Trini's fabulous weight loss journey...1800 cals per day

So, I need to start tracking my food again as I keep falling off.

Easter weekend was especially bad, so I need to get back in the zone.

1800 cals, here I come!
Well we had a weekend party, and I was out last night and I've a wedding on Friday but am happy to enjoy and get back on track next weekend
Morning all,

Trying to be as good as possible this week and actually workout 4 times (I have definitely been slacking).

Also need to start drinking a bit more water, as there are days when I have been introducing soft drinks (which I do not normally do).

Have a good week :)
I carry water with me everywhere

Porridge with (Apx cals 300):-

- Flaxseeds
- Chia seeds
- Preserved pineapple
- Canadian maple syrup
- Oat/apple topping

Lunch (Apx cals 580):

- Giant cous cous
- Chicken breast
- Stewed aubergine
- 100ml Mushroom soup + 1 mini bread roll

Dinner (Apx 600):

- Homemade curry beef
- Homemade egg fried rice
- Cucumber

Snack (Apx 35):

- Satsuma


- Gym - 20-min cardio + Upper body workout