Extra Easy Day one of Slimming World (but not day one of dieting...) x


New Member
Hi slimmers!

So, I started Slimming World yesterday...I'm a newbie! I'm not new to dieting though, I've been on another diet since 16th February and lost 19 pounds (out of 50! - god that sounds a lot) so far :D and I don't quite want to say just yet what the other diet is because it really is FAB and I don't want people to think that I'm slating it or going off it because I'm not...I'm pretty fickle when it comes to dieting :p

As you will see I'm slowly getting there with my target and that is purely down to the other diet I've been doing. (If you do want to know then please just ask...it's not a top secret/ground breaking diet, I just don't want to put people off it! ;)) But, my weight loss HAS slowed down with it which I know is completely normal. I'm not far from half way to target and I still have time, I think I will hit my target, sensibly and (HOPEFULLY ***FINGERS, TOES, EVERYTHING CROSSED*** be able to keep it off, FOR GOOD!). So, because it has slowed down quite a bit and I am still so motivated to keep dieting and be super strict, I thought I might try a different diet. Almost as a KICK START and another BOOST to the old metabolism.

The main point of this post really is to ask for advice and tips... :) - Does everything think it seems like a good idea? Or, should I just stick with the diet I have been doing? (I went to SW yesterday and got half price membership so I'm not too worried if I do end up sticking with what I know). AND, if everyone does think I should give SW a try to keep going with my weight loss and give the weight loss a boost - ANY TIPS?!!! I'm trying to get my head around all the information. I always find you need a good few days and then you start learning the ropes.

So...from one crazy dieter - to hopefully some more expert/less crazy dieters ;) ... any advice would be greatly received.

E x
Don't be afraid to say what diet you have been on :) loads of people on this slimming world part of minimins have been on dukan, lighter life, weight watchers etc!!

Slimming world is easily a diet you can carry on for life. Loads of normal meals can be adapted to a healthy way and I've tried loads of new healthy meals that I love! Tips all I do is plod on lol try new stuff to keep things interesting and don't be afraid to eat!! We all eat loads on here (free foods and superfree foods of course lol) and have fab losses. Would you be joining a group?