Dairy of a Cuckoo


Full Member
Monday 29th October 2012

First day of slimming world AGAIN!!!!.....
- if I had a pound for every first day of slimming world I did (always a Monday too) then I'd be able to afford a gastric band op a personal chef and my very own gym!...anyway...
kids on half term this week - I'm lucky in one respect that I have teenagers and they won't be grunting at me until at least 1pm so I had a nice lie in with the cats.

God I feel fat - things move when I walk that shouldn't move. Someone said to me the other day that I was looking younger. I kindly explained that it was just the wrinkles had been pushed out the fatter my face was getting :D

Breakfast has been 2 cups of coffee with sweetener. I don't do breakfast!...never have, and it won't change. I'm intending having tuna mixed with quark, vinigarette and onion with loads of salad veg and a piece of bread....But walking into town might change all this ...Gonna do chilli tonight with some rice boiled in stock and some mixed veg - try and get my head around this extra easy stuff...again. Mind you I should know this plan back to front my eldest is nearly 22 and I remember taking him to some of the meetings in his pram.. Anyway better get my arse in gear - off I wobble into town ;)
oh! Yes forgot to say this is my 5th day of quitting smoking too - must be mad!
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Chilli was gorgeous and had loads of salad and balsamic vinegar with it and homemade vegetable rice. Got some pineapple and fat free Greek yoghurt on standby if I start craving.... What do I mean IF??!!...there's no if about it, it's a fore gone conclusion that I will want everything I really can do without in triple quantities. Anyway I think today is done and dusted with - 5 days smoke free and basically first day of EE sorted. Travelling to Manchester tomorrow to catch up with friends for lunch - that should be a perfect situation to have a nervous breakdown considering they're big eaters, smokers and drinkers.....ho hum!!....bring on Tuesday :)
Off to see friends today in Manchester and have a bit of lunch so relying on the EE day to get me through, fish or steak with salad or veg.... Well that's my intention.

Has intentions go, my intention yesterday was just to go out and get mushrooms and chillies and I ended up coming back with a 10 week old kitten....work that one out for yourselves people :)

So anyway I've done the usual 2 cups of coffee for breakfast - half term lay in type of thing.

Lunch - some sort of meat or fish with salad or veg

Dinner- similar

it's going to be a long day so I don't think it's going to cause too many problems and have cold meat and salad at hand to throw together when it get home if I'm feeling half starved.

Oh and this is my 6th day of being nicotine and alcohol free :D
Monday 29th October 2012

God I feel fat - things move when I walk that shouldn't move. Someone said to me the other day that I was looking younger. I kindly explained that it was just the wrinkles had been pushed out the fatter my face was getting :D

lol at the above.... looking at stats we seem to be close enough in weight and aiming for the same goal so im gonna keep an eye on u :D have to say the above quote could have come from me, ive hardly any wrinkles but i think with weightloss this will change but hey its a change im looking forward to lol

im back to SW as of this morning, i started my own diary aswell to keep me on track

good luck
It's nice to know someone can relate to my diary Tyretummy :) (love the name lol). Only second day in for me and I crashed and burned tonight...infact I didn't only crash and burn the diet police arrested me for driving under the influence of lard :D

I went Manchester to catch up with friends and family - lunch was a mixed grill, couldn't quite manage the third super free food thing, even though there was lots of peas a tomato and a mushroom, but didn't stress it too much by thinking I would make up for it by eating salad and fruit tonight.

That seemed to change direction when we had coffee much later on after a mooch round the shops, I didn't have to have the sugared donut, but it was an orphan and I felt sorry for it ;)

Anyway on the way home thought ok let's do this...off to Tesco to get all the Snacky bits and stuff for our hallowe'en buffet tomorrow night. Gets to 9pm half starved cue another donut and a pork rib burger and a packet of French fries :-/

I can recover from this because Ive recently given up drinking ...and smoking so won't be zapping out my syns on booze :O....although I feel another slimming world car wreck happening tomorrow night with the party - I'm going to move back on to it with gusto Thursday....but not go completely mad tomorrow - I can make up for this by next Monday and even if I only lose a pound, losing whilst quitting smoking is a massive bonus!

I'm going to keep my beady eyeball on your diary and have subscribed to it - we can laugh at each other and cry together :)
pmsl well that post had me in stitches, esp ur driving under the influence of lard lol thats brilliant

sorry you had a rubbish day but hey it can only get better. i did well yesterday and ate alot but i was hungry when i was in bed. gonna try eat extra fruit today but lets be honest its halloween, prob only fruit i will be eating are choc covered apples
Well today my intentions are to eat a ham salad for lunch and pea and ham soup for tea with a small bread roll with lots of fruit in between....but considering its Halloween in reality lunch will probably be nothing then for tea will probably be various body parts, eyeballs, fingernails, snot, grot, blood and various witches brews, frog spawn and the like...funnily enough I can't find the syns for any of this....

