Step2 810kcal Day 19 struggling


Full Member
Started 13.5.5
Week 1 lost 5.5
Week 2 lost 6 (self weigh as on Hol)
Week3 time of the month seem to have put on 1??
Getting officially weighed tomorrow.
Wow that's good pear.

Are you on 810? I am but always seem to be 950 when record it on my fitness pal.

I've lost 12.5lb in 20 days. What's your goal?

Got drinks fri (only drink vodka and diet coke or cava as low carb) & Xmas lunch Sunday 16th but not eating it, then x2 meals before Xmas but will be fish and veg with cava jobs!!

Living the new lemon bar too! Xx
I just had to look up 810 because I didn't know what it was! I have 4 shakes a day, I'm out Saturday night so will have a couple of vodka & sodas but really want to stay on it until the 20th when I'm out for a meal.
My goal at the moment is to get to 11.7 by Christmas Day, ideally I'd like to get to 10.7 and maintain. I'm so glad I'm on this at the moment, surrounded by chocolates and biscuits at work!! How's your motivation going? Are you drinking lots of water?

Yes and diet coke.

I am bad but done it twice befor and diet coke diet affect the weigt loss and I hate coke zero lol.

Aim is 10.10 want to be 11.9 by 21 dec my fiends 30th. Xx
Hi pear how are you getting on now? I've just sone day 24 Xx