Day 1!!!!!!


Hey all! Feel like I'm the only person who is struggling and it's only day 1!!! Should I be feeling this hungry and pretty down on the first day? Please tell me it gets easier? :-(((
Hi honey, it does get easier, hang on in there.

I have moved your post out of the weigh in forum to the general one x

Day's 1 until 5 were bad for me, starving, headache, weak, tired, dizzy - felt like I had the flu or something. But I does get better, day 5 I woke up much better and by day 8 I was back to normal. I do still feel hungray now and then but with the loss I had in the first week 12lb it makes it all worth while. I have my 2nd weigh in tomorrow and think I've lost another 4lb.

Good luck, stay strong and make sure u sleep as much as possible. It's so worth the results :) x
Lizwhite29 said:

Day's 1 until 5 were bad for me, starving, headache, weak, tired, dizzy - felt like I had the flu or something. But I does get better, day 5 I woke up much better and by day 8 I was back to normal. I do still feel hungray now and then but with the loss I had in the first week 12lb it makes it all worth while. I have my 2nd weigh in tomorrow and think I've lost another 4lb.

Good luck, stay strong and make sure u sleep as much as possible. It's so worth the results :) x

An thanks for that, just want the week to hurry up and end! How much more have u got to go until ur goal?
I have about 4 stone in total, I'm goin to try to lose 3 stone on this and then move on to slimming world to maintain/lose the rest.

Miss eating solid food so much but as I had so much to lose needed to do something drastic.

How much do u want to lose?
Lizwhite29 said:
I have about 4 stone in total, I'm goin to try to lose 3 stone on this and then move on to slimming world to maintain/lose the rest.

Miss eating solid food so much but as I had so much to lose needed to do something drastic.

How much do u want to lose?

I have 6 and a half, seems so so far away, can't quite see light at the end of the tunnel yet but hopefully after first weighing I'll feel different, I'm going to do the same I think, sw or ww. Thank u for the encouragement and advice, helps a lot xxx
Good luck. Keep us posted on how your getting on. If you stick to it 100% you can easily get 2 stone off quite quickly. I lost 12 lb first week and think I've lost about 5 lb this week (weigh in is tomorrow) so that's 17 lb in 2 weeks. I reckon another 3 weeks and I could get to 2 stone. Best diet for loss's ever :) As much as i loved sw, losing 1-2 lb a week was not enough for me at the mo as just seemed to much in total. X
I'm on day 7, weigh in is tomorrow, and not until day 5 did I start feeling better, stick with it, it genuinly does get better xx
Day one for me too and I feel ok. Was very hungry at lunch time, but I've drank so much water I think I've fooled my stomach into thinking it's full.... Hope tomorrow gets easier for you!
My first week I spread my shakes out but went to bed super early to stop temptation. I'm now on day 5 and it's much easier, less hunger pangs!! And even the hungers pangs I do have, are not as bad as when I was eating 4 times the calories, yet I was still hungry!! Good luck
It will get easier. Just think how bad you want that end result for motivation. Good luck on your CWP journey.