Day 3 and so much temptation


So im on day 3 of SS. Day 1 and 2 I was working so easier to keep on track. Today though was the weekly shop, my goodness it was hard planning the meals for my other half and little one. But I piled it in the fridge and thought ahead to my chocolate shake! Now making gingerbread men with my little one and not having a bite!! So determined this time but gosh days off are harder!
Hi I know how you feel I started ss on Friday so I'm on day 3. I'm not finding it too bad so far apart from the boredom which is when I normally binge. I'm currently on maternity leave so I'm sat at home most of the time and with my 3month old and I also find cooking meals for the other half and my 2 year old so hard.
I'm trying to save my shakes and have more in the evening when they are eating as I've always skipped breakfast and just have black coffee and water.
I have 3 stone to lose for my wedding. I know we can do it stay strong and think skinny thoughts.
What day is your weigh in? :)
I know what you mean!! I cooked a fry up for my hubby yesterday and was so tempting to pick! I was good though and I didn't touch it!! I have caught myself getting up and going to the fridge a couple of times but I detour to the glass of water instead!!!

Well done you obviously have determination it's just so hard when it's all around you. My main problem is habit and boredom.
Think skinny thoughts haha
My worst time is in the eve 3 times a week my hubby plays darts, the kids are in bed and I'm alone bored and I eat! Friday night was hard I drank so much water to stop myself I thought I might drown!!! Lol x
Thread moved due to food references