Deflating the Bouncy Castle


edit - in fact, shoe-incontinence from Miss Ca-ca!
Thats it, im going shoe shopping tomorrow!
OH MY GOD - I cannot believe you had a shoe session without me!!

Spangles, these have just come out in Irregular Choice, which as we all know is my most favourite shop ever (this week) and every time I see them I wonder if this is something you would like -

Irregular Choice | Womens | Poetic Licence | Poetic Licence He Right Stripe

or these -
Irregular Choice | Womens | Irregular Choice | Frog March

They have a whole new range out.

NOw these are the ones I am after - with matching clutch

Irregular Choice | Womens | Irregular Choice Mutiny | Posie

Irregular Choice | Womens | Vegetarian | Patty Clutch Bag
This is like Shoe Porn - most unsavoury for a Friday lunchtime!
I have the blue version of the Union Jack's with the higher heel though, a right mischief to keep clean as they are felt x
I think that's settled my next target present too.....I love all these shoes!!!! Xxx
This is like Shoe Porn - most unsavoury for a Friday lunchtime!
I have the blue version of the Union Jack's with the higher heel though, a right mischief to keep clean as they are felt x

Argh - don't say that. I just bought the low heel black ones. I want low heel that I can wear with my jeans day by day.
Just get something to protect them. I tend to go to some low down dirty places in mine, those places are not a friend to the felt shoe!
Sorry again Spangles...... maybe we should have had a shoe/boot thread xx
Hmm - so much to do today. I think I will have to go and start the job list by giving my shoes a cuddle *bye*

These are very similiar to a pair I have in my wardrobe (except mine have skulls on them) that I can't wear cos I have a metatarsal problem, so I'm stuck in flats just now. I'm hoping that a few stone off I'll be able to wear all my lush shoes again.
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oh my god, egbert - the red spotty ones!

sadly, though, i find Irregular choice shoes really uncomfortable. wrong shape for my feet. I have a similar problem with louboutins (sp?) - which is what i believe they call a high quality problem. Choos fit me fine.
OH MY GOD - I cannot believe you had a shoe session without me!!

Spangles, these have just come out in Irregular Choice, which as we all know is my most favourite shop ever (this week) and every time I see them I wonder if this is something you would like -

Irregular Choice | Womens | Poetic Licence | Poetic Licence He Right Stripe

or these -
Irregular Choice | Womens | Irregular Choice | Frog March

They have a whole new range out.

NOw these are the ones I am after - with matching clutch

Irregular Choice | Womens | Irregular Choice Mutiny | Posie

Irregular Choice | Womens | Vegetarian | Patty Clutch Bag

Oh my giddy aunt... THANK YOU for sharing this site
I'm disgusted at you all. Not only are you talking about my two favorite things, aside make up that is, but you are openly discussing spending money on them.

Although I have some delicious shoes, I am no longer able to fullfill my desire to buy more than one pair a season due to the liabilities of not being independantly wealthy and having a family to support on public sector pay. Like spangles I actually earn well according to my kin, just my husband doesn't! So no money for me to spoil myself with, still I bet the nursery manager has some killer kicks to saunter around in the money I'm paying her!
bettiesrevenge said:
I'm disgusted at you all. Not only are you talking about my two favorite things, aside make up that is, but you are openly discussing spending money on them.

Although I have some delicious shoes, I am no longer able to fullfill my desire to buy more than one pair a season due to the liabilities of not being independantly wealthy and having a family to support on public sector pay. Like spangles I actually earn well according to my kin, just my husband doesn't! So no money for me to spoil myself with, still I bet the nursery manager has some killer kicks to saunter around in the money I'm paying her!

Haha a little bitter perhaps? Good to see you back xx

I feel like such a heel I missed all these sole bearing posts this afternoon. I was tounge-tied by not having put my best foot forward and having to shuffle off and wear out some shoe leather.

Well I didn't get my uggs as they didn't have them where I went so got these instead!Buy Suede High Point Court Shoes from the Next UK online shop they are much brighter in real life and reminded me so much of the 80's I had to have them lol!

Hope everyone else had successful boot shopping ;)

Sent from my iPad using MiniMins

Aren't those Elton John's shoes? ;)

OH MY GOD - I cannot believe you had a shoe session without me!!

I KNOW -- the queen of shoe shopping!

They have a whole new range out.

NOw these are the ones I am after - with matching clutch

Irregular Choice | Womens | Irregular Choice Mutiny | Posie

I'm ordering these tonight! ;)

I am sooo going to wear them when I go back to the U.S. this summer!

These are a pair of current favourites.

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Morning Spangles!

Oh mel love ya, trying to talk oh in to going shopping this weekend, have seen shoes in sale I might add and I want.

Following my advice I see: you have to take your shoes off to try others on... and IS there anything more fun than shoe shopping?

Might need to get yourselves some 'SNOW' shoes today LOL !!!!