Deflating the Bouncy Castle

Spangles that's an amazing weight Loss!

Also I know what you mean about the "what if aspect of this diet"..... How far could I go, I mean for the first time in my life I could be classed as skinny/slim- is this what I want..... I don't know? All I know is I was happy as. 12,14 and even sometimes as a 16 as I like you have curves boobs and a bum! Having recently read your entire diary, go back and read your first were happy then! Remember what and who you are doing this for then you can make that decision. Life is for living and if you can do it and want to then you go girl! Just remember to live and love life :)
thanks lovey. I was happy as i was. you're right. i don't *think* being slim would make me happier, but who am i not to want something most people seem to want?
indeed! party time - mine's.... an evian. :hmm:
i know! five more weigh-ins before i step up. should get at least another stone off, i hope.
Freaking meakin lady, you star! Bloody brill, dead good and amazing! You are gonna beat me at this rate!
i don't do races, poppet.

(when) are you going to step up? are you going to do the whole seven weeks?
Well done on the WHOOSH!!!! :D

*does a dance round the living room then sits down from fear of passing out*
ClaireCat said:
Well done on the WHOOSH!!!! :D

*does a dance round the living room then sits down from fear of passing out*

:) and agreed, well done Spangles.x
Well done spangles. I had a successful night too...11lbs off in the first week!! Woo Woo!!! Xxx
Thats great losses hun. I wish I had some of your will power, I am really struggling now. :(
it's just fear of having to get into keto again. of it being harder work than it needs to be.
congrats on your loss this week spangles, and your total loss overall.
its really exciting that you are really starting to see your future after Cambridge hurtling towards you!!
i know everyone says it but your words on here are really inspirational and you do deserve all the happiness in the world :)
thanks. :)
progress shot on saturday.;)