Day 105 weigh in ..... Bugger!


Full Member
So week 15 weigh in - knew my metabolism had started to adjust to the reduced calories, and still on TOTM, so shouldn't have been peaved by the 3.2 lb loss ...... but I am!!!!!:cry:

Had a bimbo moment earlier today and ate cake batter .... so figure rather than risk the monster headache 3 days from now (as I did after the 1 tsp of sugar free cough syrup incident), I may as well refeed! :(

UPDATE: Even though only lost 7 lb ish over the passed 2 weeks, have lost an inch of my cleavage, 2 inches off my tummy and 2 inches off my posterior ..... 7 lb but 5 inches! So get those tapes out folks if you have had a couple of bad weeks!!
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Any loss is better than gain! Stick to that! Besides 3ibs is a good result anyway, well done!!
Amazing loss for week 15 Didi !!!! well done :)
I have to say after so many days on the diet you have done great and I wouldn't be at all disappointed with that weight loss anyway - I only lost 2lbs last week.

Measuring yourself is great to do as lets face it - we care about how we look really and not how much we weigh. I would happily be twice my weight if I was thinner to look at.

If you refeed let us kow how you get on. :)