Desperate to lose


Full Member
Hi everyone
I have been hovering over the exante posts for the last couple of days and so want to start but my problem is failure. I've done so many diets in the past and since having my 3rd baby I'm just desperate to lose this blinking weight. I've dieted for as long as I can remember with some success but have always regained. I'm definitely an emotional eater and that is definitely my problem. I'm not working as I have a young baby so if I do buy this failure really isn't an option and that is what scares me as my husband will be paying and i have failed in the past. I have come to that point where I know food needs to be taken out the equation as I dont seem to be making the right choices and I'm hoping quick results might give me the self discipline I need. I need to start caring about ME again as I've lost all interest (if u know what I mean) .:sigh:
I guess what I'm asking is there anyone else out there who thought they couldn't do this diet and have managed to stay on it. Everything else is fine in my life but my weight takes over and I don't want it to rule what I can and can't do anymore.
Can I do this ???
Yes you can do it, and yes it will work! :)

Name the 'diet' and I have done it - cabbage soup included :eek: - and I have failed each and every time.

I have clothes in my wardrobe from size 8 - 24 as a result of all this :cry:

For the first time ever I now feel in control around food. Like you, I am an emotional eater. Taking food out of the equation completely has been really liberating.

Yes, the first few days are tough. There is no denying that. Then it becomes routine. I am losing weight steadily - albeit not in the dramatic way some people manage.

I feel happy, healthy and no longer get out of breath on the stairs. I have rediscovered my ankles and my cheekbones!

The support here is great - I have never been one for forums before, but we all share a common goal.

Good luck whatever you decide! :)
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EVERYONE feels scared before embarinking on a VLCD which consists of food replacement packs.

YOU can do this if you really want it, if you have hit rock bottom and there is no other option then grab this opportunity, stay positive and do it. Buy yourself a note book and write a list of all the reason you want to lose weigh, why you cant fail. My husband bought me 7 weeks worth of packs and said if I gave up I was to pay him back every penny, I am near the end of week 7 and not come of the diet at all.

Like most people on here I was an emotional eater, I ate not to feel alone, I ate when I was happy, I ate was I was down. I ate ALL THE TIME! All I thought about at night was how disgusting I was, Id wake up in the mornign thinking I should take control but just went on the path of feeding and feeding myself more crap.

If I can do this YOU can too, but you have to really want it. Its not easy to start but now I am in the swing of it I feel great and in a routine.

Do it, be positive and give it 100% and you will be here giving other advice. You wont regret it!
Well done on your decision i'm sure you wont regret it. Good luck :)
Go for it! Once you get into then you will be so happy you did it. There is nothing to be scared off, you will learn so much about yourself while you are on packs. I know I have and I still have some way to go. Just keep positive and dont think of it as some awful thing, I try not to think about what Im missing out on think about how great it will be to go on holiday feeling and looking great, going out with friends and not hiding in the corner.

Good Luck and as I keep saying BE POSITIVE about it.
Set yourself mini goals to look forward to, maybe a new hair cut, or get your nails done; something thats not food related.

Deciding to do it is the first step, so stay positive - you can do it x
hiya it was my first day yesterday and although its early days im doing ok,i was so nervous about doing this diet aswell but im feeling so pleased that i managed to not eat or drink anything but the food packs and water

good luck for monday im sure you will do great
Yes you CAN do it. You have lost weight before. If you stick to it you can't fail. However can you then KEEP the weight off? Without putting a downer on it, if you acknowledge that you are an emotional eater then how exactly are you going to address this once you have lost the weight and start eating again? VLCDs are good as they give you that breathing space to consider how you are going to change your habits but unless you do exactly that then the weight will inevitably go back on. I speak from experience (currrently on my 5th VLCD) and gathering from your post, it seems that you know this yourself already. Having said this, I wish you all the luck in the world - VLCDs aren't always easy but the feeling of confidence when you've lost weight, as you know, is second to none...xx