Dangerous Debz Does Another Dull Diary

Hi, been soooo tired. Sleeping (or not) on the camp bed for days last week has left it's mark. Things are returning to 'normal' whatever that is now. Although next week we have the electrician in to sort the lighting out in the bedroom. I'm hoping to get the plasterer in the week after that to get rid of whatever textured stuff we have on the bedroom ceiling, and the week after that the decorator starts. So it's more upheavel (which isn't spelt right - but I don't care). The good thing is that if we can then get the carpet down within two weeks of the decorator starting, when we go away on holiday in August I can know that there will be nothing done to the room when we get back because it will all have been finished.

Was this one of my better ideas? Having the bedroom done? Dunno.

Hey - it'll be fab when it's finished...and you'll be soooo pleased you took the plunge :)

no pain without gain.....:rolleyes:


Debz x
The bedroom is now at the stage of having the wardrobes in and built. The electrician came in this week and did the lights for us.

Friday week we have the plasterer coming in, the following Monday the decorator is coming in. Danny is working at home for the Friday with the plasterer so Danny can take the bed apart and sort access to the room etc. The decorator says she can work around the bed, so I can sleep in my own bed each night, if I can stand the paint fumes.

I'm hoping that we also get the carpet done in July, then it'll all be done when we go away for our holiday. And that certainly will be the only big house project that I am doing this year.

All this stress has brought about an expected standstill in my weight loss. But even if I don't manage to lose anything this week, I am hoping that I stay the same until the end of next week, get the school fair done and dusted, where I may have my annual burger and then I'll have a month to blast some weight before my holiday.
Thursday 28th June

So I think I'm almost over the stress of Sharps fitting some wardrobes into my bedroom. :eek: It's taken a few weeks to get over it and the amount of work we had to put in was ridiculous. It's not something I'd do again. I think the ideal time to get a company in to do a job like this is when you've just bought a house, and you haven't moved in yet. But then having been through the process of buying a house in recent years, I know that would be too much stress trying to mix the two.

Something I read about trying to ease PMT is to not put yourself in very stressful situations. Er..... No wonder I'm bloody hanging on by a thread two weeks out of 4.

Oh if I only had the time I could do it all myself. I have to keep reminding myself that I am not superwoman. Flying smilie? :superwoman: Oh even better, an actual superwoman smilie.

So anyway. My new hours are a great hit for me. I finish on the dot of 8pm on a Thursday now with no new client sign up afterwards. So that means I can actually finish by 9pm. If I wasn't so bloody meticulous with the damn paperwork I could finish a lot earlier, but it really does take me a while to prep an order, file receipts and of course count the money - I like that bit. :king2: Pretend he's in his counting house. It was close.

Mondays and Wednesdays are a bit more rushed now as people arrive closer and closer to 7.30 when I'm supposed to finish the drop in and start the new client sign up appointment. And at times it is standing room only in my little front room. I have chairs for 5, 6 if I nick another kitchen chair and then it's just a small amount of floor space. Alas I have yet to win the lottery to afford another house big enough for the family and a growing business. And as Danny keeps reminding me, if I had a big lottery win I probably wouldn't work anyway. Although I think I would at least for a while, but I think if I did have several million I'd employ more people.

Anyhoo, I'm expecting a nice sedate evening tonight. Just 12 or less booked in. No-one new, one restart, prep an order, fall asleep in front of the TV. :hide: Well it's a sofa, even if it isn't someone sleeping on the sofa.
Something I read about trying to ease PMT is to not put yourself in very stressful situations. Er..... No wonder I'm bloody hanging on by a thread two weeks out of 4.

So anyway. My new hours are a great hit for me. I finish on the dot of 8pm on a Thursday now with no new client sign up afterwards. So that means I can actually finish by 9pm. If I wasn't so bloody meticulous with the damn paperwork I could finish a lot earlier, but it really does take me a while to prep an order, file receipts and of course count the money - I like that bit. :king2: Pretend he's in his counting house. It was close.

