*deep breath* my journey to a thinner / healthier me

emm my biggest problem is binge eating and i really struggle with it, the only way to deal with them is to draw a line forgive your self and get on with the new day xxx

you tend to put a little too much pressure on your self honey, you are addressing your weight and losing more than you gain and that's a positive thing.

you have a lot on your plate with the holiday and the wedding etc, so give your self a break. keep chipping away honey, the fact you care enough to do something means you will succeed xxxx
I don't know why, but when I have a bad day, I feel awful and like I'm letting people down, despite me wanting to lose the weight for me and only me. So to feel like that just doesn't make sense really.

I finished on a 100% day yesterday which I'm really chuffed about, let's just say it's the first one in a long while. I have no idea what the scales are going to say tomorrow morning, but, if it's a gain, then I'll deal with it, I know I do well when I stick to plan so that's what the next fortnight is going to be about, just getting through one day at a time. It probably means I'm going to go through a hell of a lot more fruit and yoghurt, but at the end of the day a bowl of fruit salad is going to fill me up more than a couple of ryvita with chocolate spread.

I have to say I'm dreading getting to the airport 2 weeks on thursday because Chris has mentioned that he wants to go to burger king :eek: And in all honesty I'm not too keen on the idea. There'll be plenty of places for me to go, I'm thinking Starbucks at the moment so that I can get an icy slush drink thing and a sandwich, not on plan, but definitely better than a burger and chips. And there's loads of options so I won't be limited to just Starbucks.

Ok, so my food plan for today

Brekkie - grapes, strawberries and blueberries
Snack - muller light (it's the mint one or I'd be tipping it on my fruit lol)
Lunch - tomato, cucumber, lettuce, cottage cheese, sliced chicken breast
Snack - mugshot, apple slices
Dinner - couscous (3 syns), salad and pork steak with honey glaze (2 syns)
Snack - dark rocky road from my graze box (9 syns), muller light
Syns - 14
I don't know why, but when I have a bad day, I feel awful and like I'm letting people down, despite me wanting to lose the weight for me and only me. So to feel like that just doesn't make sense really.

I finished on a 100% day yesterday which I'm really chuffed about, let's just say it's the first one in a long while. I have no idea what the scales are going to say tomorrow morning, but, if it's a gain, then I'll deal with it, I know I do well when I stick to plan so that's what the next fortnight is going to be about, just getting through one day at a time. It probably means I'm going to go through a hell of a lot more fruit and yoghurt, but at the end of the day a bowl of fruit salad is going to fill me up more than a couple of ryvita with chocolate spread.

I have to say I'm dreading getting to the airport 2 weeks on thursday because Chris has mentioned that he wants to go to burger king :eek: And in all honesty I'm not too keen on the idea. There'll be plenty of places for me to go, I'm thinking Starbucks at the moment so that I can get an icy slush drink thing and a sandwich, not on plan, but definitely better than a burger and chips. And there's loads of options so I won't be limited to just Starbucks.

Ok, so my food plan for today

Brekkie - grapes, strawberries and blueberries
Snack - muller light (it's the mint one or I'd be tipping it on my fruit lol)
Lunch - tomato, cucumber, lettuce, cottage cheese, sliced chicken breast
Snack - mugshot, apple slices
Dinner - couscous (3 syns), salad and pork steak with honey glaze (2 syns)
Snack - dark rocky road from my graze box (9 syns), muller light
Syns - 14
Your plan looks good Emily and well done on your 100% day. I wish you many more. And it does get easier as the days tot up. It's a good feeling too isn't it. :D:D:D
Well done on your 100% day :)

Sorry I've not been about much so here's a :bighug: for you x

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100% so far :woohoo:

I'm not having couscous or honey with the pork tonight, so treated myself to an extra snack pot from my graze box which was 5 syns, so I'm still on track.

