Diarrohea :0(


Full Member
Hi guys
Really into this diet now! Have lost 9lbs! However.....
About once a week I have diarrohea. This has happened from the beginning. I don't know why but when it happens I feel washed out afterwards and off my food.
I'm unsure of what to do. Don't want to stop the diet as I enjoy and I can see my goal in sight! But if I go to the doctors surely the first thing they will ask is if my eating habits have changed?
Any advice gratefully received
There must be something agravating your tummy have you a diary to see if theres a common food ??????
No sweets or gum. Will try keeping a diary although it won't be very exciting as I'm mainly eating the same foods! I'm very boring! Lol. Have realised I started omeprazole at the same as starting the dukan. Apparently this can cause upset tummy so maybe need to see my doctor again :0/
what ever it is it will pass WW and FM xxx stick with it and hey WW is rhar a massive glass of wicked wine in your hand lol xxx