Yep it's great to be able to talk to people who 'get it' just think of it as the pain barrier at the gym for first few days- xx
Yep my fella and family think I'm crackers for not eating! But I work in a school and I'm using this week to get over the hard bit! Easier at home! Xx
Haha I used to go when I was younger and stay for ages and went through the pain until I couldn't be bothered going back! Xx
I would tend to agree that it's easier at home but my husband has just walked in from work and started cooking aaah!! I volunteer at dog kennels whilst my kids are at school so at least that's a bit easier than a school staff room!
I find it easier as its a special school and we take them out every day and go where they want to- so much temptation! I remember last time i used to do everyone's head in asking them of I could smell their food-! I felt comfort in it- defo not at that stage yet! Xx
Ahh what a lovely job. I used to be a teaching assistant at a secondary school. Zero hour contract though and once the kids I were given left that was the end of my job. My first time on lipotrim was great once I reached that stage, I baked loads and just loved to smell everything. But yea that seems so out of reach this minute
It has its rewards whilst being extremely challenging! I've only been there a few weeks before then, I used to be a domicillary care manager- completely different and I get much more satisfaction from this job but I've only got the contract until July this year so a little scary after that! Hey I'm completely certain that we are going to get to that stage where we can get by just smelling the food without sampling it very quickly xx
It's great when you have a job you actually enjoy doing, that's why I've ended up doing voluntary work and have really missed it over the holidays. Yes we are going to get to that stage again and can read back on this and wonder what we were fussing about lol
You'll be glad to get back! I can't wait for that time- I'm hoping i can warm up- been really cold last couple of days! Perks of lipo! Xx
I'm always constantly cold. I've actually had my coat on all day ha ha it drives my husband mad. Anyway I must get off to bed, end of day 2 for me! Good luck with day 3 and thanks for keeping me somewhat sane today :)
Im sat here with my onesie and hoodie on! Pure class! We made it through the day Yayyyy! Pat on our backs :) sweet dreams chicken I think we've kept each other sane! Xx
Aw hun just keep thinking possitive, you know you can do this and you have a great support here! Once your in the swing of things again you'll be fine! Good luck! x
Day 3

Not "starving" today but still feeling hungry. Didn't sleep too well, a very noisy rumbly belly kept waking me. Just had my first shake, feeling more positive today and looking forward to reaching ketosis :)
Frankiebaby! Well done! I'm just having my first shake of the day typing this while I drink it so I don't bawk! I slept a little better yesterday but woke up in the most foul mood! I need to do something to keep busy but haven't got the strength yet! I'm trying to keep the positiveness and taking it hour by hour! Xx
Hi kath, if youre not in a rush to do anything try pampering yourself a little, have a long soak in the bath with a magazine, take time doing your hair make up etc. time soon passes and you'll feel a bit more refreshed and ready to take on the day :) well that's what I've done this morning and its already 2.40pm
Thanks frankie I've had my bath and made myself busy, ill be reet bring on the ketosis! Xx
It can only get easier :) I'm off out to stock up on the soup satchets, only have vanilla and strawberry and need something hot today as the weather is pants where I am. Once we've reached ketosis all will be good lol stay positive x
Good you're stocking up! I like this! Ongoing and downwards! xx
Back from town and picked up my soup. Not feeling so good now though as I got a puncture on way home and tyre is now as flat as .......I'd like my belly to be :(