Day 3


Full Member
Woohoo! Day 3 for me :) stil pretty starving tbh but holding in there. 4lbs gone already :)
Woohoo!! Keep hanging in there! You can do it! :) Well done!

WOW 4lbs already!! That's AWESOME!!!
Wow! That's brilliant! I'm on day 3 as well but haven't weighed myself yet...
I'm on day 3 too, only down 2lbs. I was expecting more than that by now as I lost more in 3 days on Dukan and I was eating loads more calories than this!

Congratulations on your 4lbs, how much are you hoping for for the whole week? Do you have any mini goals?
Sammy the only weight that counts is the one at the end of the week dont worry, daily weight can change so much.

I am hoping for at least 7 this week which I feel I will get easily now :) my Mini goal is 28lbs by 22nd August. x
4lbs wow! You are nearly over the hump. Wish I hadn't given in yesterday, then I'd be a day closer. Oh well. Hang in there and keep going!