Mondays and Wednesdays are a bit more rushed now as people arrive closer and closer to 7.30 when I'm supposed to finish the drop in and start the new client sign up appointment. And at times it is standing room only in my little front room. I have chairs for 5, 6 if I nick another kitchen chair and then it's just a small amount of floor space. Alas I have yet to win the lottery to afford another house big enough for the family and a growing business. And as Danny keeps reminding me, if I had a big lottery win I probably wouldn't work anyway. Although I think I would at least for a while, but I think if I did have several million I'd employ more people.

Anyhoo, I'm expecting a nice sedate evening tonight. Just 12 or less booked in. No-one new, one restart, prep an order, fall asleep in front of the TV. :hide: Well it's a sofa, even if it isn't someone sleeping on the sofa.

Hey Debz - great to see ya hun !!

am gobsmacked at the number of clients you have :eek:

how do you run your appointments ?? how long does each one last ?? would be interested in ANY tips you can give to a newbie CDC - PM or email me...pleeeeeaaaase....:)

Sounds like you are busy busy busy !!!

glad the bedroom is coming on.....will all be worth it !

catch ya later hun

Debz xx
These days I only do individual appointments on request for existing customers and of course the initial appointment is still someone on their own, they run for at least half an hour. Other than that I run drop in sessions. There are two or three morning ones a week for one hour each and then Monday and Wednesday evening I do an hour and a half and on Thursday evening I do two hours. Sometimes people are on their own, sometimes they are in groups. People seem to like to have someone other than me to talk to, so I'm not worried about doing it in groups, but it became the only way to get through the numbers. As I've sponsored 10 counsellors in the area, I'm also not worried about needing to pass any clients on that don't want to wait until I've got a slot available to start them off, or for those who don't want to be in the same room as anyone else.

No real tips as everyone works differently and what I do may not suit anyone else, but I can answer questions if you ever have any.
Ugh, I got damp in the rain on the way down to school and nursery. But I didn't need dry clothes before work this morning, so that wasn't too bad. Then when I left the house just before lunch time to go and get Matt from nursery it was sunny. By the time we left nursery, it was chucking it down and I got soaked on the way back.

Now that I'm indoors again it's bright and sunny again.

Now what's the betting that when I leave the house again in just over an hour that I get soaked again walking back down there again to get Gem from school?
These days I only do individual appointments on request for existing customers and of course the initial appointment is still someone on their own, they run for at least half an hour. Other than that I run drop in sessions. There are two or three morning ones a week for one hour each and then Monday and Wednesday evening I do an hour and a half and on Thursday evening I do two hours. Sometimes people are on their own, sometimes they are in groups. People seem to like to have someone other than me to talk to, so I'm not worried about doing it in groups, but it became the only way to get through the numbers. As I've sponsored 10 counsellors in the area, I'm also not worried about needing to pass any clients on that don't want to wait until I've got a slot available to start them off, or for those who don't want to be in the same room as anyone else.

No real tips as everyone works differently and what I do may not suit anyone else, but I can answer questions if you ever have any.

Thanx Debz- interesting to see how other CDCs work...was thinking bout having 'drop-in' sessions myself...:rolleyes: do you get customer orders before they arrive ?? or do you just carry a huge stock of everything ??? that's the bit that would worry me...not having the stuff that peeps want !!

howz the bedroom ?? hope you're nearly done !

off to Dublin today for the 'meet' so will catch ya tomorra !


Debz x
Have fun at the meet.

I carry huge amounts of stock. And I order twice a week to keep it that way. I rarely know what people are having, unless it's a huge pre me going on holiday order than I like to know in advance. At the moment I've got about 10 trays of chocolate tetras, up to 6 banana, 5 boxes of each shake, 5 of each soup and four boxes of each bar.

I'm off to the caravan for an over night stay. Back Sunday. Speak soon.
Well that was a weekend of carbs. Will probably take the rest of the week to normalise my weight. But then I don't go away every weekend and I really did need the break.

