Step 1 Sole Source Day One


Full Member
Made it through day one !! Have tried many time in last 6 mths and decided to do it one day at a time to get through first week I know I will be ok after that !

How are you getting on, thats the best approach, one day at a time, thats as far as I look!! Hope your doing ok

Le x

I am on day 5 today, powering through, just want to get it done this time, feel alot better already though, less bloated and a little slimmer inn my chubby chops, even if I do say so myself! ha xx

How you getting on today, any plans for the weekend? xx
Glad to hear you are doing well. !
That is how I look at it , " just get it done " I have been round and round so many times ,
I have a restful weekend so just got to stay strong as I have an ex who loves to fatten me up to stop me meeting a new man !!