I've been sat out in the sun and have caught it slightly on my front and my arms. I might go out in it again tomorrow, but trying to be careful not to burn because I don't want my turkish bath to be painful - it's a sauna, followed by a cold shower, then a scrub down and then a massage with oils. It made my tan last so much longer when we went in 2009 (we went at the end of June and I still had tan lines at the end of december), so I'm definitely having one on our first day there. I look quite red at the moment, but by tomorrow morning I'll be nice and brown, it's really weird, I've always tanned like that :giggle:

I also figured that I haven't had my hexa or hexb for today, so I'm debating on whether to have 3 babybel lights and a weetabix oaty bar, or weetabix and milk :hmm:

EDIT** It looks quite sore doesn't it? But I promise it isn't :D

Would you believe me if I said it wasn't burning? :giggle: Honestly, I'm a good girl about the sun, when it starts getting like this I mix some factor 50 in with my moisturiser so that I have some protection because I know it'll be less effective :D
:eek: dinner was absolutely amazing, I put the pork steak in a roasting bag with an oxo cube, paprika and garlic salt and cooked it for an hour and it came out soooooooo good :drool: And I had that with a load of tomato and cucumber and a big dollop of cottage cheese. Am just snacking on some apple slices at the moment.

I'm going to have weetabix for supper tonight, so I can use my hexa and hexb, plus it won't be too stodgy on my tummy :D

Am a bit nervous about wi tomorrow, but I keep reminding myself that whatever happens I'm back on the right track again :)

Ok, food plan for tomorrow :D

Brekkie - grapes, strawberries and blueberries with mullerlight
Snack - melon
Lunch - prawn salad (4 syns for lots of mayo)
Snack - apple slices, cracker mix (5 syns)
Dinner - ragu pasta bake :drool: (hexa)
Snack - weetabix oaty bar (hexb), mango and pineapple
Syns - 9

Off to look at hair dos now. I've booked to have my hair cut next week because going lighter really didn't agree with it, so I'm thinking a choppy bob at the moment, but not quite 100% sure yet :D
Oooohhh your dinner really does sound gorgeous :drool:

Try not to focus too much on what the scales say tomorrow. What is most important is that you have drawn a line under it and are now back on track. You can do it Em! :D
I agree, that pork for dinner sounds YUM! Might have to steal that idea off you at some point :) Well done on another 100% day! :D Hope WI goes well for you tomorrow x
Well done on the 100% day, keep remembering how good you feel at night when you go to bed knowing you've been 100%.. there's no better feeling! it'll keep you going all week :) Good luck for WI too! X
Just done WI and it's 2lbs on.

You know what though? I think I'm ok with it. I was honestly expecting more because of the weekend, and it's not as though it's going to be with me forever is it? If I have a good week (which I'm planning on doing), then I'm sure I can lose those 2lbs and maybe an extra one as well :D

Next tuesday we're going out for lunch with my cousins and it's going to be wetherspoons I think. Does anyone have any idea what I can choose so I can stay as close to plan as possible? I was thinking a chargrilled chicken burger and salad because then I can give Chris my bread and it should be fairly low in syns then.

I'm just waiting for the sun to come out a bit more and then I'm going out into the back garden to read for a bit, I'm going to slap some sun cream on and just chill out for a few hours I think
Well done Em - loving your attitude. You're exactly right, it's only a temporary gain and will soon be gone again :D

I'm sure I read somewhere that Wetherspoons are now doing chicken skewers that come with salad and some sort of dip on the side. Don't quote me on it, but I'm sure that without the dip it was either free or very low in Syns. I'm sure if you do a search you'll find it. That could be an option maybe?
Oooohhhh thanks hun :D just looked it up and yep syn free without the sauce, so that's my lunch sorted :woohoo:

I'll probably have the same on monday when we go to manchester (I'm sure there'll be a wetherspoons there somewhere), and I'm going to make up some ragu pasta bakes when we're at his mum and dad's so that I can freeze them and stay on plan when we go over later in the year etc :D
Well done Emily! Fab attitude to the temporary gain x

Wetherspoons do a 5 bean chilli and that's free if you don't eat the tortilla chips :D

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Yay, another option, I can have the chilli one day and then the chicken skewers the other day :D

Thanks ladies :bighug:

The sun is out, I just need it to come further across as the back garden is a bit chilly at the moment :giggle:
The sun is indeed out. I just need to not be stuck in this office until 4pm :( lol! Nevermind, am going for a nice walk after work so will hopefully get chance to enjoy it then.
I'm meant to be going down to mum's today, but I'm just so tempted to make use of the sun while it's here and get loads of washing done. I might text Chris and tell him that I'll go down there later on today once the sun is going down :D
Can you send some sunshine my way , I've got 100% cloud drizzly rain and foggy but that is lifting slightly , but half way to the top of the tower is still missing