daily mail newspaper

Couldn't this also be good? Most people have never heard of Dukan. This might ignite their interest to go and buy the book?
It certainly could/will be good for the Dukan empire's pockets... but for those of us who help out free of charge, we foresee a load of newcomers with only part of the information coming to argue with us when we tell them the real rules when they whinge that it's not working...

been there before!
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Couldn't this also be good? Most people have never heard of Dukan. This might ignite their interest to go and buy the book?

In all fairness, I heard about this diet from the Mail a few months ago. Dismissed it. They have done quite a few pieces on it so I read up about it. I then bought the book.

So yes, if people hear about it and look into it it could be a really good thing. I worry about the watering down of it and suggesting you can have a glass of wine every day. They are going to be really shocked when the read the book!
Poppy03 said:
In all fairness, I heard about this diet from the Mail a few months ago. Dismissed it. They have done quite a few pieces on it so I read up about it. I then bought the book.

So yes, if people hear about it and look into it it could be a really good thing!

That's what I meant, not lining the doc's pockets.
However people hear about it surely if it helps them then it's good.
In work today one of the girls said she had started a new diet but wasn't sure about it. She described what she could eat and when I asked what diet it was she said 'The Dukan Diet'. I was so shocked. I told her I'd been doing it for nearly a month. She spent most of the day asking me questions about the diet. She said she was only doing it for a few weeks until she goes back on WW. I told her that it wasn't worth starting unless she was going to follow it through forever. Then she said she was off into town on Friday night. There is no chance she won't drink. Sounds like she was only trying it as it sounds easy with quick results. I fear there will be a lot more people with these same ideas over the next week.
Just had a message from the girl in work. She said it's made her ill so she's giving up.
It's definitely not for everyone.
Made her ill! Didn't sound like she was doing it properly anyway. I don't think I realised, until I joined this forum, the issue of serial dieters. Jumping from one diet to another. I might be wrong, but that isn't healthy right?

My friend is doing WW pro points diet and she has done brilliantly on it but it wouldn't be the right diet for me. Like this one was right for me, she couldn't do it. I guess it is finding the right one for you.
That sounds so grumpy so sorry in advance. Pretty sure TOTM is getting me!
Many people have headaches and feel a bit rubbish during the first week so saying it makes her ill could be entirely accurate.
Many people have headaches and feel a bit rubbish during the first week so saying it makes her ill could be entirely accurate.

sadly alot of people dont want to actually work at a diet
My friend is doing WW pro points diet and she has done brilliantly on it but it wouldn't be the right diet for me. Like this one was right for me, she couldn't do it. I guess it is finding the right one for you.

I was on WW - not taking it too seriously until my weight peaked at Christmas .

Then I stuck to the new pro-points like glue, for 3 weeks - and gained 3 lbs. Which I suppose just goes to prove that not every diet works for everyone.

My comments on the WW forum about the effect of the change to pro-points were deleted, by the way.
few people i know have gone back to old ww as they cant deal with pp
sadly alot of people dont want to actually work at a diet

Im included in that, I'd love a magic wand to make things all super and be able to live on pizza and cake :p

Interesting, I was reading a poker dealers blog and he has realised that he stopped playing at the same time he quit smoking, he took pills for the smoking and it seems that all his addictive behaviours stopped at the same time. Would be great if it worked for food too.
sadly alot of people dont want to actually work at a diet

Mind you - I wasn't expecting to feel quite so crap on day 3 of attack. It really does feel like flu, and if I hadn't heard of the phenomenon I would have been convinced something was very wrong.
I felt awful after the first day of attack and I warned her of this. She didn't seem convinced that she wanted to do it anyway. Think it was more her mums idea.

On another note. I think a fair few people must be trying the dukan diet after reading the article. Tesco was sold out of oat bran. Usually there's loads on the shelf.
On another note. I think a fair few people must be trying the dukan diet after reading the article.

I get the feeling that quite a few have landed here in the last two days.

I'm glad my sister over - ordered oatbran; she's got 5 kilos in the larder!
On another note. I think a fair few people must be trying the dukan diet after reading the article. Tesco was sold out of oat bran. Usually there's loads on the shelf.

They've also increased the price by 50% in our store! :mad:
you must have the same tesco as me robbing gits !!!

wouldnt worry the 5 minutes wonders will dissapear soon as the next fad comes along
It's not always the stores fault for the price increases it sometimes has something to do with the suppliers uping their price.

Maybe so, but personally I feel, in this instance, as the demand has increased greatly for this product then they have upped the price. Supply and demand all that...