be fun :)
Hi everyone,

happy back-to-work-in-a-short-week day! Sorry no wedding extravaganzas here I'm afraid... but the day off is welcome of course.

Brr it must be summer: it's gone cold and windy again ?!

I got to work too early today and found the door locked (too many ppl on holiday clearly) so I'm currently in the library passing the time. I *could* actually do some work but shhhh don't tell!

Hope you all had a nice Easter, I had a few too many Choc Eggs and treats(the dangers of Stab with mininmal rules), now I need to work those off in time for our holiday in May Half-term.

And hey - my washing machien broke again :-( we just have no luck with that one. does anyone know how to re-set a JLWM1604. Tried googling for it with not much lukc let's see what the repair centre say. At least so far it's not cost anything despite 3 call outs in 3 years. the warranty is up in August though.... I'd say JohnLewis/Zanusssi - not one I'd buy again. Our old one lasted 12 years with not a fault, and was discarded due to OLD AGE & wear and tear... Now I'm not 100%sure but I think it was a simple Miele I got because it was on offer at the time.
Bad luck with the washing machine Anja, it's horrible when something so fundamental to the running of the house breaks down isn't it? Hopefully you can get some tips from this call out for next time if you ask nicely! :)

I imagine those in work this week will find it to be quite nice having a bit of peace and quiet, and 3 days will fly by before another 4 day weekend! Have a good day :)
I remember going to a big street party for the silver jubilee (showing my age now ) and i got a mug and a coin lol....
dont think there is anything planned in our town I know that it falls just before may day and whatwith the festivities for that I think pagan rituals come first down here
Boo guys :) I have a story to share with you!!!

On friday we went to the easter show.
My friend had been talking about a singing bowl and I spotted one.
I went in to play with it.........
One lady served me then the other ones is like I will help her.
So I played 2 worked, one refused to...These things apparently chose you!!
Then the lady (a psychic) pops up with.........
**I feel your looking for faith, You lost it a long long time ago, And your trying to find ways to get it back,
Its here but you need to open your heart and let it in again, and start believing.
Something is going to happen in about 2mths which Im not sure what it is but you will need to have the faith you are looking for......... Its around your feet at the moment but you have to bring it back into your heart!
You also need to start believing in yourself again.........**
OMG when she spoke it was eerie, Like no one was around and we were at a packed show!!
Her voice was like..um....... it made me want to cry but be calm at the same time.....
I know she didnt see the tattoo I got a week ago for mum,A Faith sign, Doubt she would have even known chinese characters if she saw them.....

What do you think about that!!
Is your fur standing up????

Just wanted to share with my Dukan friends, This is not the 1st time someone has just came up to me and started reading me.....Last time was in Malaysia.... when my husband and daughters were missing!!
Funny thing is I got the tattoo for mum and said to my bestest before I got it done, I need this to always remember to have faith and when I look at it when I talk with mum it will always remind me to never forget again.... I lost faith when my dad died 19yrs ago....

Hope you are all doing well, I have been a PIGGY! but back on track tomorrow,Kids back at school Thursday..YAY!!
Bad luck with the washing machine Anja, it's horrible when something so fundamental to the running of the house breaks down isn't it? Hopefully you can get some tips from this call out for next time if you ask nicely! :)

thanks :) well yes it didn't occur to us to ask last time :(. DH was at home and says the guy did not even get the machine pulled out from under the worktop! The first few callouts were to do with water in- (installation problem) and outlets (it eats smalls, now we use nets). Last time I assumed with was a blocked pump again but it was not (imbalance trigger had to be reset). And this time I assumed it's the latter again but trying to re-set as per manual did not do it! Pump is clear (always the first thing I check) but no pumping or spinning happens despite it happily chugging through the short cycle which we ran empty for testing yesterday :sigh:

At least we have not yet paid for a callout. Though we have had a utility room flooded with smelly water (when it broke on the 24.12 it took a while get get an appointment...)

