Daily chat...

<go on, cos I'm mystified too>
Does it come in a tub, all frosty and creamy?
oooh yes - never tasted that but have heard of it from a fan on our rival board!
I'm afraid I knew :D
I can't find all the bits for my ice cream maker (after reading Atropos's post) and I'm blowed if I'm going to buy another one:D Anyway I was in Lakeland Plastics this morning and I saw they were selling an easy yo ice cream kit. This seemed to me to consist of a powder for the ice cream and a sandwich box! The instructions said to make up the powder and freeze, then take out of the freezer and defrost for2 minutes in the microwave. then whisk with an electric whisk (not a blender) for 5 minutes until doubled in size. Then return to the freezer. So, while I carry on looking for my ice cream maker I have started this process off myself in my own sandwich box (saving myself £7.99!) using a yoghurt/quark mix. Watch this space.

Much excitement in the robinhood household today (it's Wednesday, so no school) as we have been to choose a kitten!

I'm not really a cat person having previously only had dogs as pets, but having a dog right now is not an option (am seriously dog broody) and the kids have been nagging for months. There was a mouse in the kitchen last week:eek:, so that decided us - I'm not happy putting down poison where the kids can get at it and would much rather have a cat than a mouse. Bonus is that she is already a hunter (she lives outside with her Mum - we'll do a mixture of in and outside - litter tray outside definitely, then hope to get rid of that altogether).

Anyway, waffle over. Just trying to agree on a name Guimauve (Marshmallow) or Gribouille (Scribble) with Guimauve winning just now (normal with my sweet-toothed tribe;)).

Hope everyone's well and that diets are going great guns.:D
Oh how exciting! Mice is the reason we first got a cat - although when OH came home on Sunday he stopped the car half way up the drive so as not to run over the mouse that was sitting on the drive minding its own business!! The cats don't tend to go out the front you see!!

What colour is he/she? I would love a dog too but at the moment I don't feel able to look after one so not a viable option. Guimauve is both a cute name and an addition to my French vocabulary!
Ahhhh - PHOTOS please :D:D I think I prefer Gribouille ;)
Gribouille for me too... but I think a photo would help. I knew my two's names just by looking at them! (Cue photo...)


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Hopefully, we have photos...

...so Guimauve or Gribouille? The debate is still going on!

(Gribouille has already been used - unknown to the children - by friends, their Gribouille disappeared one day, so that is swaying me towards Guimauve. Also, the fact that she has quite light colouring. Eldest suggested Gizmo or Godzilla then decided - phew - that Guimauve would be better, then daughter suggested Gribouille. Husband suggested Roger - pronounced English way not French).

The initial for the year is G, but it doesn't matter one bit if we don't follow it (although the children are taking it as gospel and not considering anything else;)).

She'll be ready to come to us one week today!


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Too gorgeous for words!! What do you mean by the initial for the year?

Dogs/cats (pedigree mainly, I expect) are supposed to have a name that starts with the initial of the year (when we had our dog it was N, we stuck with it despite having no intention of having her pedigree confirmed - she'd have been chucked out anyway - too tall and wonky jaw:D). I have no idea why though, but most people tend to stick to it. Maybe Jo knows.
oh so cute!

I'd love a kitten but I have a 7 month puppy and not sure they would get on :confused:
Dogs/cats (pedigree mainly, I expect) are supposed to have a name that starts with the initial of the year (when we had our dog it was N, we stuck with it despite having no intention of having her pedigree confirmed - she'd have been chucked out anyway - too tall and wonky jaw:D). I have no idea why though, but most people tend to stick to it. Maybe Jo knows.

Oh how funny! Isn't there some sort of list for children's names too? You must get stuck when it comes to X and Z or do they ignore those? It's a bit like the old car registrations here:D
My office mate breeds abyssinian/somalian cats so I confirm the letter thing... each time she has a litter, we wrack our brains for suitable names.

Having seen the delicious bundle of fluff (and taken on board your comment re previous Gribouille), looking at her face, the name "Grizelle" popped into my head.

Nom de chat en G : les noms de chats pour 2011

So, amid tantrums (daughter) the kitten has been named Gamine. We all wrote our name of choice and pulled one out of a hat. Daughter wanted Gadoue so we had an hour of hysterics (because her big brother's name was chosen), threats of cancelling the cat (husband) and poor old me explaining that the name was of little importance and the cat wouldn't mind, and it certainly wasn't worth getting worked up over. Actually Grizelle would have been nice as she is grey with reddish tufts, Jo.

So, it's Thursday - ie boring food day, but I have green veg so all is not lost. Another bonus is that the sun is shining, after almost a week of constant rainy days (bar Monday), it's nice to see blue sky.

Hope everyone has a good day.:D
Has anyone popped into other sites at all? I saw some good recipes on mydukandiary.com, a nicely constructed little site. But she does have a few things on there that might need a bit of reinterpretation.

Interestingly, on her list which I understand is taken from Dukan last year is soya beans. They are of course a bean, but very different from other beans in that they are first class protein, whereas all other beans are second class p. Of course tofu is a very concentrated form of soy milk cheese.

I feel this sort of detail is important for vegetarians, as soy is a bit of a life saver on a diet for veges.

In the days when I didn't need to diet but was very poor (divorce) I used to add soaked soya beans to curries, goulash and stews as a cheap protein. To my surprise I lost half a stone in about 6 weeks.
Any info, you knowledgeable ones?
as it was cheaper than meat and good for you. To my surprise
Soy beans keep appearing and disappearing from lists - and I'd love to get a definitive answer, as I made a lovely pot of soy baked beans at easter when all the other food ran out.