Step 1 Sole Source Day 1 again, 6st off but 6st on !

Almost the end of Monday, I've managed to cling on to 100% SS by my fingernails,

I've read a few good things today . . . . . . . .

weighing less tomorrow is worth going to bed hungry :)

Obviously after the weekend I'm well and truly out of ketosis but needs must and I MUST stick with this, I do feel so very much better with weigh off as opposed to weight on,
I do have moments when I have to do a double take and look at parts of my body twice as they have already changed so much, I've never had large legs but hubby has said they are now pitiful, is it bad that I love that ?

Simple things like shaving is so much easier, painting my toenails is so much easier . . . ( it's the simple things which matter )

All in all its worth not rushing into the kitchen and giving in, I just need to keep reminding myself of that.

The next few days and getting back into ketosis will be a tough few days, I don't have a day off until at least next tue ( 24th ) and that's not guaranteed as I've put available for overtime so I'm certainly going to be busy and have a 0230 and a 0130 finish times later in the week . . . Hopefully the fact I'm out at work on evenings will help keep me on track.

I've managed a whopping 5litre of water today, due to my slight hangover I've tried to keep myself as full as possible,

Like everyone I'm just desperate to see the next drop on the scales, not sure if I will get one in the morning or If they will be even higher than this afternoon as there's a chance the weekend may still be catching up with me :-(

Fingers crossed for us all :)
Morning all :)

Up bright and early this morning, a friends birthday, shopping delivery and then work later.

Coffee and water going down as I type.

The scales were OK this morning but I'm worried about the weekend still catching up with me tomorrow so will refrain from posting my weight until the weekend and pray to get back to 13.4 which is what I was prior to my weekend away !

So it's day 2 of 100% SS again, fingers crossed it's as good as yesterday and I can get through the day without any slip ups :)
Wishing away the days as much as I'm wishing the lbs away lol.

Here's to a fab day for us all :)

Not sure if I mentioned but I bought a pair of size 12 JM crop trousers ( bright tropical design ) I would love to be able to wear them to travel in for our holiday in 7 weeks . . . . . Fingers crossed !
Ooh, Angel - those size 12s will be a great motivator for your holiday.

The wedding is a big focus, but also life beyond - i've started the running thing now, and just hoping to live a fitter and healthier lifestyle - I think Jen said somewhere that there'll always be that fat girl trying to get out from inside, and no matter how many times I kid myself that my attitudes to food have changed, I still find myself falling into old traps. I at least know what the traps are now, but it doesn't help all the time - I just need to stick with it, and I think we're all the same (that's why i'm still here, typing away!)

I always love to read your positive comments - you're so focussed and I think having done it before, you're even more determined and knowledgeable.

Planning ahead as usual I see! You've got a good few weeks ahead now - i'm sure you'll be somewhere near your target for your holiday - can't wait to see a tropical trouser snap!

Evening all,

Not long home from work. Another 100% SS day ( day 2 lol ) 4.5 litres of water down and looking forward to the scales tomorrow although I will be fuming if they jump up or STS, any loss by the weekend will be a bonus . . .

I must repeat myself 50 times a day lol. I do think being at work is helping me and one of the Men I work with commented this evening . . . . . . .

" Kat you suddenly look very skinny "

First off I'm far from skinny lol, secondly it was dark when he said it ( walking down the staff car park ) thirdly he does wear glasses. In saying all of that, TOTM was last week and although I had a very very naughty weekend I know I'm much less bloated and my work uniform does feel bigger this week. I guess our shape changes not only with the scales but also at various points during a average month so I will take his compliment and savour it.

My next social activity is 24 days away, I'm very much looking forward to seeing how much I can drop by then and also how much my shape and mindset will change. I do plan on being 100% SS for each of those 24 days so am praying I can stick with it and should enjoy the rewards ! ! !

Anyway enough of me for this evening it's now just past midnight so off to bed I shall go, catch you all tomorrow :)
Take the compliment Kat! Men are mainly unobservant so when they notice something, they really do - you've done loads of hard work to get to where you are now, so it's justified i'm sure!

Hope you has a good rest overnight - here's to another 100% on plan day.

Morning all,

I could pretend I've tried to resist the scales but we all know I can't lol

Prior to the weekend I was 13.4 ( I don't count the small numbers )

We all know I had a very naughty weekend and had a HUGE gain on Monday but it was mid afternoon when I weighed and I had drank lots of water, thankfully this morning after getting straight back on track for the past two days the scales are now at 13.3 :) yes it's only -1 but that's just since the weekend and after a lot of naughty but fab food and far too much drink at the weekend so I'm super happy !

Obviously I'm getting hyper now and can smell those 12's, I doubt I will make it by the weekend but I can't wait for my next weigh in with CDC next Thur when the magic 12 had better show it's face !
The past two days I've aimed for 4 litre of water and I've tried to be more & more active at work.

I'm working the next 11 days with various shifts which will keep me on my toes but I'm feeling bliddy great this morning, it's easy to get excited but I'm going to embrace the excitement as it's a great motivator :)

Hope everyone is doing ok, it's been quite quiet on here so I'm off to stalk you all again :)
Angel - that's fab news! 1lb is 1lb and just shows your determination has paid off with getting straight back to it. Your naughty weekend has probably given your metabolism a little boost too.

