Diet coke chicken


Full Member
Made this it's yummy, any other quick meals anyone???
Stick some Chinese 5 spice in with the diet coke recipie too....... With egg fried rice :) lush!!! Easy syn free chinese or with noodles :))
Spaghetti Carbonara takes 10 mins!............

Pete’s Spaghetti Carbonara (revisited)

Serves 2


1Tsp English mustard
3 Eggs (ff)
4 Slices of smoked bacon, chopped in to strips (ff)
6 “Laughing Cow” extra light cheese spread (1Hea)
8 Sainsbury’s” sweet & spicy” chorizo slices (2syn per person)
200g Spaghetti (ff)


In a dry frying pan cook the bacon until crisp, remove and set aside.
In a pan full of boiling water, cook the spaghetti for 8-10 mins until “Al Dente”, drain and cover.
In the meantime, in a glass bowl, add the eggs, cheese slices, mustard and mix together.
Cook the chorizo sausage, when done add to the egg mix, with the cooked bacon and cooked spaghetti, return to the saucepan and mix well; cook until the eggs have set.

Spaghetti Carbonara.JPG
How about a Egg Mcmuffin!...........

Pete’s Egg McMuffin

Serves 1


1tsp basil
1 Sainsbury’s “be good to yourself” extra lean sausage (0.5syn) (ff)
1 Rasher of smoked bacon, fat removed, cooked until crisp (ff)
1 Egg, scrambled (ff)
1 20g Sainsbury’s “lighter” cheese slice (40% less fat) (1Hea) or (2syn per slice)

1 x 60g Sainsbury’s Wholemeal Muffin (7syns)
1 x 60g Sainsbury’s Wholemeal Bap (1Heb)

Sprinkle of garlic salt
Sprinkle of Aromat seasoning


Cut the sausage ends off and squeeze the meat into a glass dish, add the spices & seasoning, mix well. Wet your hands and roll the mix into a ball then flatten to look like a “burger”.

Spray a frying pan with Fry Light and cook the burger for 10-15 mins each side or until cooked. Also cook the bacon until crisp.

Break an egg into a dish & whisk with a fork until it’s scrambled, season, place an egg ring in a frying pan and cook the scrambled egg.

Slice each muffin & toast.

Plate up.

Egg McMuffin-2.JPGEgg McMuffin.JPG
Laura_Cook said:
What's the recipe please?

Chicken cubed, can of diet coke, chopped onion to taste, passata, worchester sauce
Brown chicken and onion
Mix passata with diet coke and a few drops of worchester sauce.....add to frying pan, bring to boil then simmer till sauce thickens and reduces....yum!
sounds wonderful. Just wondering what other fizzy drinks you ould use to give a whole new flavour ??