Day 12 and I've gained weight?!


Hi - I'm new to both Exante and dieting full stop but have decided to give this a go as I used to be a runner but injury & a year of back pain has lead to a year of not doing much and eating way too much. Physio and doctor have both said that weight loss will make things easier on my back, pluss all the other health benefits as I've watched my blood pressure steadily increase with the waistline! Anyway, by day 7 I'd lost 5.6lb (was insanely happy), by day 8 I'd lost another 1.9lb (woop!) and I've just weighed myself this eve (day 12)... and seem to have put back on 2.8lb?! I'm confused!

Am on Total Solution and have been sticking to it rigidly bar yesterday, when breakfast and lunch was replaced by an 8oz lean steak and forkful of green salad with a drizzle of olive oil (visiting boyfriend's family for a celebration meal). I worked this out at abou 500cals approx, then + my shake in the evening = 700 cals. Other than that, there's been no deviation at all and I've been drinking 2.5 litres a day, 20 mins in the gym etc.

Can anyone help? I'm a tiny bit gutted, have I sabotaged myself already? :confused:
Hi, thank you for replying, advice appreciated! Furious with myself, after worrying for ages about a break in the diet so soon, it looks like I've done the completely wrong thing in trying to keep as close as poss to 600cals for the day :(
Dont forget that you will weigh a lot more of an evening than first thing in the morning, its fluid fluctuation. I can gain anything from 1lb to 3lb during the day x
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Thank you both - I might check tomorrow morning and see if that does make a difference, my previous weigh ins have all been a.m.

Just having my pack 3 - the chocolate shake made with hot water and served in a mug. In front of Downton Abbey. With a blanket. Tomorrow I'll start again ;)


I’m always a little dubious when I read messages like this. Not, of course, because I think the poster is lying or anything, but because there could be so many factors that could potentially contribute towards someone gaining a tiny bit of weight when following this diet.

First off, have you been following the diet 100%? By that, I mean 100%. The odd bag of crisps; the occasional glass of wine; the random large donner with extra mayo etc…all these things add up. One thing I have learnt about this diet: it really is 100% or nothing. I despair when I read posts where people boast: “I was brilliant this week and stuck to it completely apart from on Thu evening when I necked 6 pints of Hoffmeister Special and ended up down the curry house with my mates Sunday night where I had this amazing mutton vindaloo called ‘The Ghandi’s Revenge’ and I put it all away with a double-mushroom rice, five more pints and some of those large crisps you can buy in those places. But it didn’t matter! When I got home, I had an Exante Shake before going to bed!”

You need to shut your social life down (if it involves food, anyway). You need to become best mates with your blender. You need to keep a bottle of water nearby at all times. You need to stop visiting Sainsbury’s. It’s a lot to ask. But it does pay off. Indeed, think about your drinking too. Has it been water or any carbonated drink that doesn’t feature citric acid? (Cola Zero and Diet Dr Pepper Zero are the best options here). Again, if you’re putting away tea and coffee with sugar in and…. you get the idea.

If you can truly and honestly and truly and honestly say: “yes! yes! yes!” to the above, then the next thing to ask is the day of time your weighing yourself. It should be identical. Each week, record it at roughly the same time, and make sure you go naked. Clothing adds weight. If I weigh myself of an afternoon, it’ll likely be a pound or two heavier than I will be in the morning (in your case, this might explain things).

However – and here’s a promise – it isn’t biologically possible to begin gaining weight on this diet, which is anything more than a little fluid. Why? Because, in order for a human being to survive and to function, it needs adequate energy going in. Alas, 600 cals isn’t adequate (it’s around 1300 or so short), and, in the long-term, it won’t ever be adequate. Yes, yes, you’ll get all these fairy tale stories about how your ‘metabolism slows down to get used to the lesser intake of food and you just end up losing nothing…’ but a) these tales are supported with no evidence whatsoever other than stories like “my mum’s best mate went on a VLCD and ended up gaining 8 stone…” and b) are typically complete bulls—t anyway. I mean, how about the classic that went around a few years’ back (and still goes around today) that everyone should drink two litres of water a day minimum? In actuality, there is no evidence whatsoever to indicate that this provides any health benefits – in reality, the body delivers a sensation of thirst to an individual well before dehydration kicks-in anyway. Another is reducing your salt intake…recently, the media have become full of stories stating that many people may not be getting ENOUGH salt.

Mind, that’s one other thing I have learnt about this diet, and it’s thanks to a poster on here. It does seem an exception:- loads of water-drinking is essential. After a slow week last week, I got stuck in to the H20 and, guess what, lost another 5ibs. I’ve now lost 2 and a half stone in the space of five weeks!! And no, I haven’t cheated ONCE. Maybe that’s what you need to do. Go visit the tap!
Ok, quick update - hopefully to put to bed laughingbean's doubts ;) - a morning weigh-in showed I'd LOST 1lb since Friday, rather than having gained 2.8lbs as it showed me the previous eve! Now, I was vaguely aware of the idea that you could be lighter in the a.m. but, wow, by 3.8lbs? Am genuinely shocked at that diff! Maybe I lost a bit extra overnight or something. (Also, I was drinking less water at the weekend - not having a bottle on my desk to hand at all times, by Monday I was back on the stuff with a vengeance) Anyway, I'm happy again, whatever the reason.

And yes, I have been absolutely 100% for each day of my diet - excepting the steak mentioned in my post (served lean, without sauce). So far have avoided coke zero as I need to train myself to drink more water anyway, been roughly 2.5ltr a day so far and my skin is def appreciating it!

What was interesting about last night was I was feeling disheartened and, for the first time, went for a 'hot chocolate' (choc shake pack + hot water) rather than my usual soup pack. While I'm pleased that I stuck 100% to the allowed food, I find it interesting that my automatic response was to opt for the most 'comfort food' style thing I could find to cheer myself up. I do like how this diet makes you notice things like that!

Next official weigh-in due Thurs. (Morning, in the nip ;)