Great to hear about upping activity too - as the supermarket says "Every Little Helps" and each extra bit of exercise will i'm sure, start showing on the scales.

Off out for a walk at lunch and hoping to get my pesky scales moving...I would just like to see A drop, no matter how small!

1st shake down, just over 2 litre of water and almost time to head to work . . . . .

I can feel today is another 100% SS day so here goes, onwards and downwards !

Have a good one everyone ! ! !
Evening all,

Another shift over at work,
Another 100% SS day & 4320 ml water done :)

Those scales had best show a nice drop by Sat !

Temptation was staring at me all day today in the form of our 1st class comps, Indian platter & beef steak cottage pie ! Both looked fab and both could have toppled me but they didn't :)

Super happy to go to bed knowing I've done another day.

Hope everyone is clinging on like I am lol x
Well done on clinging on my lovely - you're sticking with it and i'm sure the scales will be rewarded.

Had another good day yesterday, the scales moved a little bit this morning which has given me a boost.

Have a fab Thursday,

Afternoon ladies,

Sorry for lack of posts, I'm doing strange shifts.

My scales have stuck but I'm more than happy as still -1 from last week and after my weekend that's pretty good :)
A loss would be better but I envisaged a gain so I'm happy and still have hope of movement before Sat.

Your doing fab Flick, your meal sounded fab.

Good luck with tonight's run.
I'm just heading to work and there until around 3am :-(
Scales will no doubt be rubbish tomorrow due to lack of sleep & change to my routine but hey Ho I'm hanging on in here & that's all that matters x
Uh oh ! ! ! !

Not a good night at all, awful shift, freezing cold and succumbed to our 1st class food :-(

I won't say what it was but not good at all and I could flipping kick myself.

Just home and catching up on The famous Who killed Lucy, no point in going in about my slip up but For gods sake why oh why do we do it to our selves !

Will be going to sleep furious and will no doubt wake up furious.

Fingers crossed for a good day " tomorrow " even though tomorrow is technically here saying as it's almost 3am :-(
Oh Kat.

Don't beat yourself up about it. You've had a brilliant week, and it's one little slip. Try and identify what it was that helped you to succumb last night and move on from it. I know i'd be furious too, but use that additional energy to kick start Friday.

Sending hugs - I know it's a tough one out there at the mo.

Kat you've done so well and sometimes that snap decision to eat when the whole day has gone well comes out of the blue. Very very frustrating. However, a new day today and hope you get off to a great start. You're looking great the recent pics. Xx
Morning all,

Thanks for the nice words,

I ended up going to bed around 4, awake now so not only a rubbish day but also a rubbish sleep.

No water or coffee yet and I've usually had over 2litre by now :-(
Will need to get straight back on track my focus now is next Thur with CDC for weigh in, I need to be in the 12's.

I've managed to change my late shift today for one of my usual ones ( why the roster girl had us the wrong way round is beyond me )

I guess I was out if my routine, cold, tired and grumpy and sadly my willpower was lacking last night that & the fact I'm obviously a silly mare as I should have been back in Ketosis today !

Not to worry, a extra day or so to get to goal isn't the end of the world but I do need to work in stopping it happening as I don't want to keep slipping off track when I'm getting closer.

Thanks again for being nice, Flick & Kira, your words were just what I needed this morning as I'm giving myself a hard time lol x
I'm always here! Lol. I know what it feels like - hence my hanging about!

This weekend I am going to stick with it - it'll be the first one in about 3 months. I started to get myself into a routine that I don't deserve yet as I still have hard work to do.

We'll all get there and it wasn't even one day, it was one "meal" and one falter.

Get drinking that water lovely and wash it all out!

Evening all :)

Managed today without issue 100% SS.

Just over 4.5 litres of water,
Although I feel super bloated I've had quite a few compliments today at work and I love it.

This weekend should be a good one, looks like my next day off is Wed and weigh day is Thur so I must keep in track as I desperately want to be in the 12's by weigh day.

This week is a wasted week BUT I had a fab weekend with hubby last weekend and my slip up yesterday but I wouldn't change it.
It's about getting where we need to be rather than just how long it takes to get there.

Just after midnight so not a full sleep again tonight . . . .

Hope everyone is doing ok and here's to a good weekend for us all x
Morning all, I have the Sat morning blues, blooming scales are still not my friend although I'm not shocked at that but I'm not giving up . . . . . . Far from it lol, 21 days until my next PLANNED off plan day if that makes sense.
I have in my mind what I would like to wear so fingers crossed I drop enough to feel comfy and confident in my chosen outfit, black skinny jeans, black cami and white blazer with zebra print shoes, smart hut casual for a day out on the drink with work people :)

Today should be a smooth day so fingers crossed,

Weekends can be our downfall so keep strong ladies :)
Morning ladies,

Managed a semi on plan day yesterday, I left my shake & bar at home so ended up having salmon & egg ( fillings from our sandwiches at work ) lots of water and coffee and the scales are still showing 13.3 :)
I can live with that but am desperate to see the 12's by Thur when I weigh in with CDC.
Here's to another " good " day today.
It looks like my next day off is Wed but all of my shifts are my normal ones this week which makes it a little easier, I won't be forgetting shakes & bar today.

Have a good one !