day 9..on SS..and


:cry: hi everyone...well im on day 9 of SS and its hard..i am very hungry and have been for 2 days.Its making me moody with my family and i keep thinking of FOOD!!! also i am due on my period in about 5 days so I know why I am craving sweet food!!! what can i do to help me through this???? Also i mont even in ketosis yet so that has been making me feel dis heartend with the diet ...i am drinking 4 litres of water a day and having my 3 shakes...does anybody have any belly is constantly wanting food to chew there anything i could just nibble on ....:cry: :cry: :mad:
hi there, really feel your pain.

why dont you 'cook' your soup as a cracker? once cooled it becomes crunchy and it is like eating a cracker - it does the trick most of the times..

dont get discouraged. i crave food every single day - try not to think about it...maybe nibble on a bar might help you. and as everyone suggests here, drink lots of water.

