Deflating the Bouncy Castle

i could do 4 packs a day this week - do you think i should try that, mama? would that make enough of a difference?

Studies show that you will as much (if not more) on 800 to 1000 calories a day as you will on 460. This is because yout body goes into "starvation mode" and fights very hard to hold on to everything (including water) and also slows your metabolism down to the bare minimum (your core body temperature actually drops which is part of why you feel so cold on a VLCD).

The Four packs -- still allows for the "taking food out of the equation", but will give you a bump up in calories -- hopefully enough to kick-start your metabolism (exercise would have the safe effect, but you've ruled that out).

I am person who always sayd that "Your body does not know it is weigh day". And, this is true -- if you are following the diet: YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT. This week it might only be under a pound, but next week it could be (and should be) significantly higher.

I have a friend who realised by using those water/fat ratio scales -- that her ratios shifted... more and more water... then she'd drop weight (lose fat) and the ratios reset. In other words, you really are in all liklihood retaining water... but drink your water -- and it will flush it out.

There is truth in the saying, "The more you drink, the more you shrink." Just space it out over the day... not all in one go.

Happy Birthday!

and everything crossed that the extra pack will do it's magic.x

either you do need more calories so it will work, or you don't, in which case you will get a delayed whoosh (and stepping up to SS+ won't hurt as it isn't much more calories)
Dear Gorgeous Spangleiscious! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have a wonderful,wondeful day! I'm sure that goregous hubbie of yours will spoil you!!

On the diet front I saw my Consulant and discussed how upset you were (as I was still feeling so sad for you this morning) and her thoughts were along similar lines to what I suggested up the calories for a few days but keep in ketosis. Mama's suggestion of SS+ with the 4 packs seems just right.

Big hugs! xx

ps got the new version of the book. It looks exactly the same. Consultant said that CWP have not given a list of what they have changed, I'm going to go through again the previous spiral one I have.
thanks for doing that, petal.

I'm already two packs down for the day, so i'm either fully commited to the extra pack, or i'm going to be bloody hungry later!
Hi spangles,
firstly Happy Birthday :birthday:
secondly :wow: you have done so well.

I am a returner to cambridge, did the diet in 2007/2008 and lost 6 stones in all and like yourself was well determined, no cheating or giving in just got on with it and did well
Came of it for an op i needed and never did get the motivation to return, so 4 years down the line i have gained 3 stones of what i lost, my own fault i ate crap and didn`t exercise, i became to comfortable in my larger size.
I need to really shift this weight now due to a few health probs and the fact that i`m only 5ft tall and weigh over 18 stone.
Anyway i just wanted to say how impressed i am with your journey and it`s given me the boost i needed to succeed myself
It is people like you who inspire us newbies or returners.
Once again well done :D

I Made this just for you - now you can just sniff it...ok? Just a quick wiff...

Happy (no carb) birthday treacle! Hope you have a blast inspecting the dandruff on the shoulder of the theatre goers in front of you up in the nosebleads!
Thanks for all the birthday wishes. Inspired cake, Nat... who knew Rockabilly and 38 would meet in a cake?! :D

Theatre was fun - first act was not my thing at all, and husband hated it, but it got much better after that. Our restricted view seats were cheap but fairly dreadful - we were at the side, up in the gods and you had to lean right forward to see past the people doing the same inbetween you and the stage. which would have been hard on the back as it was, but we were sitting on the padded ledge / bench thing: far to high for even my husband's feet to touch the floor. Still, it was only a tenner each and at least i feel like we did 'something'. Also - hadn't been to the theatre for nearly six months, so that in itself feels good.
Hyappy belated birthday Spangles.

The theatre is such a good outing on this diet. After going to see the Lion King (which was appalling in most parts but beautiful) OH and I have decided to go much more often. Glad you enjoyed it despite seating issues xxx
it is a good thing to do, but i think i've been less in the last five months than at any time in the last few years. usually go every couple of months - get cheap tickets to see something at the national etc... but i think i'm out of the loop. haven't been with school either. too stressed to faff about planning a trip.
Hi I read what you said about your loss the other day this diet is one full of highs and lows its a wonder we dont go completely insane!Reading through your losses which like mine are pretty erratic it does look like you are due a biggy within the next couple of weigh ins.I think the 4th pack ss+ thing is a good idea I agree with the thing about hitting a wall.I hope you are getting on ok with that. I did think though when it comes to your refferral( without reading back through I cant remember how much longer you had given yourself on ss) is it at the doctors with the scales where you weighed much less? I just wondered if their scales might be much more generous would it be worth asking them if you could pop in just to be weighed so you can see how much more you have to go? Also it may be time as you approach the end for...........a colonic!!!Its the numbers on the scales you need and everyone i have spoken to who went to the loo regularly still have lost 2-3 lbs plus so might be worth considering.Anyway hope you had a good birthday and are feeling better about it all
Oh gosh can wholeheartedly recommend colonics! They really do make you feel lighter - mentally and physically!!

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Me too weirdly! I have been for a course in a past life and it was quite good - obviously not the event, but my skin was glowing for weeks after treatment and you do feel great!

By the way, I told you, the cake was bespoke for your birthday, but I had to give it to the homeless as neither you or I are allowed maderia sponge in our lives, even if it is covered with swallows and a royal flush.
well at least the homeless people got their RDA of food colouring...

I had thought about a colonic as an emergency, day-before-doctor's appointment thing. don't know if i could be arsed (heh!) with a whole course, but just one would budge some weight, right?
I used to have 3 a year - I am sure first time I lost 5lbs! Then it is less each time! I cannot wait to treat myself to one - but my lovely lady is in Kent and I now live in North Yorkshire :(