Determined to be slimmer as I turn 40


New Member

Hi all

Have started my journey with 'Slim and Save' this morning, one banana shake down.. many more to go :)

I have struggled with my weight since I was 15, losing various amounts along the way only to go back to bad eating habits putting it back on and then some!
This year I turn 40 and I am determind to sort this weight once and for all.

Im sure I will be on here moaning at one stage or another, so hoping I can get support during the 'darker' times as I know this is going to be a hard road to travel alone.. like wise its great to read so many positive stories of fellow 'slim n savers' ;) looking forward to getting to know you all.

Day one of my diary: Sun is shining and the fruit shakes are not soooo bad, sure I will be back later to update on a 'hot food pack' lol

Sam :) x
Good luck I've just ordered my first load and will start Wednesday I have around 5 stone to loss x

I've done a week on Exante and lost half a stone, sole sourcing is the easiest diet I have ever done. I've ordered the S&S sample pack but will be using up my exante before I order any more, so probably will be starting S&S at the end of August. Good luck
Thanks guys :)

Well almost bedtime of day 3 on S&S.. Yesterday was horrible, not only did I wake to my TOTM I had rotten day at work (joys of working for BT!) and left it too long between food packs and felt awful last night.
Today has been much easier as I timed the packs better, but still thinking about 'real' food A LOT.

Day 4 here I come xx