Seriously I shall get totally back on track tomorrow - 100% extra easy...fill out my diary properly etc....but I'm not going to beat myself up with a soggy bat just for eating outside the 'plan' ....anyway this is how I feel today's eating totally off plan will be:

Breakfast - 2 coffees, half term lie in special again

Lunch - ham sandwich and a cuppa soup with a packet of crisps

Tea - sausage rolls, cheese pies, Doritos and dips, savoury eggs, pea and ham soup, crusty rolls, key lime cakes, chilli and chocolate cup cakes, jam donuts, chocolate donuts and various sweets and rubbish.
Well that's Wednesday and another Halloween out of the way. I've eaten so many E numbers I'll be whizz banging off the walls until next Friday....but a good time was had by all...I completely went off plan, no one died and I'm in no worse a position than I was when I decided to go back on plan on Monday....so no big deal.

so tomorrow Im going to hit it hard - probably change my weighing day to next Thursday , but will still weigh myself on Monday just to be curious. I've still managed a week free of nicotine and alcohol which for someone who smoked 20+ a day and recently drank most nights usually until I was sherberted off my face....is a very big achievement.

Back to basics tomorrow I think. Maybe alternate between original and green days instead of doing all EE which I was going to do originally. I love fruit and veg but I also like the freedom of not having to pile my plate with salad and/or veg with each meal...so weighing a few things here and there and having an extra B choice is good for me. Anyway roll on tomorrow and watch this space :)
Thursday -1st November 2012

Breakfast - coffee x2 - milk (hexA)

Lunch - Princes Mackeral fillets in spicy tomato sauce 100g cucumber lettuce cherry tomatoes with balsamic vinegar on 2 slices of wholemeal hovis (hexB)from a small loaf. Mug of bovril.

Dinner - chicken, ham, fish sticks and green salad and cherry tomatoes with balsamic dressing and lemon. Bowl of fruit salad.

5 celebrations chocolates - 10 syns

Total syns: 10
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Aw loving your diary :) Such a great read :)

Well done for giving up the cigarettes and alcohol, that along with Slimming World must be tough going, good on ya! I will be checking back to see how you're doing! Halloween sounded yummy :)
fairy play to you off the fags & booze it must be hard but your thriving at it
Nov 1st, new month, new start

kids are eating treats here from last night and im sucking on a grape
Hi Cuckoo, just hear having a nosey :) Great diary.

You're brave tackling everything at once! I am a smoker, and although I'd like to stop, I'm not in a rush due to prioritising my weightloss for a few more stone.

If it wasn't for my lungs threatening me with divorce then I would be happily puffing away now :)
Today's gone well considering. Been to my sisters, who always wants to feed me cake and chocolate and the most gorgeous milky coffee. I sat there like a spare part in between my sister and my sons partner while they where puffing away like Thelma and Selma off the Simpsons - then out comes the tin of celebrations from last night hallowe'en bash... I had 5 (chocolates not tins of)...then my lovely brother in law invites me to stay for a 'few' brandies.... Saying I had to get home for 6 because my Tesco shopping was being delivered, started the 'you're an old bag' jokes lol. Anyway Im now gagging for a beer - not that I can't, but I know if I do I will be doing a fine impression of a pair of out of tune bagpipes by midnight after I've smoked my eyeballs out. But Im going to sit here and suck on my pineapple and truly embrace the wonderfulness of my apple, orange and melon pieces....I'm going to really try and feel the fruit love. Failing that I could always slope off to watch telly in bed with a family bag of Revels and 2 packets of Seabrook crisps... BUT I WON'T! :D

Anyway same time(ish) same place tomorrow :)
Hmmmmm Seabrook crisps at over 9 syns a pack - do I really need these....I mean do they really need to come to bed with me and keep my gob company while I read the news?......ummmm...YEP! :D
Friday 2nd November 2012.

Breakfast - 2 coffees (milk hexA)

Lunch - 2 slices of bread from small hovis loaf (hexB), spread with quark mixed with marmite.

Dinner - chicken chop suey (7 syns)

snacks - 24g Twiglets (5 syns)
2 slices of bread from a small hovis (hexB)with quark, pepper and marmite

No doubt this will be edited at least 500 times through the day because of best intentions gone astray etc etc.
I have another fun-filled packed day today been awake since just before 6am don't know whether this was due to me munching on fruit and drinking coffee until well after midnight or next doors alarm clock being constantly put on snooze from 5am... to the point the poor thing was screaming its alarm balls off.... Well it certainly woke me up..... :-/

Off to get my 28th tattoo finished today, not to mention having to go get my new frames for my glasses AND having to pick up a few 'bits' on the way home.....why do they call it 'bits' it never feels like bits or looks like bits...and who are they?!.......oooo look shiny!!!! :D

.....So anyway I shall be having my lunch more like a brunch, around 11am so I can fit in a hour and a half at the tattooists over lunch time.

its now nearly 8am the kids are still asleep....I'm going to have a coffee and feed my furbabies....


Total syns: 12
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Lunch - 2 slices of bread from small hovis loaf (hexB), spread with quark mixed with marmite, topped with beans and a fried egg, fried in spray light.


Really!!!! now ive heard it all, quark, marmite, beans n an egg!!! wowzers thats some farting power there lol

In an alternative universe my slim body is wildly tattooed Kat Von D style lol in this universe im too much of a chicken :(