Deflating the Bouncy Castle

Love it Spangles - you look F.A.B.
I love Get Cutie, I have a couple of amazing things from them which you just don't see anywhere else.
And I'm with you on the boobies, mine are quite a spectacle when hoisted but un-hoist and it's a sorry sight........ :0( Not that my husband thinks so :0) xx
Wow so gorgeous love the curves n the smile n the dress! X
that is a fab dress and i've said it before and will say it again - Sooooooooo jealous of the hourglass shape.
and OMG how much thinner do you look compared with photos from really not very long ago.
sweetie you look fab! dress is fab but yes there is a BUT..........the dress is too big on top! the sleeves are way too big! i know you have said you hate your arms but seriously the sleeves need taking in ....if only to give a more 'couture' look. i obly say this because sew or used to sew but will sew again and i always have near perfect fitting dresses altered by my mum as i'm too last to do them myself.

You are titchy tiny! with perfect proportions! But I think you"ll nearly always have to get clothes altered to fit for that "perfect fit" as a result of CWP!. Can't wait to read your new thread!

You've inspired me in a way I never thought possible! I'm seriously considering doing a degree course in fashion in some way or another. I love dressmaking, sewing so your passion for floristry and your pics had inspired me to look into pattern cutting courses or a full blown degree at Northumbria university on a fashion course. Whilst I am still working on my relationship with food you have made me think of other things in my life that have been dormant for years.

Gorgeous Spangles, you are simply the best! x
Thanks all - but Kira, if I have influenced you in that way, that means more to me than any amount of weightloss influence (perhaps it shouldn't, but i'm a contrary cow). It's so hard to dare to think of parting the ways from our respected professions... but intoxicating and liberating and so fulfilling! You go for it!
So I had to look back to compare from your first set of photos (you know you need to do a comparison on each new one you put on right?), and inevitably started reading your diary again - this is what you said on Page 2, right at the beginning.......

"But... you know how when you start a diet you think "I've been doing this for 36 whole hours, how can that not be enough? why am i not thin yet?" Well there's a bit of that - although less than usual - but also I just have this total inability to believe i'm not going to eat proper meals for six months or more. I just can't imagine it - even though I want it to happen. It's so extreme and weird, you know?"

So now you know ;0) xx
Amazing my lovely and well deserved xx :)
heh - i did read that post the other day, actually. It really doesn't feel that long. Though of course it also feels like a lifetime, too. :D
Wowsers, you look fab! :clap:

But you know that - you can tell by the huge grin you're wearing in that piccie!

One of the things I love about progress pics - smiles get progressively wider... :D
aha - i rarely smile properly in photos because it makes my eyes wrinkly. [/vain]

on this occasion I was smiling because i'd just made my husband retake the photo, because i looked hunched in the first one. he was taking the p*ss. :D
Oh wow!

What more is there to say - fab figure, amazing curves and minute waste. Beautiful
Evening Spangles! Just had to log on to tell you this! Took the kids for afternoon tea in Hawskhead in a place called Minstrels Gallery, we'd been there earlier in the week and it was so lovely decided to go back today. It's run by a married couple and the husband bakes the cakes and bread etc and the wife is at front of house. Got chatting they've been there for 7 years and live above the little shop/tea rooms. They were both in corporate banking (before the banking crisis). He told us they made the decision to quite their jobs and use their lives savings to buy the property and business. They still have an apartment in London and they go there for their city fix now and again and just close up shop.

Following my inspiration from you with your passion for floristry and the chat with them this morning I simply can't wait to get home and look into what I am going to do as I know I'm unlikely to go back to the law full time. Oh! David Tennant was in there with Victoria Wood this morning!!! So of course our chat on the way back to our apartment was about Mr & Mrs Spangles for two different reasons!
Wowzers hot Mamma (to be!), you must be so pleased and proud when you can put a dress on like that and look so gorgeous. Really well done on the 6th stone. For every day of absoloute pain that has to worth it xx
Thanks Kay. Nearly at stone seven now, though!

Kira - you just sound buzzing with excitement. I'm so pleased for you! On the one hand, I envy that couple their savings-bought ability to start afresh, but on the other, I'm quite relieved we have no such fund - must be terrifying to take a risk like that!
Wow !!! x