Diary Of A 'BIG' Girl.. 195lbs


Full Member
well about my 70th time on weight watchers but this time will be the time i stick..
firstly about me I'm 21 always suffered with my weight for as long as I can remember I no loner wanna be known as the 'fat' girl out of my small group of skin y friends.
Im currently 13st 13lbs hoping to be a healthy 10st atleast.. So a fair journey.

Im a mum to a 3 year old Gawjus little girl :).. I'm also a part time carer ATM witch is shift work so is hard to eat proper meals as always on the go!

Im currently on 31 pro points a day as far as I no and am doing weight watchers from home. I'm finally where I wanna be as a year ago I had only my daughter for support and to finish the last peice of the puzzle of happiness would be to reach my goal weight!<3 I'm a fuzzy eater who don't like exercise so I'm hoping I can get the support of mini mins and also hopefully be able to make some friend who I too can support back :)

My food diary so far today..

Week 1... Day 1..

Weetabix x2- 3 PP
125ml Semi-Skimmed Milk- 2PP

Fruit Salad- 0PP

50/50 Crust Awayx- 2PP
10g Low Fat Spread- 1PP
Ham- 1PP
KitKat- 3PP

thats my day so far if I'm adding up wrong please feel free to say :)
You can do it. My mantra is " Its time to stand up and finnish what you started!" nicked from BL :)
thanks guys- its nice to no there is alot of support!.. i believe i can do this!
was wondering whats some of your fav dinners?!
and how far on your journey are you how you dinding it?!
I only joined WW on Saturday :) But lost 3.5 stones back in 2007 through SW. Have put a 19lbs back on since I stopped attending group back in 2009. So my goal at the mo is to get rid of what have put back on and then look to future and see if I wanna lose any more. So far so good... but its been what 3 days heehee. Also at some point I need to ween myself of wheat for health reasons, caffiene and alcohol.... so yeah all the stuff I love! :)

So far I have fallen in love with warburton wrap pizzas and for a sweet treat, meringues with tinned fruit and yogurt :)

Look forward to swaping ideas with you.

Caz x
Final part of my food diary today

Gammon- 6PP
Half A Pack Of 'Mild Curry' Super Noodles- 7PP
Egg- 2PP

Total Daily Allowance-
27/31 Pro Points

Weekly Allowance-
Hey Cazzabelle..
I hope you reach your 19lbs & more if that's what you wish!
Oh I heard of them I wanna try and pizza with it! Are they the big squares for 4PP?
Totally worth it as you can pile it up with 0pp veg and 50g wafer thin ham for 1pp goes along way :D
Oo I'll have to defo try it once i been food shopping :D x
oh and a caramel crunch as a dessert -5PP

so 31/31 dailys &&..01/49 weeklys :) x
hi there here to follow all the best on your weight lossx
I have lost 2 stone in weight watchers since summer last year but went off track recently have have gained half a stone :( so in going back to basics tomorrow!

I really like roast dinners on ww. I used to have a chicken breast for 4/5PP depending on weight..cauliflower 'mash' which is just mashed cauliflower and full your plate with yummies like green beans, broccoli etc add a Yorkshire puding for 1PP and a serving of gravy for 1PP...that's 7ishPP for a yummmy dinner!

Also butternut squash is great, make it into chip shapes and roast for 0PP bns chips.

I always kept ww ready meals in freezer for times when I couldn't be bothered cooking or had little time to cook!

Hi bookworm thanks for following:) how's your journey going :) x
Hey star kissed that's a great loss any how!.. Great your going back into it!
Nice knowing I can have a lovely roast :) I love my roasts!
&& freezing foods that a good idea never thought of doing that :) x
I've been doing WW for 6weeks now and have lost 12.5lbs.Got 36lbs to go.I also love pizza wraps with homemade wedges! Very yum! I still enjoy a roast plus I made WW Irish beef stew for the first time a couple of Sundays ago,it was delish! I did do the old system WW in 2009/2010 but stopped going,few lifestyle changes and put the weight back on,so want to lose it and be determined to keep it off this time!
Mmm sounds lovely :)..
it good that you have the determination back!
Me I was at a staff meeting to day and they supplie lunch and I was good ish but bit worried as not sure what the pro points were? Could you have a guess for me?
I had a triangle of egg & cress sandwich. Triangle of chicken salad an triangle of tuna and sweet corn and 3x visits I'm guessing maybe 16PP all on whole meal bread they were brought from sainsbury x x
An lemon juice not to sure if it was sugar free- forgot to ask? :( x
Having a stressy I'm at work till 10 and chicken curry for tea tonight with no scales an no PP calculator which means I either have to have a sandwich for tea and I've had bread for both meals already!.. Or eat when I get home at 11pm!.. Also surrounded by donuts cake and Choc! Stressful day already :( x