Day one again!


Full Member
Hi everyone!

It's day one again for me! I reached my goal last year and have put on just under a stone after several trips abroad in the last few weeks so I'm back on the lipotrim wagon to keep myself in check. I haven't updated my stats yet but will do when I log onto a computer at some point! Day one not so bad to be honest....looking forward to day 4 or when ketosis kicks in!

Welcome back Sandy! X x x
Good luck sandie you've done it before you can do it again !
Thanks everyone! Day 2 not so bad, it's normally day 3 that's the killer! Teapot - good to see you are still on here! Are you on tfr?

Hi Sandy, hang in for day 3, you can do it and that means day 4 is only around the corner x x x

I finished trf 4 weeks ago. Did 2 weeks refeed and now just watching what I eat and carrying on. Put on 5lbs during refeed, but have lost a lb and seem quite stable so will see how I get on. I'd like to lose a little more, but going steady as I'd like to be sure I'm stable before I do anything else :)
Sounds good teapot! I can't see your stats on my iPad - did you reach your goal? I'm guessing so from your picture, you look fab. Well done you!!!

Im at my friends leaving doo tomorrow night and that's going to be a challenge on day 4. I must admit its much easier this time around. I wasn't even hungry this eve!!! X
Hi Sandy

I had to negotiate the last month on LT with other half and family and then refeed. It would have been great to get to goal, but my top half including neck and shoulders and arms are really scraggy and thin and I could understand their concern so got within a stone and a half of goal which has got me to a size 14 top and bottom. Lots of lose skin too which would be made worse the more weight I lost. Quite a change from needing to buy size 26's before I started. I remember Nina22 stopping before goal and wondering why she did it, but I now truly understand. You have to go as far as what suits you. I'm hoping to maintain and start some exercise to hopefully even out the bulgy bits :)

Glad to hear it's going well this time, and it sounds like the ketosis fairy has already arrived!!! You'll manage the leaving do fine I'm sure, let me know how you get on :)