Danni's Weight Loss Diary

If I gain or stay the same this week, I know why.

Food (green day):

Breakfast: Bananas and Muller Light

Tea: Sweet potato with cheese (healthy A), carrots, broccoli and peas, followed by a banana, an apple, 2 clementines and a Muller Light

Snacks: Frozen grapes, bananas, apples, clementines, Ben and Jerry's Phish Food ice cream (14.5 syns), sugar free Polos (4 syns), 2 Alpen Light Bars (healthy B) and a Hifi bar (2nd healthy B).

Total syns: 18.5
Apologies for not commenting on anyone's diaries today. The pain in my arms has been really bad, painkillers aren't touching it, and I have been forbidden from chopping them off.

Food for today so far (red day):

Lunch: Bacon and eggs, followed by an apple and a banana

Tea: Chicken, broccoli, cauliflower and carrots.

Snacks: 2 Mini Twisters (5 syns) and a pack of sugar free Polos (4 syns) Total = 11 syns

I will be having 2 Alpen Lights and maybe some Babybel for my healthy extras if I can convince Johan to get them for me.
Bad day. Nevermind.

Food (green day):

Ben and Jerry's Phish Food (six billion and thirty eight syns)

Sugarfree ice pop (no syns, as you need 100 to get to 1 syn)

Sugar free Polos (4 syns)

A punnet of plums

Sweet potato with cheese (2x healthy A)

2 Alpen Lights (healthy B)

Total syns: six billion and forty two.
Yesterday I had another bad day. Had chocolate and cake. Also had lemon and garlic chicken, which was really yummy (and free). So about 7 billion and 42 syns.

Lost 0.5lbs today, somehow. Not complaining, was expecting a gain. Will be back on track today :)
Well done on the half a pound loss! xx

Particularly as you had 13 million and 84 syns in two days!:8855::8855:
Thank you :)

Tilly, the difference is I'm used to it. It's a lot harder to cope with when you're not. I do feel for you- losing the use of my arms is the most frustrating part of my illness, and I normally get at least limited movement back after a few hours.

I was bad those couple of days, but maybe not as bad as I thought. Yes I went wildly over syns, but I also wasn't stuffing my face just for the sake of it- I stopped when I felt better. It's just that on days when I'm in massive amounts of pain and can't concentrate on anything, chocolate is the only thing that makes me feel a bit better.

I am wondering- does spasming, shivering and shaking count as body magic? My muscles are in constant motion, and with the amount of shaking and spasming I've been doing the last week, that might explain the weight loss :p

Went to the doctor this morning. I am finally coming off the last of my mental health meds :D As soon as I'm off the quetiapine I can start taking tramadol as a painkiller (it can cause seizures if you're taking both) and if it's not enough I'll probably be going on amitriptyline as well (on a painkilling dose, rather than an antidepressant dose). My mood has been pretty stable the last 18 months and I've not had any other psychiatric symptoms other than anxiety, so I'm ready to come off them, just a bit nervous. It's also going to be weird sleeping naturally again :p I love my GP though- he acknowledges what I'm saying, and treats me like an equal. Johan had an appointment straight after, and he's back on meds for anxiety, and has also been given some diazepam to help him get his flu jab, as he's severely needle phobic. My GP also wants me to get the flu jab this year, because of how ill I am. GP is also speaking to my social worker and writing to the council to support my application to move house, though I don't want to move doctors :( I am so lucky to have such a supportive GP who not only understands M.E. but is happy to help me with anything to try and deal with it.

Food so far today has been picky, but with the nausea that's probably the best thing (though I do have more anti sickness tablets, which I'm taking). Had the new Hifi bars at the meeting today, some frozen grapes, and a couple of slices of chicken and a slice of ham. Not sure what else I'll be having yet. I just hope I don't have to change my clothes again, as I soaked the first lot with sweat.
Last night I had 3 Babybel Light, some more ham and chicken, some broccoli, carrots and peas and more frozen grapes. Very picky, but it helped. Also had a packet of sugar free Polos, so my syns total was 4.

I got very little sleep last night, but that's normal when I haven't taken any quetiapine. Dozed for about 20 minutes at a time from about 3am to 8am.

I have no appointments today, and no carer until 6pm, so going to rest and take it easy.
Yesterday I didn't eat much. Had bananas for breakfast, 2 Hifi light bars (Healthy B) for lunch, lemon and garlic chicken with broccoli, carrots and peas for tea, and a packet of sugar free polos (4 syns).

Today so far I've had bananas, melon, 2 Alpen Lights (healthy B) and a fruit salad. Also sucked on some sugar free Polos. Not sure what I'm having for tea tonight, but it'll be something simple as Johan is not feeling his best.

Today has been busy. Had CFS clinic this morning, where I've been told I need to break up my high energy activities more with low energy stuff. I'm also going to try and find my baseline, so I can try and improve my functioning over time. This afternoon I went to the hospital for a colposcopy, which was painful, but everything was normal. On the way home we went to get our flu jabs, as my GP wants me to have one and Johan gets one as my carer. It was very painful (yay hypersensitivity) but I had to be brave because of Johan's needle phobia. He got his though with some help of diazepam, so it's all good.
Ended up having 2 yoghurts, a banana, frozen grapes and a mini Twister last night for tea, as my throat was very sore. Total syns: 6.5
Today our water is turned off, which will make life interesting. My social worker is coming this afternoon to discuss everything that is wrong with the carers, and I have lots of other things to mention to him as well, such as waiting for a bath lift assessment since May.
Morning Danni,

Your throat is probably a little sore after the flu jab, as it gives mild symptoms of flu in some people as a side affect.

I hate it when the water goes off, it's only then you realise how much of the stuff we use!

Good luck with the visit from the Social Worker x

BTW I've sent you a friend request on Facebook x
Thanks. My throat was sore before I had the flu jab, so I think it was just M.E. stuff.

Today hasn't been good. I tried eating a banana for breakfast, but vomited soon after. Also been vomiting green bile. I've sucked on a few sugar free Polos, but not kept them down, either. Antisickness tablets are obviously not working against whatever is making me so ill. Have also been very light and sound intolerant today, so spent a few hours with my eye mask and ear defenders on, feeling rubbish. Please be better tomorrow.

Social worker and favourite carer came for review. Hopefully things are being sorted out.
Thank you. I am doing a bit better. Stopped vomiting, which is good. Have put following the plan on hold until things calm down, as it's more important to eat something than to end up eating nothing because I can't work out syns.