It's a good start to the week so far, plenty of liquid, 3 miles of walking so far with another 2 to go.

Then home, shower, cook dinner, and prepare for the evening session.

The whole thing at the moment does seem like a micromanaged routine. There's no room for any change.

Oh well. Soon be the weekend!
I've got a slight headache. I blame the glasses I'm having to wear because of my swollen eye, which now I've binned the brand new monthly lens from yesterday is looking almost normal. I can't stand wearing glasses.

However my pint of hot chocolate tetra is nice. It's probably pint one of 3. I'm amazed I can make one tiny carton last three pints. Better watch that, it'll be a liquid overload this evening. I've already had 4 pints and I've got a session tonight, where I don't really get a toilet break.

Wimping out for some pain killers now.
Hey you - hope the painkillers sorted you out !

the meet was great - really fab to meet everyone...

do you ever attend ?? would love to meet ya !!

maybe the Christmas Conference ????

hope the bedroom almost done......

catch ya later


Debz x
Head's better thanks.

Yes I'd like to meet everyone too. But I'm allergic to travelling on my own, so it's never going to happen. :rolleyes: If it wasn't for all the walking I do in the day, I'd be a hermit. I really hate going anywhere I haven't been before on my own, or anywhere on my own that isn't within walking distance. Buggers about with my IBS.

Evening done - just going for lunch. :rolleyes:
Ah great another headache. :cry: Tablets have been applied and a result is eagerly awaited. :sigh: I blame the fact that I'm still wearing glasses not lenses because of the eye infection which has probably all but gone now.

Still it's been an eventful morning. I did some online banking to discover that I've been a victim of debit card fraud on the account that I use to order all my Cambridge stock in with. So that's a bugger. It's only a real pain that I've got to wait a week for another card to be sent. Then I've got to fill in some forms and wait a couple of weeks to get my money back. It's £215 in total that was taken last Tuesday and Wednesday. So it's not the end of the world, but it is a pain in the ar$e and inconvenient.

Still I've had that card since 2004, so it's probably about time I got issued with another one. It's just a nuisance because it was going to run until next year and I know the card number, expiry date and security code off by heart, which is handy when ordering stock. Now I've got to start again with another card from next week. In the mean time, I'll have to bend a different plastic to keep my stock shelves full. Ho hum.

I can see me giving up with glasses today and putting lenses back in. I'm not having these headaches every day. My eye looks normal now anyway.
A year since my lipo.

I think body wise the liposuction was probably the second best thing I've ever done. The best is definitely losing almost 7st, but without the liposuction I would still be waddling down the road wearing shorts with handfuls of fat on the inside of my knees.

Now if only I could have more defined calves ....:rolleyes:
Here's a grainy before and after picture. I suppose really that picture isn't that bad if you click on it. If you don't click on it, you need a magnifying glass.


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Here's a grainy before and after picture. I suppose really that picture isn't that bad if you click on it. If you don't click on it, you need a magnifying glass.

WOW - what a difference !!

lookin great hun ;)

hope the head's better.....have you tried Syndol ?? they work for me.....even on my bluddyy migraines !

take care...


Debz xx
Thank you both.

Well I did the 6st in 6 months in 2004. I then took some time off when my Mum died in 2005, she spent the whole year dying, it wasn't pleasant for her or us, not a quick death. And I put on about a stone during that time and then I carried on this year. A bit to go, if I can be bothered, I expect I'll get there eventually.

Debz, no I haven't tried Syndol, I will look out for that next time I'm in the chemist. Ta.
Thank you both.

Well I did the 6st in 6 months in 2004. I then took some time off when my Mum died in 2005, she spent the whole year dying, it wasn't pleasant for her or us, not a quick death. And I put on about a stone during that time and then I carried on this year. A bit to go, if I can be bothered, I expect I'll get there eventually.

sounds like you've had a tough time hun.....:( life does seem to get in the way......

you have done soooo well to maintain your loss - you look fab !

I'm sure your mum is looking down on you with pride......:)

be proud of what you have achieved !


Debz x