danger tiimes?

An interesting thread! My danger times are exactly the same and I loe the idea of a pampering bath. Will try that. I try to have my soup at around 8pm as late as possible to stop the snacky feeling.
also sometimes i really feel like i could eat something anything! and at that moment if the veggie stock hasn't worked i think 'take 1 day at a time' if i survive this craving and not eat then i will feel much better tomorrow and it will be a new day - today i will not eat..will see tomorrow how i feel :) i really treat food like my addiction, my drug and so one day at a time works for me when i feel like that, then when i go to get weighed it pays off! and that is an incentive in itself..that and starting feeling bones i never new i had! :)
starting TO feel i mean ... :p
I think you are right , food is like an addicion and a habit we have to break. i managed to watch a film without the whole bottle of pepsi and bowl of nibbles....., wow it was strange , but i take it one day at a time and if i can get through one day then i can go to bed proud of my wee self for not cheating or giving in to my kids treats lol.
so far preparing food for others and having dinner with them has been ok, but i have my vegi soup at the side so im not tempted (that and going outside lots for a ciggie lol). oh has anyone else who smokes found they are smoking more? or is it just me lol.
my friend has tried the crisps with the chilli soup and says they are fab. ive not tried it yet.
keep up the good work all