Diary of a grubber


On a mission for boobs!

Hopefully this is my last diet diary. I've tried various diets over the years from S&S to Atkins to Cambridge. I lasted 2 months doing VLCD last year, but I lost the will and have done nothing but eat takeaways and junk food ever since.

i generally struggle to lose weight due to my pcos, and fast chip hand, but I'm now a the heaviest I've ever been for years and enoughs enough. So here I am, weighing in at 17st 9 3/4lbs this morning and on a mission.

Currently I'm spilling out of a size 18, and my first goal is to it back into my size 16s, and I'll take it from there. I'd love to be a size 10, but I'm not going to kid myself, I'm just going to see what happens.

Doing fine for my first day. I think the fact that I've done this before has made restarting fairly easy, so here's hoping I don't want to kill myself by the end of the week lol!
Day 2: Doing pretty well. Although I now know I don't like mild curry, and that the macaroni cheese, which I used to really like, makes me feel sick - which is a shame because it smells like wotsits, and they're lovely!
Thanks hunni!

although, I feel absolutely shattered this morning and could quite happily go back to sleep! Day 3 sleepies! Lol!
I hope I do wake up today tho because I have a driving lesson after work. I'm assuming its important to be awake for that?! :p
I think I may die from starvation today! Can't stop thinking about food! Lol!
lol it does get better as time goes by. what day are u on today. Im on day 5 and dont even think of food, even find it hard to have all my packs. you set yourself any goals.
Lol! I'm on day 3. I remember it gets fairly easy. More mind over matter than anything else!
Ive not set any goals this time round. Maybe I should do. He'll, I was even too lazy to take proper measurements! I measured my hips and waist yesterday, but that's been it.

I was going for the being blasé approach to it this time, if that makes sense? I was really rigorous with my weighing and measuring last time, with endless mini goals. Not sure whether its best to do that or not?
ye knwo what you mean, i think it becomes easier when it just becomes part of life.
I think if I set goals, and I don't make them, I'll get disheartened and comfort eat. I'm going for one day at a time, and see how it goes! :)
I didn't starve to death today, or fall asleep! Wooo!!! That's a couple of little wins right there! :)

And I rocked my driving lesson! Hopefully I'll rock the test at the end of the month (2nd time lucky!).

On a more diet related note, I had a cookies & cream shake for breakie, which was nice, veg soup for lunch, which wasnt not nice, it didnt really taste of much, but it was ok. ive just had spicy spag bol for dinner, which was pretty tasty - I put a bit of tobasco in it - lush! Got a choc vanilla & almond bar to go with my cuppa -I'm sure it will be lovely!
Hi how r u getting on? we are similar weights. I am currently 17st 11 and would also love to get to a size 16 as my first goal
You're doing really well! :)
i hope I have as much willpower as you!
I've been doing good, thanks. Not been hungry all day, but I got my TOTM (always happens to me when I low carb) which will no doubt continue or weeks. Which is good and annoying at the same time. Good because I have pcos and periods are quite a rarity, but annoying because, when TOTM becomes just 'month', it's annoying!

Since about 4pm tho I've felt really shakey and I think I might need to go to bed. Day 4 is just trying to test me! Lol!
You're doing really well! :)
i hope I have as much willpower as you!
I've been doing good, thanks. Not been hungry all day, but I got my TOTM (always happens to me when I low carb) which will no doubt continue or weeks. Which is good and annoying at the same time. Good because I have pcos and periods are quite a rarity, but annoying because, when TOTM becomes just 'month', it's annoying!

Since about 4pm tho I've felt really shakey and I think I might need to go to bed. Day 4 is just trying to test me! Lol!

I'm the same Hun I come on On vlcds and it just never seems to end! Hope u feel less shaky tonight. X
Yeah, it's a right pain. I think that's why I usually give up after a while, I can't take the bleeding anymore lol!
feel a bit run down this morning, like I need more energy, but it's Friday, so I can sleep all weekend lol!
Day 5: Feeling quite disheartened about it. Bit annoyed at myself that it's not even been a week and I'm already fed up with it. I was in the kitchen at work making a cuppa and I found myself staring at a roll thinking about all the nice things I could have in it.

i need to get a grip or this just isn't going to work.
Hello mrs!! Glad to see u back!! How r u???

Don't be dissheartend, u know it's all mind over matter an it's such challenging diet, I know u can do it!!!!

Stay strong!!! Xxxx

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