Ok enough whining about my stupid washing machine, at least we'd done several loads so we'll have clean clothes for a week or two yet.
I remember going to a big street party for the silver jubilee (showing my age now ) and i got a mug and a coin lol....
dont think there is anything planned in our town I know that it falls just before may day and whatwith the festivities for that I think pagan rituals come first down here

We had a '77 street party too. My Mum and Nan helped organise it and they had no material to make the red and blue parts of the bunting so Nan cut up her bloomers! There was a fancy dress competition for the kids and Mum was so busy organising she didn't really have time to make a costume so (she thought she was very witty!) I ended up going as 'King Edward', wearing a used potato sack and wearing a cardboard crown! How mortifying - not one of my finer dressing up moments:D
wow Vikki that is very strange and if it helps you then hold onto it I know that I would of been listening with baited breath to whaat she had to say x

Can't believe it's Thursday already - where has the week gone?

Vickki - strange stuff and hair-raising indeed.

Hope everyone had a good (clean) Easter! (mine wasn't clean but I didn't have chocolate!)

Have a busy time of it from now on, so will be back properly next week. I have been so neglectful of late - must do better.

Hope everyone is OK, enjoy the wedding celebrations tomorrow (if you're partaking) and, especially, enjoy the long weekend.:D
Thanks Laura - I suppose you don't have a bank holiday :-( I would quite like to see the wedding, but just the once :)
No bank holiday (but husband is on holiday as of 1.30 today until the kids go back on the 9th, so selfishly, I don't mind:eek:) and 1st May is on Sunday, so a bad deal for public holidays this year.
Morning guys :) Hows everyone going??
Its freezing here this morning!!! and not even winter yet, Thank god for central heating!
Whats everyone been up to??? Do you guys have mothers day next Sunday? I will be going out with the girls which I love just not my Mammie as shes still in Brisbane :(
Laura how did you handle no chocolate?? God a week later and I still am munching along!! MUST stop that!! You done so well.

Hope you all have a great day/night
HI Vickki, we have already had our Mothers day in March. It is chillier here today than it has been but then the weather has been unseasonally mild.

Now (Puts stern face on) lay off the ruddy chocolate missis!!! :)
Gosh Vickke - THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I'm American (but living in the UK) and totally flaked that next week is Mother's Day over there. My Mom would kill me if I forgot, but she's too coy to remind me.

My only problem is that I forgot to get extra Mother's Day's cards back in March as I was on holiday :( E-card it is... at least I'll remember now, thanks to you! Going in my calendar now...
Yes please PLEASE feel sorry for us in France for these two Sunday Public Holidays on 1st and 8th May... oh and no day off for Christmas Day or New Year's Day for the second year running in 2011 (cos then you won't think we're too jammy in June with the first two weekends being four and three day ones ;))

So I'm back... no fatter (apparently, but would like to see confirmation of that tomorrow...) and definitely no wiser. I am truly pathetic on holiday even if I didn't end up head first in a bucket of food as is my tendency, I did become totally neurotic, Dukan obsessed and then, on my two days' off, turned into a food seeking maniac. Nothing was safe from me...

<waving at Vickki>
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Back from the wildness, back from cooking on a camp stove in the sunshine while watching lambs chasing butterflies and rabbits!

I had my heart in my mouth when I got on the scales this morning for the first time in 11 days - but I dropped 3 lbs, which is exactly what I would expect, considering the lapses over the break (no - not easter chocolate, honest - but it was just easier to make everyday more or less PV, to use food efficently when I didn't have a fridge, so I will need a spell of 3 or 4 PPs in row now, just to keep the motor ticking)

I think I also have a little extra muscle - after all - digging out 30 foot of ditch by hand, and hiking up the hill with the shopping and laundry on my back every other day has to have some benefits!

And I certainly couldn't have asked for better weather for camoing out in the ruins!